
The Tale of the Demon

A horrifically tortured teenager is sent to Japan, and discovers a life, and a power, that was not supposed to exist.

Goreleech · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

The Tale of the Demon: School in a New place.


He woke up as his ring tone went off, a loud air raid siren, and got ready for his first day of school. He showered, had a pop tart and an energy drink, brushed his teeth, put his uniform on and loaded the small shoulder back, as he did not have anything more to bring with him. On impulse, he slid his laptop into his bag. This was to put the school itself to the test, for this was the only thing he'd be willing to draw blood over. He considered slipping a knife into his bag but felt that was daring fate. So, he just left. He had his keys on a heavy bandolier clip and turned the deadbolt, only to realize he forgot his phone on his desk. He retrieved it and now satisfied he had everything he'd need for the day, locked up his room and set off for the campus. He walked at his usual pace, listening to a set of his favorite openings as he did so. He felt the bag bumping his leg, it was a decently sized bag, a long shoulder strap with red and black material, a pouch large enough for basically anything he'd need for the day, and it hung by his hip. It also made a convenient weapon if loaded with heavy books. It was a backup plan, and nothing more. He was walking along a wide sidewalk on the side of a two-lane street, his long legs easily eating the routes excuse for a hill. The city itself had a very peaceful atmosphere, unlike the desolate feel the other town conjured. There were a few shops on the roadside he passed, and he picked out a few students from the school in the windows, given their uniforms. He kept moving, passing a large open park with picnic tables, some graffiti-less, well-maintained park equipment like swings and slides. He noticed this point as a good sign for the type of neighborhood he now lived in. There was a strange scent in the air, one of noodles and what seemed to be a tree, but he had no idea what it meant. He passed an open front shop and the noodle smell was wafting from, it. must be a Ramon shop. Kinda cool. He then reached the main gate to the school and standing at the front gate was little Kiria with her clipboard. She was standing on a small box, as if to be taller. Tyler walked over to the cute little runt. She was tapping a pen on the board when he approached

"Mornin Kiria. Nice to know at least one person here."

The small girl squeaked in shock,

"Eeepp! Oh, it's just you! You scared me, Tyler."

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to sneak up on you."

She smiled kindly,

"I know. You move pretty quietly for such a big guy. And you're like ten minutes early, that's good."

"Well, Asuika told me classes start at 8 so I woke up at seven to give myself plenty of time. So, I got a question."

"Really? What is it."

"Where do I go? I don't know my way around so."

"I see. Ahh, if you go through those doors there, and bang a right the main office is right there. They'll help you. Id show you but I have to take attendance."

"I get it. Thanks. oh hey."

He saluted the girl and she laughed as she returned the salute. He then went on his way. She kept a large grin at their little inside joke.

"Oh? That your boyfriend?"


The speaker was a rather tallish girl with back length auburn hair, a wide grin, dark brown eyes, the same uniform as Kiria, but with shorter socks, the same light blue scarf and a noticeable bust.

"No! jeez, Aki, that's just Tyler. He's new, a new student. he was just asking for help!"

Her voice had a flustered tone and her face was a little red. Aki, just smiled wider and leaned in closer,

"Is that so? Seemed to be more than just a new student asking for help. That little saluting thing seemed serious!"

Kiria went beat red, and covered her face with the clipboard,

"It's a joke he started! I met him yesterday on a room inspection! Leave me alone!"

Aki just burst out laughing at the twin-tailed girls' obvious embarrassment.

Tyler just smiled as he left the small girl to the teasing. He entered the building and found a small locker section greeting him. He then remembered the small white shoes in his bag with a locker number. 56-j He found the locker in question and switched his footwear. I forgot just how anal their culture is about shoes indoors. He shrugged as he placed his outdoor pair in the locker, before closing it. He wouldn't bother to lock up shoes, so he went to the office to the right of the main entrance like Kiria had told him. There were a few students in the halls, and a few even stopped to check out the new guy, but Tyler coolly ignored them. The main office was a large room behind two double doors, and he entered as his usual quiet self. He approached the front desk and greet the receptionist behind the counter,

"Um, excuse me, but I'm the new student Tyler Naamani. I was wondering where I need to go."

His tone was soft and polite. The receptionist looked up and seemed to get a look of pity on her face, but she handed him a packet of school documents.

"here. These are your school ID, your classes list with teacher name and room numbers, a list of your student council representatives and class representatives. And a school map. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to ask your fellow students for help. Any questions?"

"No, thank you. I think this covers everything. Thank you for the help."

He then turned to leave,

"Hey, ah, one thing."

He looked back at the lady,

"Something wrong?"

"Just, that this school is nothing like the one you came from so, just remember that, okay?"

