
The Tale of the Demon

A horrifically tortured teenager is sent to Japan, and discovers a life, and a power, that was not supposed to exist.

Goreleech · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

The Tale of the Demon: Introduction.


"Hey, retard! Think fast!"

A large brick came flying of nowhere and smashed into Tyler's back, knocking him to the ground with a sickening thud. The boy who had thrown the red stone burst out laughing and picked up another brick.

"Hey! Hold up!"

A second voice was heard, this time a girl. She was a pretty blonde with a cute pair of green eyes, and the newcomer came up and took the brick from the boy. He just laughed,

"Well, Becky, you wanna hit him too?"

"Hells yeah, C'mere ya pervy retard!" smash!

She had jumped up as high as she could and smashed the brick onto the still fallen boy's back, and it broke. Tyler just groaned at the impact, more from reflex then actual pain. He'd more or less lost the ability to feel pain, so constant was the torture. The laughing duo began to kick the boy as well, since there were no other bricks handy. Tyler just laid there and accepted the beating, since any attempt to fight back on his part would lead to more medications, therapy sessions, and people trying to tell him he was in the wrong for defending himself. For in the eyes of this town, anyone who stuck out the slightest had something very wrong with them that required treatment. In Tyler's case, he was a good deal smarter than most of his classmates, and a lot bigger too. Those two damning factors had gotten labeled as 'special needs', since he required a different curriculum since he was smart. His size difference wasn't much, as he was a respectable 5ft 11, whereas the second tallest was 5ft6, so they had expected him to be good at sports. Nope, average. That was inconceivable to the school, he was tall and moderately fit so he must be good at sports. When he started to get bullied, and he fought back, he was labeled with anger issues, and given heavy drugs and intense therapy. He had fought it tooth and nail, the result was just more drugs and shrinks telling him there was something wrong with him. He KNEW there was nothing wrong. So, his solution? Wait. He realized that he only had to endure it for 18 years, then he'd be free, free of the pain, free of the ridicule, free of everyone from that god-awful town. Tyler picked himself off the ground, dusting his back off with a hand, and rose to his 5ft10 height, rubbed his light brown eyes and brushed some brick dust from his short black hair. He then just sighed, he was 14, so in 7th grade. He walked into the school, wishing that 18 would come quicker, or for anything really to happen to help him escape his environment.

"Naamani? Naamani?!"

"here sir."

"You're nearly late again. I'm running out of patience with you, retard. Get here on time tomorrow, or detention. Understood?"

"yes sir."

The teacher, an older man with glasses, glared at the boy who'd nearly been crippled by his fellow students right outside the teachers very window. Tyler walked with his head high, as if nothing had happened and went to take his seat, pausing only to brush the set of five tacks and needles his classmates had left as a present. He then pulled out his notebook and went about his note taking.

"Psst, hey retard, show me your notes."

the speaker was a tall redhead with freckles. She always got bad grades, and usually was yet another one kicking Tyler around. The only time she would do anything other than torture him was when she needed to pass a test to stay on the girls' basketball team.

Come to think of it...there is a big game coming up. god bitch, I wish you would just disappear.

even though his wish was heartfelt, he still let the nasty girl see his notebook anyway, since it usually bought him a day's reprieve. She copied everything into her book and gave it back, zero thanks, and zero gratitude. Such was his life. Getting beaten with a brick outside, then giving his own studious notes to the girl who'd beaten him with a 2x4 the week prior, and now a detention to look forward to, since he knew his other classmates would go out of their way to make sure he got it. He was used to the hell. The day passed on into fourth period. He was looking at a new warplane encyclopedia he'd spotted in the library, and was flipping through it when the redhead he'd let borrow his notes came over to his desk with the blonde, and the guy who had hit first with the brick. Tyler sighed and quickly stuffed the book inside his desk, out of the line of fire. The redhead came up and slammed her hand on his desk. Her friends taking up spots around him,

"Hey retard, I didn't get your notes, and they didn't either. So, teach us."

"Sure. What don't you get?" whammmm!

The boy behind him on smashed him on the back of the head with a massive 700 page dictionary, and his head bounced off his desk, earning him a small cut above his left eye. He showed zero pain, and merely licked his thumb and wiped the cut with his spit, the only thing he could do until he reached his locker. The boy behind him informed his inferior as to his mistake,

"You forgot to say thank you retard, speaking to Rachel like that? The fuck do you think you are?"

