
The Tale of Riverland

The tragic life of Risha and her rage to take revenge on her family and love. The female protagonist goes through many tragedies yet losses everything. To know more about her story, read the novel.

Rabail · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Parting of their ways

There were no secrets between both sisters. Birha knew how much her sister loved him. She could even sacrifice herself for Thyme. Birha was also aware of how things in Awaish were changing. She often used to make Risha understand.

"Di, he is from Arz's army and there is a rumour going on that Zebar is getting a deal from Arz. You know our father, he won't surrender. And who knows, Thyme can't be trusted."

"Birha..." Risha softly said. After pausing for a while, Risha continued.

"Thyme is the only person I can trust after my family. When you love someone, trust is the first thing. I don't care about others, but I know, he won't betray me. I know it in my heart." Risha smiled.

Birha knew it was useless to make her understand when it came to Thyme. So she left.


"Oh, so the Sardar is here. Blessings." Zebar's sarcastic tone was always horrible.

"Please accept my blessings, Zebar Sahab," Sardar said.

"Please have a seat, Sardar." Zebar smiled as if he succeeded in his plan.

"Zebar Sahab, I'm here to negotiate with you on behalf of Raja Sarkar."

"..." Zebar didn't answer.

"Raja Sarkar wants you to surrender and give Awaish under the control of Beesakh," Sardar explained.

"I think, you don't know me very well Sardar." Zebar's devilish smile made Sardar confused but he knew what Zebar was talking about.

"I know. That's why, I'm here. Raja Sarkar wants to know your demands."

"Everyone, get out," Zebar commanded to his servants. Soon, there were only two people in the hall.

Zebar told his demands to Sardar.

"I'll convey this message to Raja Sarkar. As for your knowledge, he would take care of these demands by himself." Sardar said.

"Raja Sarkar better not disappoint me," Zebar smirked as if he already won.

"Zebar Sahab, I'm taking your leave now." Sardar left the room.

Zebar knew his demands were trivial and Arz would fulfil these but he was afraid of one thing - Moohbhan and his family. He knew his uncle won't surrender peacefully; thus, he had to plan everything carefully.


Soon, a meeting was called at Javedan's hall. All the small tribes were invited. In Awaish there was only one big tribe - Javedan - and there was no one that could go against the Javedan tribe so that was the reason that Zebar became a ruler. The small tribes were dependent on Zebar's help for their survival, so they couldn't do anything but kneel before the leader.

"Blessings. This urgent meeting is called by the leader himself. Please accept Leader's blessings." The servant said in high pitched voice.

As Zebar sat down in his chair, each tribe leader followed suit.

"May God bless Awaish now and then." Zebar started talking.

"As you all know, Riverland is under the control of Arz. Only Awaish is free but Arz wants this region too. Arz has offered a peaceful surrender. There won't be much change. Only the decisions and defence would be under the control of Arz. I have called upon all the leaders to help me in this situation. I'm aware that we don't have much men's power and we will lose if we fight. I want a win-win situation to prevail peace in the region." Zebar paused.

"Does any of the tribe leaders have any concerns? " Zebar asked.

"But this will highly impact our honour. We are called the land of the warriors. Even a child knows that we haven't surrendered to anyone in the past hundred years." A tribe leader said.

"My Lord, he is right. How can we do this? Our name will be turned into ashes. " Moohbhan was worried.

"Moohbhan Sir is right. Arz's army is known for violence and crime against women. We have young ladies. Our daughters, sisters do not deserve Arz's army." Another tribe leader raised his voice.

"Quiet. What do you want me to do then?" Zebar asked.

"We'll fight." All the tribe leaders echoed in one voice.

"I can't allow this, give me other options. I won't let my men die." Zebar peacefully said.

"Then, do you have any other option, my Lord?" Moohbhan asked humbly.

"We will surrender but won't allow Arz's army to guard us," Zebar said with a smile.

"Huh?" All tribe leaders were confused but this was a good solution though.

After lunch, the meeting was over. Now there were only Zebar and Moohbhan.

"Zebar, what do you think you are doing?" Moohbhan asked.