"I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for the heads up."

he left, and the now-saddened receptionist picked up a photo of her own son and hugged it tightly. Tyler sighed as he climbed the grand central staircase in the center of the large entry way leading to the freshman floor. As he understood it, his 7th grade level was just below the high school level 8th grade. He found his homeroom without getting lost and walked into the nearly empty room. The teacher was sitting at his desk, a large newspaper in his hands. Tyler approached the man.

"um, excuse me sir, But I'm Tyler the new student."

The man lowered his paper at his voice and stood up, finding that Tyler had two inches on him. He was maybe thirty years of age, with short brown hair, brown eyes, a clean face and wore the same uniform as the male students. He held out his hand as he introduced himself,

"well, that's refreshing. A student with proper manners. I'm Irigwowa Siyaki. But please just call me Ira. The other students do."

Tyler took the offered hand and shook it,

"Ira? You let students talk to you on a first name basis here?"

"Yeah, well we like to remember that we were also students too. Uh, can you let go? My hand hurts."

Tyler recoiled like he'd just been burned.

"I'm sorry, sir. It was an accident!"

Ira was shocked until he remembered the video Ausika had forwarded to the entire school faculty. Jesus. This kid merely underestimated his own strength, and yet he reacted like I was about to smack him.

"Hey, relax kid. You just don't know your own strength. And call me Ira, okay? Remember, you're in our school now."

Tyler just smiled meekly,

"I'll try to, Mr. Ira."

"Just Ira! Mr. Ira makes me feel old!"

"um, okay, sorry. Ira. feels weird."

"I'm gonna regret asking, but what would happen if a student called a teacher by first name in your old school?"

"Them? Nothing, just a lecture on proper respect."

"And you?"

"The teacher would beat me with a 700-page phone book, then the whole class would get a turn. It'd turn into a game of who could hit me the hardest, the winner getting no homework that weekend. Annnd I'd get beaten up in the hallway as well."

Ira just sat in his chair at the ruefully smiling boy,

"Why would you let them do that?"

"Because I learned it was just easier to take the pain then deal with the drugs, therapists telling me I was wrong for defending myself and the mental ward visits. Plus, after a while, nothing they did really hurt anymore, so there's that. So where am I sitting?"

Ira was absolutely floored by his explanation, but answered as asked,

"Um, I am gonna introduce you to the class when they get here, so for now, just take a seat."

"Sure. So, since this is halfway through the first quarter, is there anything I need to really catchup on?"

"Well, let's see. This is pre-algebraic prep. So, if you need formulas, I'd ask the students to borrow their notes. Other than that, that's really the only thing you need to worry about."

"Okay. Any other school stuff I need to be aware of?"

"Well, once the student body learns there's a new kid, they'll most likely come running to recruit for clubs and other afterschool activities. So be prepared for that. You WILL be required to join some form of afterschool activity to pass so be aware. Then there's the usual school festivals and other functions you'll be expected to help with."

"Do you have a rule for laptops in class?"

"If you have, you can use it for notes. The school's Wi-Fi password is KaraKonia. Just be warned the school monitors all sites accessed on school grounds. We don't have web blocks. So, don't abuse the schools trust."

"I understand. What about cellphones?"

"On silent and out of sight. If caught three times, it is confiscated, and you can collect it after school that day."

Tyler pulled his out and turned it fully off.

Ira nodded approvingly. Tyler slid his phone back into his pocket and thought for a moment,

"Okay, so is there a list of clubs and activities somewhere I can look at?"

"Certainly, it's on our school website. If I remember right, you get the log in info from the office with a packet of papers."

"This one?" he held the stack up.

"Yep. Your login info should be there. It's the main way the school updates it's club and activities guide. Now then is that all?"

"I think that covers it. Thank you. I'll take a look."

"Alright. But I'd like to surprise the students with the taller-then-I-am new kid. So, the library is just down this hall, if you'd like to put that student ID to use. Come back in about ten minutes. Okay?"

"Sure thing."

Tyler left the room and headed to the floor library Ira had indicated. He found it and walked right in. It was massive, easily the size of four classrooms put into one. The shelves were tall too, nearly above what he could reach. He smiled as he approached a girl behind the counter.

"Excuse me, but do you have any Smithsonian handbook encyclopedias?"

The girl looked up at him, and he was stricken by the single most beautiful pair of blue eyes he'd ever seen. They sparkled like sapphires from her large glasses, which were obviously a disguise, her long thick black hair was braided into thick ropes and tied over the front of her uniform, covering her taped down cleavage. Her uniform was the same as Kiria and had the same light blue ribbon. He hid his reaction well, as showing admiration of any sort for a girl had gotten him badly beaten many times at his old school. She smirked at his request and wrote down an aisle number and section ID. She handed it to him and returned to her book without saying a word.