"Remember he's a retard, so no wonder he can't remember his place. No wonder his grandma died, and his father walked out, oh and don't forget his trip to the retard circus!"

"Honestly just kill yourself. No one wants you, hell, even your own mother doesn't want you. You'd be better off dead."


A loud announcement came over the intercom. get, let me guess. another lecture on tardiness? or some other self-righteous bullshit.

He sighed and got up to leave, stuffing the library book into a small shoulder back he carried between classes and went to head out, only the blonde he passed kicked his leg out and pushed his head down. He hit the floor hard, but he'd been able to keep his face from the floor by throwing his hands out and catching him. Then the red head stomped on his hands as he got back to his feet. He sighed once again, but otherwise had no reaction. He left the room to more 'retard' and 'freak' jeers. He first went to his locker and dug out a disinfectant wipe and cleaned his cut. He then placed a small band aide on it to keep the blood under control and headed off to see the principal. he walked along the wide halls of his school, constantly looking over his shoulder and peeking around corners to try avoiding getting jumped, stabbed, tackled or some combination of the three. The school knew about his bullying, but actively ignored it, because you know, retard. And since some of his tormentors were hotshot sports players it was in the best interest of the school to leave it be. He kept his head high as he passed through the larger of the school's two gyms to get to the second building.

"Hey! Think Fast!" zzzippppp, sthunkkk

An arrow zipped past him, grazing his arm, and bouncing of the wall behind him. He picked the shaft off the ground and held it out to the shooter, a tall boy with sandy hair. He took the arrow and slugged him in the stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of his lungs. The boy laughed and returned to the shoot line. He had turned a full ninety degrees to shot at Tyler, and the gym teacher just watched.

"Hey, retard, that shaft better NOT be damaged, or it's your ass."

"Yes sir."

Tyler rubbed his sore stomach and kept on walking. His arm was trickling blood, but he didn't have anything on hand to stop it, the most he could do was his rub his spit on it trick. He arrived at the office in question. The receptionist clucking her tongue at his lackluster response.

"You kept us waiting young man. Get in there."

"yes, Ma'am."

Tyler walked over to the door and knocked politely,

"Excuse me, Mr. Record. It's Tyler Sir."

"Bout time, you may enter."

Tyler opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door gently behind him. The principle, Mr. Record was a tall middle-aged man with black sideburns, black hair, a clean dress shirt and a look off disdain for the boy. Sitting directly opposite the Principle was a woman in a full business suit. she was a couple inches shorter the Tyler, had short black hair in a bun, a severe look on her sharp face, and a set of glasses. Her suit being a light brown in color. Upon Seeing Tyler, she raised an eyebrow at his appearance, as if either surprised or disappointed. She still stood and offered her hand,

"Mr. Naamani. A pleasure to meet you. I am Ausika Sakamuji. I represent KaraKonia Academy in Japan."

Tyler took the woman's hand gently and shook it,

"A pleasure Mrs. Sakamuji. Please call me Tyler."


She winced at his grip; Mr. Record exploded.

"You worthless retard! Hurting a woman who's here to see you? The fuck is wrong with you? If you can't return a greeting properly, then just shut the fuck up!"

Tyler released the woman's hand like it was a live hand grenade and backed away from her.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry miss. Are you okay?"

She, on the other hand was staring appalled at the still ranting principle. She seemed even more horrified at Tyler's meek reaction to the unfair reaction, as if used to it. There was a vein bulging on his neck, and he was completely red in the face. Ausika then slammed her rather large briefcase on his desk, halting him mid word. Her formerly firm but kind voice was replaced with a trembling yell.

"What is the meaning of this? Is this how Students at this school are treated? He did nothing wrong. He merely misjudged his grip! This is how you react to such a simple mistake?"

The principle just sat back, genuinely confused at her reaction.

"Well how else am I supposed to react when that retard hurts someone?"

She was completely flabbergasted at this response. Tyler just sighed,

"I didn't hurt you miss, did I?"

She was even more shocked at his easy acceptance of the cruelty.

"No, I'm fine. Why aren't you standing up for yourself? You did nothing wrong."

Tyler just sighed again and sat in the open seat next to the horrified woman.

"Why would I do that? It just causes more problems for me anyway."

