
The Tale of Riverland

The tragic life of Risha and her rage to take revenge on her family and love. The female protagonist goes through many tragedies yet losses everything. To know more about her story, read the novel.

Rabail · Fantasy
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11 Chs

And when they met

It had been a week and Risha hadn't stepped outside of the house.

"Di, when will we go to Birsha?"

"Today." Risha's devil smile made Birha worried.

"Huh?" Birha looked at her suspiciously.

"Come on, let's go".

They packed their lunch and walked out from home.

After a while, they were at Birsha.

"Ahan, it's so peaceful Di, he is not here," Birha said sighing with relief.

"Mn! Where is he? How come he is not here now? Doesn't he wait for me here? You sick bastard. I even kissed you and you... you... you...." her anger took her thoughts in the wrong direction.

"There you are, Pretty Lady." A guy's voice raised from behind.

Risha covertly smiled and blushed and turned around.

"Oh, not again. Think of devil and devil is here." Birha said.

"Miss, I have been waiting for you since last week but you didn't show up." He paused

"And now out of nowhere, you are here? By the way, did you tell your sister about our last meeting?" His devilish smirk made Risha anxious.

"Di, what is he talking about? What last meeting?" Birha came closer to her sister.

"Let me deal with him first. I'll tell you everything in detail later." Risha said in a low voice.

She looked at him from a distance and then she came near him. She looked into his deep golden eyes. And asked with her eyes, "Do you remember our last meeting? "

"Yes, I do." was the answer.

"Oh my... Can he hear my thoughts?" Risha was confused.

"Yes, I can". The guy smirked.

Risha rolled her eyes and sat on the wooden chair which both the sisters made.

The guy, too, sat beside her.

"Who asked you to sit here Mr. Leave us alone." Birha protested.

"Oh my sweet sister, he is never going to leave us alone from now on." Risha thought. Upon hearing this thought, Thyme again gave a smile.

"So here we are. Now can we properly introduce ourselves?" Thyme asked.

"I'm Thyme Gray, a Major in Arz's army. I came to Riverland two years back. "

"..." neither of the sisters replied.

"Mn, aren't you gonna tell me your name, Miss?" Thyme asked Birha.

"..." no answer again.

He turned his face to Risha, who was already looking at him.

"And you, my soulmate? "

"You know my name Thyme, Risha." She thought.

Again he smirked. "Risha". And this was the moment, Risha lost all her energy and willpower to this man's voice. It gave her butterflies in her stomach.

Birha was confused how did he know her name when Risha hadn't even told him?

"How do you know my Di's name? " Birha raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, she told me in the last meeting. Now you can introduce yourself, Miss." Thyme smiled.

"Hmm." Birha paused for a moment.

"My name is Birha, I'm her..."

"Younger sister, I know." Thyme cut her in the middle.

"Huh? " again Birha seemed confused.

"You silly boy, why are you teasing her"? Risha got irritated.

He again turned his face towards Risha. Looked into her deep eyes.

"What do you want then?" Thyme asked subconsciously.

"You. " Risha answered and they both smiled.

"Why you guys aren't talking and keep on looking at each other?" Birha was confused.

"Silly girl," Thyme said.

"Why the Arz's army is here, in Awaish?" Risha's serious question made Thyme look anxious.

"Arz's army is not here yet. Only I'm." Thyme replied peacefully.

"Then why are you here? " Birha asked.

"Hmmm, I was looking for someone."

"Did you find him?" Birha further inquired.

"Him? Silly girl, I found her. It was her, your sister." Thyme pointed his finger at Risha.

"Hawn? " Birha's mouth was wide open and she wasn't able to understand.

"Why are you confusing my sister? Can't you be more gentle?" Risha gave Thyme an angry look.

"Ha, Ha. Okay, done with this chit-chat? Can we have lunch now? I'm hungry." Thyme controlled the situation.

"We don't have enough lunch, we only bring it for ourselves." Birha was so irritated with this guy that she wanted him to leave.

"Can you please open the lunch box?" Risha said to Birha.

Birha gave her a grim stare and opened the lunch box.

"Di, have you gone mad? Why did you bring lunch for him?" Birha shouted.

"Little girl, can you please let me eat first? I'm hungry." Thyme's childish behaviour irritated Birha more and now she wanted no more conversations with him.