He walked off, her blue eyes haunting him for some reason. He found the selection of handbooks, and even spotted the same military aircraft one he had been reading back in America. He grabbed it and another one on tanks, before heading back to the sapphire eyed girl. He placed the books on the counter and handed her his ID. She scanned it, and gave it back to him,

"These are due in two weeks. Would you like the receipt?"

"yes, please."

Her voice had a light quality to it, like a well-played flute. He was now immensely concerned by his reaction, so he smothered it. He took the slim paper and his books and slid them into his bag. He turned to leave when she spoke again.

"I'd appreciate it if you don't tell anyone that I'm faking my look."

He glanced back, and she was looking over her glasses, giving him a full view of her sapphires.

"Relax. I'm no rat."

He left the library, listening to her chuckle as he did so. His ten minutes were up so he returned to the now packed classroom. The door was closed, and he could hear Ira speaking, so he knocked rather loudly.

"You may enter."

Tyler slid the door open and approached the man taking attendance. There was a collective firestorm of whispered conversations and curious glances. Tyler paid then no mind as he took a spot next to Ira.

"Class, we have a new Student. Please introduce yourself."

"A pleasure. My name is Tyler Naamani. I look forward to making his life miserable together!"

That resulted in an outburst of laughter, the kids getting quite the kick out of his joke. Ira just sighed,

"Oh, crap. Another comedian."

This got another round of laughs. Tyler just stood there looking confused, which only added to the effect. Ira whispered out the side of his mouth.

"Well played. You'll be just fine."

he spoke up more loudly this time.

"Alright, enough laughing at my expense. Tyler take that empty seat by Kiria over there. Kiria!"

The now nervous class rep stood up.

"Yes, Ira?"

"I want you to help the new kid out. As class representative, I'm counting on you."

"Oh, great I'm in the hands of a capable politician."

The other students lost it. They had just barely recovered the first time, but now at the combined line of his sarcasm and the now red-faced girl, they just couldn't contain their mirth. Even Ira was heard to snort a little. Tyler had a smile as he went to sit next to the fuming Rep. As he took his seat she stomped on his foot, to zero reaction. She instantly regretted it, as her foot now hurt. It felt like she'd stomped on a rock. He saw her wince and instantly felt bad.

"You okay? Sorry if I accidently stepped on you."

She sighed,

"You're fine. I stepped on a rock is all. Now then, do you need anything while they recover?"

"um, a copy of the classes' formulas."

"Okay, here. You can borrow my notebook."


He pulled out his own notebook and started to copy the required Formulas.

"Wow, Kiria, you got neat handwriting. It's a nice change to not have to fight to read someone else's writing."

She blushed a little and looked down as her twin-tailed hair twitched like they had a life of their very own. Tyler wrote down the equations and handed her book back.

"Here. I owe ya one."

"It's nothing. Just let me borrow yours if I'm ever out and miss something."

"Sure thing."

Tyler then noticed a girl staring at him with a smug grin on her pretty face. Kiria also noticed and seemed to shiver a little under the other girl's gaze. He tilted his head, curious. She had Auburn colored hair, a light complexion and light skin too. Her eyes were dark brown, and she had a noticeable bust through the same uniform as Kiria. Tyler then ignored the staring girl as the lesson started. He did, however, make a mental note of her location so if she were to try anything, he'd be ready. Ira was instructing the class on the proper way to solve a rather long equation when he was paged on the intercom. He turned to that class,

"Alright class. I have to step out. Try not to mob the new kid too much. And Tyler? If they irritate you, just gave them that ice gaze you scared Rin with. That should do the trick."

As soon as the door shut Tyler pulled his laptop out and fired it up. Kiria was instantly impressed. So were a good few other students. Until he signed in and the roar of a tank cannon went off. It was his login sound, and it caused nearly all the students to jump.

"Heh. Gotcha."

He smirked as he connected to the schools Wi-Fi. He saved it to his preferred connections and was about to open up one of the stories he had been currently writing, when.

"well, well. Looks like we got a new otaku in our midst."

he looked up to see the face of the Auburn-haired girl that had been staring at him. He tensed, expecting something to come flying at him.

"ah, yeah. I'm an otaku. Is that bad?"

She seemed to pause before throwing her head back laughing.

"Okay, new guy. It takes guts to just come out and admit that to a girl. Particularly one you just met! I like you. Names Aki. Nice to meetcha!"

She held out her hand and he took it in what could barely be called a handshake.