"Well, what problems could a retard like you possibly have? You should be grateful I even keep you in this school."

Tyler just kept his face straight like always.

"yes sir, Thank you sir."

"Enough of this-Is that blood?"

Tyler glanced down and saw his graze was still bleeding a little.

"I'm sorry. I'll get it to stop."

He licked his thumb and was about to rub it again when she stopped him. he looked up with a surprised look on his face,

"What happened? Why aren't you going to the nurse?"

"There was an accident during archery in the gym I passed Through. And I'm not allowed to go to the nurse."

"What kind of school is this?"

"The kind the takes care of 'proper' students, not retards."

Tyler shrugged at the principle's words. He then asked a question on his mind.

"excuse me, but why did you want to see me?"

The woman had an extra gleam in her eye, as if about to cry, but she pulled a pamphlet from her back and gave it to him.

"I'm here to see if you'd like to take our Academy's entrance exam."



She handed him an application filled out by his mother, apparently. It was an application for the school entrance exam at a school in japan, clear across the world.

"We received this recently, and since it was such a bizarre application from an even more bizarre place, the school felt it prudent to send me here to look into it."

she turned to look the principle in the eye,

"I was NOT, however to find such a respectable, well-mannered boy to be in such a cruel, evil excuse for a school. The treatment you have received just in the span of time I have been here is simply appalling."

Tyler was very confused, and now worried. Mr. Record, however, was irate.

"How dare you? You come into MY school and tell me that MY treatment of a retard is cruel? Get out. This meeting is over. Leave, or I will call the police."

Tyler handed the application to the woman,

"I'm sorry your school wasted your time and their money just to come see me. You should leave now, he will really call the police, and they will arrest you. Everyone in this town shares more or less the same ideals on both the school and myself."

The principle had already started to dial the phone. Asuika, however was not leaving the poor boy in such an evil place. she had a daughter of her own and would rather take a bullet then see her suffer like Tyler clearly was. Plus, she had an ace for just such an occasion. She pulled out her own phone and dialed up a person to help in this situation

Tyler just groaned, as he knew where this was going. He'd played this game before, great, another visit from those bastards from DCYF. They won't help you lady. They agree with everyone in this town. Which means more drugs and more shrinks hofuckinray

He then sat back and looked over the application that had been submitted, namely, the parental signature. Surprisingly it was indeed his mother's scribble on the dotted line. He sighed and looked over the pamphlet the now rapidly chattering-into-her-phone lady had given him. The pamphlet said that KaraKonia academy was a full-live-on-site campus with dorms either on site or full apartments in the city it was situated in. The courses offered ranged from the standard core classes right up to frigging rocket technology. The school apparently had a rather extensive collection of extracurricular activities, like sewing to kendo to a very wide sports selection. The photo of the main building painting a nice picture of a white building similar in style to the Whitehouse, with a wide round stairway into the white pillar supported porch, massive wings stretching in either direction, an expansive lawn with a heavy looking main gate. The place looked hella fancy. He lowered the info pamphlet in time to see armed police officers enter the room.

"Excuse me miss. You have been asked to leave the property. Either do so immediately, or be placed under arrest."

the woman was a little taken aback by the fact the principle had actually called the police, but recovered enough to put her phone on speaker,

"I am Ambassador Yamamoto Hystogiya. That woman is my Daughter. She has informed me of the situation, and I have already called your federal state department. You should be getting a call from the governor of your state soon. Until that happens, local law enforcement are unable to act."

The principle and police just started laughing at the ridiculous claim,

"Whatever. Lady you are hereby placed under arrest for criminal trespassing."

"Thank you officers, she was disrupting my school."

The woman was cuffed and was being read her Miranda rights when the phone on the desk started to ring. The principle picked up and his face went instantly pale. The officers were then paged on their radios. They went pale too, and immediately uncuffed the suited woman, apologized profusely and left the room. The principle was getting an absolute ear full from his caller. He then gave Tyler an Ice-cold glare. he hung up and spoke through gritted teeth.

"Tyler John Naamani. You are hereby expelled from this school. Empty your locker and get the fuck out."

The woman went from pleased to absolutely horrified at his proclamation. Tyler was also stunned, but then just hung his head. He now had no choice.

"I'll take your entrance exam. I don't have a choice now."

His voice was full of defeat.