Risha looked at Birha and smiled gently. And then she looked at Thyme. He was so much handsome that she didn't want to take her eyes off.

"Di, eat," Birha ordered.

When they finished lunch, it was almost afternoon and their nap time. Briha cleaned the table and went on for a nap. Meanwhile, Thyme sat down near the Waterfall. Birsha was built as a perfect mini-house near the waterfall. The flowers and mountains surrounding Birsha were more like a place in heaven. The scenery and view were amazing and peaceful.

Risha came down and sat next to Thyme.

"Who knew we would meet in this heaven?" Thyme said.

"Hmm, I knew," Birha replied.

"Why did you kiss me without even knowing my name?" Thyme was confused.

"Why did you follow me without knowing my name? " Rather than answering Risha asked.

"..." A smirk again.

"Haven't we known each other, Thyme? Haven't we known each other for years? Haven't we longed for this moment? Haven't we tried to find each other for a very long time? Aren't we soulmates?" a tear rolled down Risha's cheek.

"Risha..." He pulled her closer to him and grabbed her face in his hands. He kissed her cheek and drank the tear.

"My dear Risha, why are you still crying? You mustn't cry when I'm still here. Our longing is now long gone. We are one. You are I and I'm you."

He paused and kissed her forehead. They both knew they were the one for each other.

Thyme was still holding Risha's face, Risha put her hand on Thyme's hand and pulled his hand near her lips kissing his hand respectfully. She gave him a peaceful smile and put down her head on his shoulder, looking at the sun.

So the moment was here, the moment they both craved for. The moment they hadn't known would come true. The moment they would be so happy. The moment they would hold hands of their soulmates. The moment they knew would stay for a lifetime. At that time, only if they knew it wasn't a lifelong moment, they would have walked away from each other. But only if they knew...

It was almost 4 PM, Birha woke up and she witnessed the moment of these two love birds. She didn't like him but for the sake of her Di, she was willing to accept him.

"Di," Birha shouted.

"She is awake, let's go," Risha said.

"Let's go home, Di. It's getting late." Birha said ignoring all their lovely moments.

"Ha," Risha replied and looked at Thyme.

"Till we meet again, Thyme". She knew he would have heard her thoughts. They both knew they could communicate with each other without words, just looking at each other they could hold a conversation.

"Till we meet again, Risha," Thyme replied with a smile without saying a word but Risha also heard his thought.

"Di, why do you like him? " Birha asked her on their way home.

"Some questions don't need any answer. Love without reason is the love we all want. Reasonable love is not Love at all. You won't understand."

Risha was right. Birha couldn't understand what she was saying but she knew her sister. This time, Risha had taken her guards off and she was willing to die and to kill for her love. Birha knew all this but she couldn't control her Di. When they reached home it was almost 5 PM.

"You girls, never listen to us." Misha Bai said when they entered the house.


Arz's Palace was full of guests who came from all over the Beesakh and Riverland.

"Raja, (Raja is used for calling King) we have everything under controlled." said one of the guests who was wearing a black robe.

"The Sardar (Sardar is used for the leader of a community) of Riverland is also here, Raja Sarkar! " said another man who was wearing a red robe.

"Raja Sarkar, accept my blessings." The Sardar of Riverland kneeled before the Raja.

"Stand up and tell me about Awaish". Arz said.

"Raja Sarkar, Awaish is under the control of the Javedan tribe. Zebar is the ruler of the Awaish region. He won't retaliate against us. If you allow me, I can convince him. This will result in peaceful surrender." said Sardar.

"And what about the people?" Arz raised his eyebrows.

"Raja Sarkar, they won't say anything. As many of them are under the control of Zebar and his army is also less in number." Sardar replied humbly.

"Hmm, I allow you to start negotiation with him."

"Raja Sarkar, but there is one problem. " Sardar paused and Arz became very attentive and looked at Sardar angrily and curiously.

"Zebar is a selfish man, he will surrender but he might have some conditions," Sardar said while looking at the floor.

"Who is not selfish, Sardar? " Arz laughed. "We all have our motives. In this matter, I'll deal with him. You can start the negotiation deal." Arz ordered.

"As you command, Raja Sarkar," Sardar said and stepped back.


Hello guys, it is my first novel. I'd really appreciate if you show some support <3

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