"The hell was that? Gimme a proper shake!"

before he could speak up, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it as hard as she could. Aki was captain of the kendo club, and taught at her family's dojo, so she did not like be treated softly. She was also used to making people wince in pain from her strong grip. She was expecting the same thing, only

"Well, I can feel your grip at least."

Tyler had zero reaction whatsoever. Aki was surprised.

"Okay, you squeeze my hand now."

"I can't. If I do, I'll crush every bone in your hand."

She could not believe his words, the whole class couldn't. Kiria just sighed.

"Tyler, just give her a taste. She won't give up otherwise."

"Alright fine. I'll go as easy as I can, Okay? I don't want to hurt you."

Aki was getting more offended by the second...until he gave a little squeeze of his own. She dropped to her knees with a pained expression on her face. Tyler immediately released her hand, concern on his face.

"hey, you okay? I didn't hurt you Did I?"

Aki recovered, though she still had to wring her numb hand in the air a few times, a smile of awe on her face.

"Damn, dude. Okay, I apologize. I didn't realize you had such a stone grip. I'm fine, so don't worry. Let me get this straight. That was you going easy?"

"yeah. It was the least amount of actual pressure I could use that you could feel."

"Jesus. If that's you going easy, then I do not want to see you actually try. It felt like my hand was gripping a statue. I'm impressed."

She was laughing now. Tyler was a little confused, both at her reaction and the lack of a phone book to the face. He then smiled too.

"well, I guess you're alright then. Just don't get fresh with Little Kiria, understood? Otherwise I'll kick your ass!"

"yes Ma'am!"

"I like this one."

she was laughing at his response, then noticed his computer screen.

"You write?"

"Only bullshit fanfictions, a few original works, and basically me in some of my favorite anime genres."

She went behind to get a closer look.

"That right? HOLY, this one has over two thousand pages! This is just one story?"

"ahh, yeah. I just started it like last week? I got maybe four or five more that are twice as long."

"Twice as long? Okay, big guy. I wanna read one! Can I?"

Tyler was taken aback at her eager question.

"Ahh, well sure, I guess. I never intended for the to be read by anyone else though."

She seemed confused by this answer, as Tyler set up an email with one of his favorites attached to it.

"Why would you go to the trouble if you don't want People to read them?"

"Well, cause it gave me an out. My last school wasn't exactly welcoming of my existence, so I tried to find ways to escape. I tried suicide, but wussed out at the last second. So, I dove into the written word. Here, what's your-wait what's the look for?"

Aki and the rest of the class had stepped back,

"You tried to what?"

"hmm? What do you mean?"

"You tried to kill yourself?"

"ahh, yeah. twice actually. First time the friggin rope snapped, second, I could not force myself to pull the trigger. So ahh yeah, why do you look so shocked?"

Everyone seemed a little uncomfortable with his response. Then Little Kiria spoke up.

"Guys, he's been through a lot. So try to relax."

Aki, however wouldn't let it go.



"why try to kill yourself?"

"Well, it was either sweet oblivion or getting beaten with either bricks or cinderblocks for the next several years. Hell, one time, the principle hit me with his car, twice, in one day. Then made me work off the damages to the car."

There was a very loud silence. Tyler just looked at them,

"You okay? Hey Aki, I need you email so I can send the story."

She did not respond, she was looking somewhere between horror and disbelief. Again, Kiria spoke up,

"He's not lying. Or exaggerating. Everything that he said happened, happened."

Aki, along with the rest of the class spun to face her,

"How do you know?"

"Ms. Asuika and Ms. Rin said so. That's why."

The names of the two women were enough to convince them. Aki then turned on Tyler and grabbed him in a hug before he could get away, as she did so she felt his scars through his dress shirt. He then grabbed her arms and gently but firmly, pushed her back. A serene mask of calm on his face.


His voice a cool level.

"Please don't touch me again."

She just nodded as she felt so bad for the guy. Seeing her nod, he started to smile again.

"Coolzies. Now then, where am I sending this?"

She imputed her Email, and he hit send. She then stood back up and pulled her flip phone out.

"Do you have a cell?"

"Ah, yeah gimme a sec."

He dug his out and turned it back on. The startup sound played then the sound of plane engines firing up. His phone home screen another picture of Rias, this one with her wings out and a large red circle behind her. Aki smiled a little as she recognized the Busty devil girl.

"So, you're a member of the house of gremory?"

"I am a pawn in the service of Rias Gremory."

Aki smiled,

"We of the Noble house of Gremory look after our own like family."

"One thing: Rias, Akeno, or Asia?"

"aww duh, Koneko!"

"Acceptable. Proceed."

She smiled as she took his cell and entered her number and name.

"there, lets binge the series some time."