"May I be excused? I need to collect my things."

"Get your shit and get out retard."

"Yes sir."

Tyler left the room with Asuika behind him

"Hey, Tyler hold on!"

he turned around,

"Wat can I do for you?"

"I'll come with you get your things. I'll also give you a lift back home."

"If you wish. If you couldn't handle that encounter, then you might not want to come."

She was adamant. Her heart had shattered at his treatment by the school staff, so she now had to see just how bad it truly was. he led the heeled woman back through the halls to his locker. Every door he passed he got further jeers of 'retard' or 'kill yourself' or some other insult. He just kept walking, when he passed a group of students ion the halls, one tripped him and smashed his head into a locker, denting it. They kicked him a few times before leaving him to get back to his feet like nothing had happened. The woman was now openly fighting tears. Then they passed through the gym. The archery class was still going on. Tyler stopped,

"Walk a good ten feet behind me until we reach the other hall."

She was shocked again but did as she was told. Tyler walked out into the open and nearly immediately an arow whizzed past his head, leaving yet another groove on his skin. The arrow clattered to the floor, and he picked it up. The shooter, a small girl kicked him in the groin as she retrieved her arrow. He wobbled a little but retained both his stance and his serene expression.

"You're gonna pay for the replacement arrow retard/"

"yes sir."

He then walked to the other building, and inside. Asuika now had tears trickling down her face. She had her phone up and seemed to be recording. He sighed, knowing full well it won't change anything. he led her up to his locker and as he opened it, the redhead drop kicked it, slamming it on his body. He dropped and her blonde friend and the guy began to kick him, all laughing hard. He was laying on the floor, just taking it, not making a sound. The boy the lifted the dictionary he'd hit him with before and smashed it into his back. thud thud thud thud

They kept up the beating for a good few minutes until they ran out of breath. Tyler lay motionless as they walked off, cheering and congratulating themselves on the beating. Tyler then got back to his feet and emptied his locker into the large backpack he used to carry his things from home to school. He then went and checked in the books he had to the school library. He then emptied his desk and left the building. Asuika was heartbroken. She then hit a button on her phone and tried to hug the tortured boy, but he merely moved aside. He had cuts, bruises, and a nasty-looking welt on his arm from the locker door. She had tears openly flowing from her face. Tyler noticed and reached into his bag and handed her a cloth,

"here. Don't cry. It wasn't as bad as usual today. Plus, you got what you wanted."

She took the cloth and seemed to be confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You got me to take your entrance exam. I kinda have to now, since I got expelled and all."

"I'm so sorry."

"For what? This was all a part of your plan, so don't apologize. I get it. Now just how much of this brochure is false?"

Asuika's eyes widened at his statements, and his readiness to accept a potential lie like that.

"None of it's a lie."

"Right. Look, I'm not gonna run. I know this is just another group home or mental health clinic. So please, you can drop the act."

She felt the rest of her heart simply shatter. She'd seen his test scores and his grades. He was easily the smartest kid in that godforsaken school and yet had to endure hell itself because of it. Her phone buzzed.

"Hello, Asuika Sakamuji speaking. Yes sir, I'm afraid it's all raw. I know. He said it wasn't bad today. Yes sir, yes sir. They expelled him after the governor called. Yes, I'm afraid so. I completely agree sir. Thank you."

She hung up and smiled,

"Congratulations kid!"


"You're going to japan!"

"um, I'm sorry. Maybe I wasn't clear before, here let me say it again: Huh?"

"You got accepted to KaraKonia Academy!"

"Look I know it's a group home so please just stop."

She rounded on him, smiling with relief.

"Look just trust me, okay? What have you got to lose?"

"Fair enough. Anything your group home does to me; I've probably been through worse."

Tyler sighed as he stood in line at the airport. His ticket to Japan held firmly in his hand, and his carryon over his shoulder. Must be a foreign place. Amazed they allow residents to cross oceans alone, either they have plants on the plane, or this is a hallucination from some new drug. Either way, this could be interesting. He passed through airport security without issue and boarded his plane on time as well. His mother had dropped him at the terminal, Ausika having flown ahead to greet him when he landed. he found his seat and pulled his MP3 player to listen to on the flight. It was an 8 hour nonstop from Boston to Tokyo. He glanced out the window as the plane taxied and took off into the sky, leaving the only world he knew behind. The plane touched down in Tokyo at nearly 6oClock, and he found his luggage and looked around. The airport was a bustling place filled with more people then Tyler had ever seen before. He was effectively lost in the sea of moving bodies. Plus, him having never set foot in the building only complicated the issue. He sighed and pulled the new phone his mother had given him. It was the latest model Samsung since the new iPhone had a nasty habit of exploding. He then dialed the only person in the country he knew.

