
The Tale of the first Pokemon Master

Tyler is reborn into the world of Pokemon due to an angel rewarding him . follow him in his journey as he faces heartbreak and victory all while living the dream he’s had ever since he played his Pokemon game when he was 5 .

TCT_5050 · Anime & Comics
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A Dream from the past

My mother told me the story of her past. She was 13 and in trainer school she was planing on following her family's footsteps. Both parents and her older brother and sister were all trainers. She looked up to all of them especially her older brother Lucas who had just competed in the rookie league finals making it into the top 16 in Kanto at only 15. He had just started his Pokemon journey that year and was already well on his way to becoming the strongest trainer there town had ever produced. His team consisted of 4low silver rank Pokemon and won mid silver which was his partner Umbreon . Apparently when they were younger my grandparents had bought there 3 children 3 Eevees that were all brothers. The family had decided to get together to celebrate her brothers great showing in the rookie league when suddenly the sirens started blaring. This could only mean one thing that a horde was attacking . Her whole family needed to go as was the requirement the alliance had set in place that all trainers in the area must help defend against any and all hordes. She was told to go stay with my father who at the time was just a childhood friend and was also still and school . Soon the minutes turned to hours and hours days but the horde was still on going . Finally after 5 days the champion of the region Samuel oak had succeeded in killing the leaders of the horde. Which caused the remainder of the Pokemon to flee as each species lost there alpha and no longer felt confident in winning. The death toll was astronomical with 70% of the trainers and Pokemon that fought dying in the grand battle. My mother then recieved the news that she was now not only an orphan but without a family. Alliance officials promised to help by giving her stipends and to see to a proper burial of her family and their pokemon but to my mother that didn't change that her world was shattered

After that my father's parents took her in as they were close with hers and felt horrible for the poor girl. They owned there own restaurant therefore they didn't need to fight, this caused my mother to wonder why her family had wanted to be trainers when they could have lived a peaceful life and still been with her. The tragic experience caused my mother to drop out of trainer school and start working and my fathers family restaurant. She had urged my father to quit as well becuase he was the last person she truly cared about left and her fear of something happening to him too gave her nightmares. But he told her he couldn't becuase he now had to grow strong enough to protect her . This caused my mother much heartache but she relented as the thought of the boy she liked wanting to protect her gave her a small bit of pride and joy . She then asked sunshine if he would be willing to help keep my dad safe though that he would always return back to her, he agreed when he saw mow much this boy meant to his partner and that he could relieve some of her worry by accompanying him. After my father completed trainer school and took my mother on his journey with him. She had refused to let him go without her . Eventually the fell in love got married and settled down. My father retired from being an active trainer and now has a job as a security officer my mother had worked part time at a bakery until she had me and now she just wants to enjoy having a family again.

After hearing my mothers story me and my father hugged her before he took me away to go take my afternoon nap before dinner. While lying in bed I was stressing heavily about how I could convince my mother to let me become a trainer one day . I mean I knew I could make her let me by threatening to run away or by being cold and distant till she agreed, but I didn't want to due it that way. I wanted her to actually accept it and be happy for me to follow my dreams. Eventually I realized what I could due and a smile grew across my face as I fell asleep.

When my mother came up at my room to wake me up and take me to dinner. After eating my portion, I decided to execute my idea. My parents sat down around me chatting idly. I looked at sunshine and asked "mommy, daddy I'm confused about the Pokemon how come they have different colors"

"Haha of course they have different colors silly all Pokemon look different from each other" my mom answered while pinching my chubby cheeks."

"No not that," I said . "How come sunshine,geo and gale have yellow inside them while king has orange? Is he sick?" My father dropped his fork at my question while my mother just turned to him while they shared a look of shock"

"Son what do you mean you see the color inside them." My father asked.

"I mean the ball that has color and how come not all the yellows aren't the same, Sunshine and Geo are but Gale barely looks yellow." At this point both my parents realized I could see the Pokémon's potential. They also realized that this gift of mine would cause me to be in serious danger if word got out. My mother now taking me in her arms asked " is that all you see sweetie." I smiled cutely and shook my head " no mommy I could also see a number over their head." My father quickly got up to grab a paper and pen and pointed at sunshine and asked me to do my best to copy what I saw. I nodded and then I put a look of concentration on my face as I 'struggled' to do my best to copy a 3 and 9 making sure to make it look as if a child had drawn it. My father gave my mother another quick glance before picking me up and putting my back in my bed telling me I should go to sleep again since I had such a fun day with his Pokemon.

(Mary's POV)

After coming back down the stairs I see my husband head straight to the liquor cabinet. He pulled out a rather expensive and strong bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass. I could tell from the look on his face he felt that same as I did , amazed but terrified. Proud becuase this was an exceptional gift and made her son special. What parent wouldn't want that. This could be of great use to society as a whole as the tests conducted by trainers to find out this information was very expensive and not nearly as detailed as her sons ability. But that's the issue it was too great, and it would certainly catch the eyes of those who wouldn't hesitate to use her son with or without his consent. Team rocket being top of that list. 'I can't let that happen to him not my baby. But how can I stop it. I could tell him to ignore it but then I deal I would be stifling Lucas and not letting him live up to his potential.' I knew the best way but I didn't want to admit it or even think about it . My body tensed at the idea I clenched my hands so tight I started to tremble, I bit my lip till it bled. "Honey," my husband whispered in my ear as held me. I didn't even realize when I found myself in his arms. "You and I both know that we only have 2 options right now." He continued as I shot him a glare trying to deny what I already know. "We either need to tell him to never use his gift suppresing him and have it be secret for the rest of his life. Or we let him use his talents to there honest and let him become a trainer that way he would be capable of protecting himself and use his gift however he sees fit. And we both know with that gift there is good enough reason to think he would become great even rivaling your brother who he is named after." I hated him in this moment. I hated that he brought up my brother, I hated how he obviously wanted Lucas to become a trainer. I hated myself for pushing William to let Lucas play with them today. But most importantly I hated that he was right. "Ok," I sighed "your right I could never be happy knowing that I would have our son scorn such a miraculous gift out of spite for my own past." As i said those words the realization that my little boy would be a trainer scared the shit out of me. But I knew it was really the best thing especially when I recalled the smile on his face when playing earlier. His love of Pokemon was plain to see and that smile was oh so reminiscent of my brothers . Lucas would surely achieve what my brother never got the chance to, I knew it in the bottom of my heart . I felt a conviction I never have before . He would become the first Pokemon Master .

there will be a small time skip before the start of the next chapter along with the introduction of a few new character

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