"You, my good lady, just became my new favorite person! Only thing is, do you prefer censors, or uncensored?"

"The hell do you take me for? Uncensored, obviously!"

"Good girl! I got the full directors cuts on my cloud storage, alls I need is a decent TV setup and we're golden! Oh, and one thing."


"who is your most hated bad guy in the show?"

"That prick that tried to kidnap Asia. You?"

"Same, but that Fred Selaman guy was also acceptable."

"Ah, earth to weebs, can I get your number Tyler?"

Kiria was holding a small pink flip phone.

"Sure. Here, I'll do it."

He entered his name and number and tossed it back to Kiria. He then noticed a shadow on the door.

"Hey, looks like Ira's back. Hey guys, I got a great Idea!"

Ira walked into a classroom of his students all greeting him with

"Welcome back Mr. Ira!"

He went red in the face, and the class started laughing at the prank. He then saw Tyler laughing from behind his laptop screen, clearly the mastermind for the class-wide prank. That sneaky bastard. That better NOT become a thing now! The teacher watched as Aki gave Tyler a hefty high five from her newly acquired seat in front of him.

"Miss Aki. Your seat is over here."

The seat in question was close to the board, where a boy with blonde hair was now sitting.

"Um, mister Ira. I was having a hard time seeing the board from back there, so Aki offered to switch."

"It's Ira. And is that so? Very well then. Sora, I expect you to pay attention. And Aki? You better pay attention and not flirt with that new kid."

"I'll make sure she does Mister Ira. And for the record, She's pretty and all, but I'd like to leave that mess for at least my second week at school."

Aki blushed, hard, while the whole class just went aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

"you're a dead man."

"Yes Ma'am."


Ira just sighed, and gave Tyler a secret smile, and went back to teaching his class. Although now every time a student addressed him, it was Mister Ira. That little bastard had instituted a new nickname for him in the space of an hour and a half! The rest of class passed without incident and the students hurried off to their next classes. Once they left Ira just sat back in his chair, and mused his thoughts aloud.

"That kid is gonna flip this school on its head. Things are sure gonna get interesting."

Tyler's next class was world history, so he headed over to the room. Aki and Kiria having different classes. He walked in to find that blue-eyed girl from that library. He took a seat in the same corner as the last class and opened his laptop again. His tank cannon went off and he jumped, as he'd forgotten to turn it off. The girl looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. The lady teacher came out from behind her desk at the sound,

"That was a Firefly cannon!"

Tyler was a little surprised at the lady's accurate guess. The teacher was a pencil thin, glasses wearing, red headed woman. She wore a green dress suit, and heels. She then spotted the stickers adorning his computer and marched over to his desk.

"Is that a P51?"

"ahh, yeah."

"a Messerschmitt BF109?"


"A focke-wulf 149?"


"that's an SR71 Blackbird!"

"Can I help you?"

She seemed to recover herself.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm just a little fond of Warplanes. Plus, that tank shot kinda excited me."

"I'm sorry. I turned it off. It shouldn't happen again."

She just laughed,

"It spooked me, that's for sure. But I love a good cannon shot! It makes my blood run hot!"

"Okay. Now I'm concerned."

Then the girl with the blue eyes stood up and approached the gushing teacher.

"Miss Yukino. You're going overboard again."

Yukino then seemed to get a handle on herself,

"Why yes. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I get it. If you'd like I can set different cannons to fire each day."

"I'd love that!"

"Alright, then."

Now satisfied, the eccentric teacher went back to her desk Tyler the turned to the girl with the gorgeous eyes,

"Ah, thanks for that."

She looked back at him with her eyes sparkling,

"No problem."

"What's your name?"


"Well, Melody. My names Tyler nice to put a name to the face."

She just smiled, her hands clasped over her waist,

"Same here. Now I have a request."

"Okay, shoot."

"I am to spend the lunch period in the library. I would like it if you were to join me for a chat."

"Sure. Do we have the same lunch period? I got second lunch."

"well, what a coincidence, so do I."

"Then I'll be there."

She gave a happily knowing smile,

"Of course you will."