"Hello, Ms. Sakamuji? It's Tyler. My plane just laned and I'm at baggage claim."

"Good. I trust the flight was fine."

"It was. Now where do I go?"

"Oh that's right I forgot you've never left the country before. I'm down the set of escalators to the right of the baggage claim area."

"Okay. I'll stay on the line till I see you."

"That's fine."

He walked along her directed route and spotted her leaning against a window.

"I see you."


he hung up and approached the woman. She was wearing a light blue dress and sandals with a wide-brimmed sun hat. He walked up and greeted the lady.

"Hi, Me Sakamuji."

"Glad you made it, and please call me Asuika."

"Okay Asuika. Can we get going?"


They left the airport. She led the boy to a large black SUV and climbed into the driver's seat. He loaded his bags in the trunk and went to climb in the back when she spoke up,

"You can sit in the front. I don't bite."


He climbed into the passenger seat and they were off. It was a two-hour drive to the campus, so Tyler fiddled with his new phone. It would be paid for by his mother until he reached the school, and as he understood it, the school would cover his bills, like food, clothing, rent for the apartment, and other expenses. His mother would then send two hundred dollars a month for him to blow how he would. Tyler was highly suspicious of this deal. If something seemed to be too good to be true it was. They drove in silence, leaving the crowded city behind, entering a more rural area. They had just entered the KaraKonia city limits when Asuika spoke up.

"Hey You hungry? Let's get some food."

"Thanks but I don't have any money."

"I'm buying."

"Thanks, but really, you don't have to. I'll be fine."

"Jesus. Look I'm hungry so I'll get something. Let me know if you change your mind."

He didn't respond, and just went back to understanding his new piece of tech. She pulled into a small takeout burger joint, and parked.

"Okay, we're here. You want anything?"

"Look I said I'd be okay. Don't waste your money on me, I already owe you for gas."

She seemed about to cry at this. He truly thought he'd have to pay for her gas since she picked him up. She went in, leaving him in the car. He sighed, as he was not letting himself be lulled into letting his guard down. He finished his exam of the phone and put it away when she came back.

"Here, think fast!"

"She tossed a bag his way. He caught it deftly and just sighed,

"How much?"


"how much did it cost?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Seriously, how much?"

She just stared at the guy looking at her suspiciously,

"I'm not trying to pull anything. Look, just pay for the gas, the food's a thanks for being such a good passenger."

Still suspicious, he opened the bag and took out a bigmac. He waited till she took a bite of her sandwich first before devouring his own. HE would have to watch his body's reaction for a while in case of hidden drugs. She sighed as she felt his still suspicious gaze on her,

"You know, not EVERYONE in the world is a monster."

"I have only met one person that wasn't. You? Not sure."

"I'm not."

"I'm not so sure."

She sighed again. But let it go as they continued their drive. The sun was going down by the time they arrived at the apartment he'd be staying at. It was a four-story building with dozens of other apartments. As they entered the parking lot and Asuika got out, a voice called out to her.

"Hey! Assuie! You came to visit!"

A girl in a black shirt, jeans and flipflops came up to give Asuika a full-bodied hug. The girl had long brown hair, soft hazel eyes, a fair complexion, even fairer skin, and long legs. Tyler noticed this then went to retrieve his bags.

"Hey, this the new guy?"

Tyler looked up into her kind-looking eye as she came over.

"Yep. His names Tyler. Careful though, he's been through a lot."

"Really? That sucks. I'm Rin, the house manager, pleased to meetcha!"

He smiled as he took her hand in a barely handshake.

"Nice to meet you, miss. You won't even know I live here."

She laughed,

"Hey, dude. relax. Call me Rin, okay?"

"Okay, then, Rin. Sorry about that."

She sighed and looked at Asuika.

"I'll show you later. It was bad. VERY bad."