"I know exactly what I'm doing, my dear uncle," Zebar said while raising his left eyebrow.

"Have you thought about Risha and Birha? Where will they go?" Moohbhan was concerned about his daughters.

"Uncle, do you think anyone can touch my cousins? What do you take me for?" Zebar's voice suddenly raised.

Moohbhan was left with no option but silence.

"Don't worry dear uncle. I'll never let my cousins down." Zebar said.

Moohbhan reached home and called Misha Bai.

"Where are the girls?". Asked Moohbhan.

"They went down for a walk."

"Do you know Zebar is surrendering to Arz? " Moohbhan's sad facial expressions made Misha Bai worried.

"Hmm. But why are you worried? He won't do anything to our daughters. Don't be upset, Honey. "

"Don't forget, I'm his step-uncle. He can do anything, Misha, anything." He said in a sad and angry voice.

Misha Bai was very well-aware of Zebar's intention but she was helpless.

"I think we should migrate outside the Beesakh and Riverland."

Moohbhan proposed.

"Wha... Wha... What?" Misha Bai was staggered.

The three of them were again at Birsha. Birha was making tea; Thyme and Risha were sitting on a rock near the waterfall.

"Thyme, what if one day one of us gets missing?"

"...." Thyme looked at her curiously.

"Why are you even thinking this?"

"Just answer me, Thyme."

"If it happens, I'll find you again." Thyme smiled.

"But, what if you have to go through life and death in that process?"

"For you, anything." Thyme proudly smiled.

"Huh. I highly doubt it. You won't even take a hit for me." Risha teased.

"Risha, don't you trust me? Do you think of me like that? Risha..." He was so confused by the thought of distrust that he almost cried.

Upon seeing this, Risha got sensitive. She held his face in her hands and said, "My Thyme, My dear Thyme, I was just kidding, my love."

"Mn..." He took these words to his heart and looked pale.

Risha knew how to comfort him. She placed her lips on his and started kissing him. This time, he kissed her back passionately.

"Um, happy now?" Risha again teased him.

"Mn." was Thyme's reply.

She placed her hand on Thyme's and slowly rubbed her thumb on his hand.

"Thyme, you shouldn't be afraid of these jokes. You don't know what is in the future. Before fighting with others we really should trust each other." Risha gently said.

"Risha," Thyme said and went silent.

"Mn? "

"You know, I'm very sensitive when it comes to you. I can't take jokes about it. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have reacted that way but ..." A tear rolled down his cheek.

"You silly boy." She kissed his cheek and forehead and looked into his eyes.

"You are mine and I'm yours." said her eyes.

"I'm yours and you are mine." He replied and both smiled at each other.

"Dedi, come here. Tea is ready. " Birha shouted from the top."

While drinking tea, they discussed the recent political scenarios and changing situations. The topic was dry but it was going to decide their future after all.

"Have you heard about the surrender?" Risha asked Thyme.


"Where will we go Di?" Birha asked.

"We'll stay here and will fight till the end," Risha replied.

"What? " Thyme looked at Risha.

"Risha, it's dangerous. You know that. How can you fight with Arz's army? Your region doesn't even have that much men's power. And Zebar won't fight along with you guys. I have heard he has already made a deal with Arz." Thyme tried to make her understand.

"Di, he is right." Birha took his side for the first time.

"Aren't you going to protect me till the end?" Risha suddenly asked Thyme.

"Risha, my dear Risha. Off-course, I'm gonna protect you. I'm always on your side my love." Thyme smiled.

"Would you die for me, Thyme?" Risha slowly asked looking into his eyes. Birha was astonished by this question. After staring into Risha's eyes for a while, Thyme smiled and said, "For you, anything."

Upon hearing this, Risha felt at ease and stood up. Thyme also got up. They were closer to each other. Risha looked into his eyes saying,

"Till we meet again Thyme." He heard her voice, kissed her forehead saying,

"Till we meet again, Risha."

And that goodbye was the parting of their ways. It was going to be a long separation after all. But, they could not know. Their fate was going to take a turn, no one wanted.

She smiled and turned to her sister,

"Let's go, Birha. It's getting late."

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