She then retook her seat. Tyler was now on high alert. Something was up. His years spent in hell told him that, and that there was something else behind those eyes, something familiar. He placed the mysterious Melody on his to pay special attention to. The class was about to start so he just shrugged and opened a new word document for his notes. He caught the odd miss Yukino checking out his laptop every now and then. Least he hoped it was his laptop. For Melody, she never looked back his way once. Tyler was typing when he noticed a large polished shield hanging above the whiteboard. He then realized he could see directly into Melody's eyes from the convenient reflection. He then noticed that she had noticed and winked into the reflection. She gave a little smirk at getting caught and winked back. well, we gots ourselves a watcher. Interesting. He then went back to his notes. He would look up every once in a while and catch Melody gazing at him in the polished shield. As far as Tyler could tell, not another soul was aware of their secret staring. He had no idea what the blue-eyed Melody wanted with him, and if he was honest, didn't really care. He was more curious as to her sudden invitation. She was interested in him, that much was obvious, but the type of interest was what had him on edge. The last time a girl had invited him to a meetup, he'd been beaten by her five brothers. The odds of this happening were slim, but he was still going to exercise caution. The class went on and ended. Tyler now had a free period before lunch. Which meant he had a good hour and a half of downtime. He decided to find a corner and bang out the homework for his previous classes. He wandered over to a large open area he'd spotted the last time he'd past through. He found a solitary desk and set up shop. He took out the equations and other problems he had to solve and dove right in. He had just finished the math when his name was called. He found he knew the voice,

"Hey, Tyler!"

"oh, hiyya Aki. How's it hanging?"

She sauntered over and plopped herself in a seat next to him.

"Watcha working on?"

"Just finished Ira's homework. Was gonna start on Misses Yukino's assignment."

She froze,

"Wait. You already knocked out Ira's homework? How long it take you?"

"I dunno, ten minutes, if that."

"No freakin way. It normally takes us an hour to do it."


"Yes really! Let me see it!"

He handed her the paper, and sure enough every problem was solved. She then just looked at the confusing boy.

"If you wanted, you could hand it in now. He doesn't have a class."

"It's no biggee. I don't want to seem TOO eager. Ya know?"

"I hear ya. So, you also got Miss Yukino?"

"yep. She's quite the character."

"yeah, but we all love her for it."

"I bet. Hey Aki, I got a question for you."


"Does the name Melody mean anything to you?"

"Melody? You mean the library troll? Black hair always in a twin rope braid? What about her?"

"I ran into her checking out a book, and she got me curious. You know anything?"

Aki then got a smug looking grin on her face,

"Oh, you like her?"

"No. It's just she set a warning bell off in my mind for some reason. I tend to listen to my gut. It usually winds up being less painful that way."

Her joking demeanor died as quickly as it had appeared.

"well, you don't have to worry on that end. From what I hear, she'd also a transfer student. I heard she came from some high-end prep school near Kyoto. As far as I know, she's very quiet, keeps to herself, gets solid grades, and has never missed a day of school."

"What side of the bed does she sleep on?"

"Right. Wait what?"

Tyler burst out laughing at Aki's red face, then he noticed a familiar shadow ducking around a corner. His eyes narrowed, so THAT'S how it is? He sighed,

"Hey, Aki. Watch this."

He got up and ducked to the wall out of view of the corner hiding place. He then ghosted along the wall, till he was near the corner, then sprang around the blind turn. There was a little squeak, and Tyler led a startled Melody from around the corner. Aki was surprised by her appearance. Tyler made her sit across from the pair. The exit from the area directly behind Tyler. Aki was both surprised and a little concerned.

"Tyler, how did you know?"

"Get jumped from behind as many times as I have, and soon you develop a sort of radar. You feel people looking at you. Plus, I know how to use my eyes. There is not a soul who can sneak up on me. So then Melody, why are you following me?"

Melody had recovered from her shock at getting caught and merely smiled.

"What makes you so sure I was following you?"

"Because I've been feeling watched since I left the classroom. I know what being followed feels like, plus I kept seeing a shadow about your height and build ducking around corners and behind stuff. You left the classroom before me. Plus there's also the fact I spotted you in the reflection on the glass of that trophy case I was checking out ten minutes ago. You were hurrying quite a bit, but when I went to turn around, I saw you duck behind down a corner in a window reflection. I didn't do anything since you're no threat to me, but now I'm curious. Why are you following me?"

She sat back in her chair, her blue eyes shing, but Tyler could see the tiniest bit of panic in the sapphire depths. Aki was also curious too.

"This is new, Melody. Never took you for a stalker."

Tyler checked the time.

"I got lunch next. Melody, I will keep my word. I'll meet you in the library once I get my food. You WILL explain yourself. Or I will never speak to you again, even if I have to pay late fees. Understood?"

He then packed up his stuff and made to leave,

"Hey. I'll join you in the library too."

Aki was now chomping at the bit to find out too. Tyler gave Melody a hard look.

"Aki comes too. Understood?"

Melody nodded meekly. Tyler sighed and headed to the main cafeteria. Aki right behind him.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh back there?"

"Not really. If she's following me, then I need tom know why."

"It might be hard for her to explain."

"Well, then I should avoid her. She bothers me."


"She feels like a person with a big secret to hide. Plus her eyes."