"Okay. I'll hold you to it. Hey, Tyler let me help you get your bags,"

"No thanks. I got it. Just tell me which floor and room number."

He had his three large duffel bags and a backpack. Rin was a little nervous.

"Um, it's the top floor, number 45-g. Look you sure? We don't have an elevator."

"I'm sure. I was expecting this. Don't worry about me. Thanks for the lift, Asuika. I owe you, about 160 yen, right? I'll pay you back soon as I get my money out."

He headed up the stairs with his load, leaving the two women alone. Rin then turned on her friend.

"Okay, Asuika, what the hell? That kid looks like a beaten dog."

Asuika's only response was to show her the recording she had taken. Rin was a very kind-hearted, gentle girl, the sight of the torture was simply too much for her poor heart. It broke for the tall boy who had barely touched her, as if she'd been made of delicate glass.

"Oh my god."

"They expelled him. I called Yamamoto, and the principle got a governor call. I guess he got reamed for his treatment of Tyler and was ordered to change. So, he expelled him. This is immediately after. That's not even the worst part."

"How could it get any worse?"

"Tyler said it was a rather easy day that time. This is when they go EASY on him. If that's an easy day for him..."

"That poor boy! No wonder he didn't have to take the entrance exam."

"He thinks this is some kinda group home. So, don't be surprised if he says things. He even fought me on buying him food. Like he'd owe me a favor or something."

Rin was having a very hard time not breaking into tears at his story. She had come from a very loving family and hometown. So, the horrors the new boy under her care were just too much. she was also a woman of duty. She marched up to the boy's room. Tyler had made it up without difficulty and had gotten inside the small one bedroom. he walked in and placed his bags on the floor before beginning a bug check of the room. he was searching for mics, mini cameras, wiretaps, anything of the sort. He was just checking the vents when there was a loud knock on the steel door.


He undid the deadbolt and opened the still chained door to see who it was. It was Rin.

"Oh, Hey Rin. Give me a second."

he closed the door and undid the chain before admitting the house manager. She came right in and tried to give the boy a hug, only he jumped back a good four feet and planted his feet, as if expecting some kind of tackle. Rin watched as his face went from carefully guarded cheer to steel mask in milliseconds. Rin dropped to her knees, her heart in pieces,

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to give you a hug!"

He did not move. His gaze did not waver, and his eyes were still made of steel.

"You couldn't even if you tried."

The kind hearted girl hugged herself, as if to try to restrain her emotions.

"I saw the video."


"I'm sorry you suffered like that."

"Why? I'm the one getting wrecked, so why should you care?"

"Because you're in my building. I look after my tenants. So.."

"I can take care of myself. If something breaks, I'll either fix it myself or pay for the damages personally. Gotta say, this is a hell of a show. Haven't been to a group home that goes to such effort to gain the trust of its inmates like this in quite a while."

"This is not a group home! It's a school!"

"If you say so. I'm not falling for the same trick twice. not that it matters, since you can't break me. I'll turn 18 in a few years, then people like you won't be able to reach me."

She looked up at he coldly speaking boy.

"How can I prove it to you?"


"How can I prove this is not a group home?"

"You can't. I have yet to fully investigate the place. Anything I say you'll do, so it would defeat the purpose. I will have a full understanding of just what this place is by the end of tomorrow. I'll understand not just if what you say is true, but the mindset of the general populace, the staff, and the overall atmosphere. If I'm right, well then, it's just another nightmare for me."

"If you're wrong?"

His steel mask shifted ever so slightly, granting a brief look inside his impenetrable armor.

"If I'm wrong? Well, I may have to crawl out of my bunker."

Rin and the now arrived Asuika had smiles of hope on their faces,

"But, I highly doubt it."



His answer gave the ladies chills,

"Because, such a good thing happening to me is only possible after I die. Since death is the only true release from pain."

The women shuddered, And Tyler went back to examining his room. The moment had passed, and the ladies recovered themselves enough to go about their business. Rin was curious as to his unusually thorough probing.

"What are you looking for?"


"We have an exterminator come through once a week. I assure you the room's clean."

"Good to know, but not the bug I meant. I mean stuff like cameras, wiretaps, hidden mics, those types of bugs."


"Yep. Was at a group home once, and there was a female staff that had placed a small camera in my shower. She was hot so I let it slide. Though the look on her face when I gave it to her when I left was priceless. I even said to her, 'I usually charge for live shows, but I made an exception for you.' Her face! I wish I'd had a camera. I liked her, she was fun."