"They are pretty."

"Yeah, but not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"I can read people's eyes pretty well, kinda necessary when you need to know who's gonna beat you with a brick later. Her's are very deep, and very guarded. Plus there's something…familiar about them."


"Yeah. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel like I've seen that look somewhere. It's like she reminds me of someone."

He went quiet as he descended into deep thought. He had no reference for this situation, so had no idea how to handle it. So he decided to just play it by ear.

"Hey, Aki. Where is the cafeteria, anyway?"

"Took that long to realize you don't know? It's this way."

He followed the feisty girl. The cafeteria was a boisterous place. Aki led him over to a large counter with a monitor. She swapped her school ID on a card scanner and picked out some light curry. Tyler followed her lead, and found his Account had well over several hundred thousand yen in the system. He selected a pizza for himself and went over to a vending machine he'd spotted. He got himself another energy drink and together the two of them headed for the library. The room of books was cool and quiet as they entered. Melody was sitting by a large window. Tyler went and sat across from her, with Aki right next to him. He popped the seal and got a look from Aki.

"That's your lunch? You're gonna struggle with gym after."

"I got a back up energy drink in me locker if I need it. Plus this is the American diet. So then down to business. Melody. Why were you following me?"

She sighed,

"Well if you have to have an answer. You fascinate me."

"Okay, why?"

"You mean you don't know?"

She said this with a lightly surprised voice. Aki blinked and got another smug grin on her face. Her reaction telling Tyler what he needed, given her personality.

"Look, if this is a roundabout way of saying you have a crush on me, then for both our sakes just come out and say it."

Melody seemed to go into deep thought at this statement. Aki was watching with a intensity of a wildlife photographer spotting a rare animal. Tyler had already devoured his pizza and was about to down his energy drink when.

"Very well. Tyler, I have a major crush on you. Does that make you feel better?"

Tyler placed his can on the tabletop before he squeezed in all over the place. Aki nearly choked. Melody was grinning triumphantly. Tyler recovered quickly enough from his surprise.

"Really? Well then, wanna go on a date sometime?"

Melody's grin vanished at his straightforward question. Aki was now beat red at the same thing.

"Hey, Tyler you're not supposed to just come out and ask!"

He looked at the crimson-faced girl, an expression of confusion on his face,

"Why not? She said she has a crush on me, I think she's pretty, what more do I need? I don't play games, and I don't hold back, in anything. So what's the problem?"

Aki threw her hands up in defeat at his straightforward personality. He chugged his energy drink and was about to get up to toss the plate and empty can out,

"Sure, Tyler I'd love to go on date with you, sometime."

He smiled,

"well alright then. Here, let me toss this and I'll grab your number."

Aki was blown away at the exchange. She then turned to Melody who was now smiling with triumph. He came back and slid his phone over to an eager Melody, who hurriedly put her number in. She the tossed her own phone over and he did the same. He got his phone back and looked at his new contact.

"Nice. A phone full of girls numbers, moving up in the world."

Aki elbowed him in the ribs,


Melody was still smiling widely at his number. Tyler thought it was kinda odd.

"Hey, Melody, is this the first time a guy's asked you out?"

She looked up,

"No, but it is the first I' actually accepted."

"Well, no pressure there. I'll come up with something nice. Plus I got like two hundred American to play with, if I'm not mistaken, that's like what, two hundred thousand yen?"

The girls were speechless at the number. Aki spoke up,

"Ah, yeah, that's pretty accurate. Is your family rich or something?"

"Not even. I just get two hundred American for fun money a month from my mom. As I understand it, the people at the school financial aid felt so bad about my last school that they kinda hooked me up. It's a little beyond me, but I essentially get a free ride here. Although that amount for the cafeteria menu seemed a bit much, but hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth."

Melody just started to laugh, her mirth sounding like a pretty windchime. Aki merely sighed as she understood the schools mindset. Tyler checked a clock. He had maybe another half hour until he needed to roll.

"Hey, Melody. What kinda things do you like?"

She then turned thoughtful.

"Well, I do like anime, and am a bit of a gamer. I also enjoy just walking around the city mall, and checking out various shops."

"Really? I can definitely work with that. What about food, anything special?"

"I love fast food, but I don't get to have it often."

"Girl, you sure you not Merican? Anything else?"

She leaned in, her slender arms on the table as she gave him a mischievous grin,

"Are you trying to get ME to plan our date for you?"

Tyler smiled as he mirrored her posture, but he placed his head on his hands,

"oh, how mean my pretty friend. I just needed some points to jump off. I got a few ideas myself. Though to be clear, I share a few of your likes myself, so this is gonna be good."