Rin and Asuika both exchanged looks at this story, unsure if he was serious.

"That stories true by the way. In case you're wondering."

The ladies just sighed. Tyler had finished his extensive search of the apartment and was about to start unpacking when there was a loud knock on the steel door.

"Be right there!"

He opened the chained door to see his NEXT visitor, only to scare a small girl with long twin tail black hair. She seemed scared when she looked up into his gaze. He had a good five inches on the poor girl. His eyes widened as he realized he'd just scared the girl and shut the door, undid the lock and opened all the way.

"Hi, I'm sorry if I scared you, miss. My name's Tyler. What can I do for you?"

His voice was gentle, and he held out his hand. The girl was carrying a clipboard and pen and had a black-stripped armband on her left arm. Her uniform was a simple black-and-white sailor suit with a light blue scarf, knee high stockings, and a pair of brown shoes. Her eyes were a rather pretty shade of green. She had to tilt her head back to look him in the eye,

"Um, sorry to bother you!"

her voice a loud, startled soprano. She then plucked up courage,

"I'm here on official student body business. My name is Kiria Sakamoto. I'm here to check on you and inspect the room prior to you unpacking, so that we have a reference for any damages incurred during your time with us!"

Tyler smiled as he nodded,

"I see. Well, then do come in miss Sakamoto. I have yet to unpack."

He stepped aside to allow the cute girl excess while he held the large steel door. The small girl gulped but had her duty to carry out. She timidly stepped inside, jumping when the door shut behind her, and becoming scared when he slid the chain back into place. He turned back.

"Well, I guess welcome? Oh, and Asuika and Rin are here so there's that."

Little Kiria breathed a visible breath of relief she wasn't locked in the room with the scary-looking boy alone. She then went into the main area to find the two women laughing quietly to themselves. Kiria became quite indignant at this display.

"Hey! What's the big Idea? What are you laughing at?"

Rin was the one to speak first.

"Wow, Asuika, little Kiria's braver the I thought. She just marched in here like she owned the place!"

"Yes, she is quite the little trooper! Tyler this is Kiria Sakamoto. She's in the same grade as you. If I'm not mistaken, you might even be in the same class."

This surprised the girl.

"Wait, how old are you?"


"Seriously? What do they feed you in America?"

"Burgers, fries, soda. Oh, and PLENTY of pizza and ketchup. Why? how old are you miss?"

"14, and please stop calling me 'miss'. it makes me feel old."

"Old like them?"

He jabbed a thumb at the two seated ladies. Kiria giggled,

"Not THAT old. And call me Kiri, okay?"

"Sure thing. Is my size really that big a deal?"

The two ladies were smiling with relief at his easy conversation with the loveable Kiria, who was sometimes called the Campus' Little Sister. Everyone loved the twin-tailed sprite.

"I guess there's still hope."

"Well to be fair, Kiria's smile could melt an iceberg."

Tyler heard their whispered conversation. While Kiria simply answered his question,

"Well yeah. You're like the same size as most fourth years, and they're all seventeen and older. You kinda stick out."

"Well, as long as I don't get the same treatment as the last place for it, I guess it should be fine."

"I don't know what you mean, but don't worry, everyone here is really nice! It's not like we'll beat you with a brick or something."

She had meant it as a joke, but his response caught the sweet girl completely by surprise,

"Yeah I was already beaten with a brick this week, I'd like to at least go two days without getting bricked again."

He said this with such a straight face, in utter seriousness, that little Kiria's eyes went wide and she turned to Asuika and Rin, as if seeking an explanation. The ladies just sighed.

"I don't know what's scarier, the fact I believe him, or the fact he is unfazed by it."

"I'd say the first. Hey little Kiria, I'll give you some advice on him: He was raised in a literal hell, so please go easy on him, okay?"

Her blue eyes became full of sympathy at the confirmation of the story. She then clutched her clipboard and held to the tall boy with a pen,

"I need you to sign this. It shows I did my job as our class representative."

"Sure thing miss rep."