He spoke with a husky voice, and gazed directly into Melody's blue eyes fearlessly. Melody's hands started to tremble before she finally lost her battle and blushed hard. She then leaned back in her chair, trying to still her beating heart. Tyler chuckled as he got up, it was time for his gym class.

"well, anyway. I'll text you later with the details. I'm shooting for this Saturday. Sound good?"

Melody smiled,

"Todays Tuesday, right? That's seems fine."

"Looking forward to it. Give me a holler if you wanna do something specific or if anything pops up."

"kay. Bye!"

"Catchya later."

He headed out with Aki right behind him as she also had the same gym class. She was rather impressed,

"Wow, Tyler. I had no idea you were such a heartbreaker."

"I'm not. I meant every word."

Aki stopped dead.

"You're actually taking her out on a date this Saturday? Just like that?"

Tyler was once again confused,

"Why is that so shocking? She said she had a crush on me, so why not?"

Aki was beside herself,

"why not? Do you have a crush on her?"

"Not yet. She is very pretty, so that's a plus, and I want to take her out, what's wrong with that?"

She seemed like she was gonna throw a fit, but then just sighed.

"Just, don't hurt her like the others would, okay?"

Tyler stopped dead in the hall. He looked to Aki with a cold fury in his eyes. His voice a barely controlled growl,

"Let me say this once, Aki. I will not hurt her. If you think I would, then just get the fuck away from me."

He then walked off, leaving Aki feeling both scared, and ashamed that she had thought that about Tyler, who had endured so much pain at the hands of others, and still continued to smile. She had put him in the same category as the other boys, which he very clearly was NOT. She had hurt him by even thinking that of him. So now she had no choice but to hurry after him. Tyler was livid. He was NOTHING like those that had tortured him for so long, and would rather die then let that happen. He lengthened his stride and Aki was lost to sight behind him. He reached the gymnasium, a massive building nearly the size of his entire old school. There was also a full track and field course. He walked into the building only for a tracksuit wearing gym teacher to come over,

"You the new kid?"

"yes, sir."

"Don't sir me, kid. I work for a living. Call me Meld. Now there's a laundry over there, find a clean set of gym clothes and get changed. I want to see what an American is made of these days."

"I can answer that now. Lard and bullshit."

The gruff man just burst out laughing at his response. The man was as tall as Tyler was, only far more muscular. He had a large scar on his right bicep, and hie eyes ran brown. He regained himself,

"Okay, I've never heard that one before. I'll give you a pass on swearing at a teacher. Don't let it happen again."

"Sure thing, meld. I'll go get changed. Which is the boys locker room?"

"that one on the right."

"Sweet thanks."

Tyler went and grabbed a shirt, shorts, shoes and socks in his size then hurried off to change. He spotted Aki headed into the girls locker room, but ignored her. He went into the boys room and found an empty locker. There were about 15 other guys inside all changing. Tyler laid out his gear and pulled his shirt off. Nearly instantly all conversations stopped. Now on edge, Tyler turned to see every dude in the room was looking horrified at his torso.

"Okay, what? Am I bleeding?"

One guy without a shirt on pointed at his chest, confused Tyler looked down. He saw nothing but his only white skin, his scars, and what little muscles he had. Then it clicked.

His scars. He was crisscrossed in old wounds, some small, some over four inches long. HE shrugged and put his gym shirt on. He dropped pants and pulled his shorts on, and they saw that his legs were also heavily scarred as well.

"what the hell happened to you?"

"Hmm? Oh, My old school wasn't as friendly."

"Your SCHOOL did that?"

"Aww yeah, like 99% of them. A few were from animals they set on me, so they don't technically count, but ya know."

Again He shrugged at the cruelty he endured. He finished dressing for gym and headed out. He found Meld waiting near a set of bleachers by the double doors leading outside. He approached the gruff man,

"Alright, now what?"

"Go run four laps of the track outside. Then do some stretches. I'll tell you more after- What the hell?"

Again his scars were visible around his collar and on his legs,

"My school wasn't very friendly. I'll go get started on the laps."

He waved and headed out the doors, holding it for a girl behind him. Meld was absolutely floored, which only got worse when the remaining boys came back out,

"Hey, Kouki. Did you see the new kid change?"

The ashen faced youth nodded.

"How bad is it?"

"His back is covered in scars to the point it was like a map of Tokyo. His chest is no better. Some are longer then your own. I don't know how anyone could survive that kind of pain."

"Get out and do your warm ups. And remember what you saw. Some places aren't as nice as here."

The humbled boys all nodded and went to join their tortured classmate. Meld then went and had to brace himself against a wall, so overcome with pity for the boy who smiled at his pain.

"What kinda monsters did he grow up with?"