He signed the paper, after looking it over first. He'd been caught in a trap with a signature before. He then handed the thing back to the official girl and gave her a sarcastic salute. Her sympathy melted at the sight of the tall boy saluting a girl he was nearly twice the size of. She just started laughing at the ridiculousness of the scene. She then returned the salute, and marched to the door, which he unlocked for her and opened as well. She marched out like a soldier on parade, eliciting a laugh from the boy as he closed the door. He went back to find the ladies rising,

"Well, that was cute. We got to get going now. Classes start at 8, so plan accordingly. It's a good fifteen-minute walk to the main building."

"I need to head out too. I have a meeting with the principle, superintendent, and the dean. Hey Tyler? Go easy on the other students. None of them have ever experienced the horrors you have so just be aware."

Tyler smiled reassuringly as he let the ladies out,

"Relax, I'll give them a chance. I always give new people a chance until they give me a reason not to."

Both ladies relaxed at his words. They watched as he closed the door and heard him re-bolt and rechain the door. They then let out a shuddering breath as they left his doorstep,

"That kid."

"Agreed. I don't know how he survived that school. Beaten with bricks? Jesus."

"And he can still smile, plus how gentle he was with Kiria? I wish I had that kind of strength."

"Yeah, but what worries me, is from his records, there were plenty of things blamed on him, but there was not a single sign of him fighting back, at all."

"you mean?"

"Yep, I fear he's a ticking time bomb. The other school leaders fear the same thing. I informed the student council about his past, so they will monitor him."

"You know he'll pick up on it right? No way he doesn't"

"Yeah, but we don't have a choice. If he blows, well, I'm afraid of what'll be unleashed. His interaction with Kiria was reassuring though."

"It showed he still has a chance to be free of his past?"

"It does. Plus, his statement about turning 18. If that is what has been giving him the strength to endure that level of pain, just imagine what he could do with that strength without the fear of pain?"

"It's a little frightening."

Tyler had heard most of their conversation, since his hearing was impressive. He now knew that the school was afraid of the 'time-bomb' he represented. This was expected, along with the bit about the student council watching him. He had also figured the other teachers and staff would also keep an eye on him too. So far, he'd been proven right about the school. The only monkey wrench in the gears was Kiria. Tyler had learned real fast to identify liars, fakers, and those with hidden motives. But that adorable little bundle of nerves seemed to just glow from the inside out. It was so strange. He had never encountered someone with such an open book for eyes and personality. He pondered how to handle the little girl as he readied a large sandwich and coke for his supper. He had already set his alarm on his phone for seven, since he only needed fifteen minutes to be ready to leave in the morning. He finished his meal, did his plate and readied his school uniform. It was a simple white dress shirt, light blue tie, black pants, and the same brown shoes. A far cry from his loose t-shirt, denim jeans, and work boots. He hung the uniform on a hanger on the closet door. After he set his new lair up the way he liked. He pushed the queen mattress against the corner, taking up the space from the hallway to the hall. This granted him the largest amount of open floor space. He then moved the large two-tiered desk next to the head of the bed and placed the chair there as well. Now a good two thirds of the floor had been opened up. He put his clothes away and set his phone to charge on his desk. He then pulled his most precious possession out of his bag. A solid black laptop covered in Anime stickers and military plane stickers. Tyler was a closet weeb and otaku. Hence his pervert insult at school. He opened it up and double checked the drive was intact. This was the single item he owned he could not replace if damaged or stolen, so he had never brought it to school. He'd gotten it for a Christmas gift a few years ago, and he treated that thing better then himself. he logged on and his favorite Anime girl home screen was shown, a red-haired bust devil girl named Rias. He'd discovered anime on accident and had become an instant otaku. He had several thousand songs on his two terabyte drive, and a good 50% were either anime openings, closings, themes, or other related music. Tyler then checked on his extensive Anime collection on his 5-terabyte cloud storage, of which only 2 terabytes were still free. He bought every show he'd liked and had them stored via the cloud, so as long as he had his password, he could access his library. He changed the passwords to all his accounts and wrote them on a sheet of paper. He did this at least once a month or more, if he felt the need. He'd spent a good deal of time and money building his collection and would be devastated if he lost it. Now assured his staches were secure, he laid in the bed for the night.

"Well, here we go again. Here's to a fresh nightmare."

This is a long one. And is the most ambitious fanfic I've done. There's well over 30 different series and universes all colliding in this one and is a long burn before they show up. Let me know what you think.

Goreleechcreators' thoughts