
The Tale Of Our Love

How many people are content with what they are doing in their life? perhaps a few. Su Li happens to be one of them who is happy with her life as an event planner. She is not a millionaire or anything like that, nor does she wants to be. She just wants to live like this. However, nothing in life goes according to plan. Through a chain of some unexpected encounters her life gets tangled with one of the richest man in the country. It is said that first impression is your last impression, and unfortunately their first impression of each other wasn't a good one. Qin Feng needs to help Su Li build an business empire to get his inheritance and to gain full control over his companies, this clause was written in his grandfather's will. He thought he will be over with it very quickly until Su Li refused to comply.

Altansarnai · Urban
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63 Chs

Talking About Future Plans

Su Li

I was engrossed in my thoughts when Qin Feng asked "Are you sad?"

I shook my head as I said

"Why would I be sad?"

I don't know why but I want to suddenly tell him everything.

"It was not like he was a good person. There was once when I had a high fever, so I couldn't attend a press conference of his company. They launched something and he was very excited about it. Guess what he did when he came home." I scoff at myself. Love sure makes you blind. How could I not notice it before?

"He told me that I fell ill because I was eating a lot and my body couldn't take it, so he forbade my food intake and made me starve for two days. Thankfully Qian Fan came to check on me and rushed me to hospital."

"If not for seeing him cheating on me with my own eyes I would have never believed that he never loved me."

Only then I realized that all the signs I avoided were right in front of me. And the only person I could blame was myself.

I don't even remember anymore why I fell for him in the first place. But what happened actually taught me to put myself and health first before anything else.

No one could help me if I was the problem.

It's ironic. How once I bawled my eyes out for him. How that realization shattered me into pieces and now I am not affected by him at all. He can go die in front of me, and I won't care at all.

"I am sorry that you met such a jerk."

Why is he being all sweet today?

"Did he used to say that to you before too"? Qin Feng asked suddenly.

"What?" He used to say a lot of things to me. Which one is he talking about?

Qin Feng is looking at me as if I am the dumbest person on the earth. How I would know what is going on in his mind.

"That you are ugly" He said and looked out of the window, not daring to face me. Then only I remembered that Minghao said that earlier.

"Yeah, he used to say all sorts of things to me before. I was blind back then."

It used to hurt me before but now I don't need anyone's validation. I might not be the best looking person but I don't care about it.

"He is the one who is blind." Qin Feng said, looking into my eyes.

I wanted to ask him what he meant by that but I stopped myself.

He might give half answers and would expect me to understand what he meant. And then he would explain as if the world owed him something.

I don't have to ask him to tell me what he meant because what he says next explains it all

"You are beautiful and not at all unsightly."

He turned away after saying that and I saw the tips of his ears were red.

I don't know why but I felt good when he said that.

It's rare to hear something nice from him after all.

He doesn't need to react this much though. He just gave a compliment to someone. I can understand that he is not used to giving compliments but still.

"What are your plans for the future? Imean you can't do event planning all your life.

I mean you can but you know what I am trying to say." The topic is changed so suddenly in a completely opposite direction that it takes me few seconds to understand what he said.

I know why he is saying that, but why he is asking me about it.

Even though I like what I do and I earn well, I can't always do this. And no matter how high my pay is, I still work under a company and I can't save that much.

I will have to look for other options sooner or later.

"I don't know." I reply honestly. I haven't thought about what I will do.

My father runs a convenience store chain and I can always turn to my parents but obviously don't want to be dependent on them.

It's not like I am retiring tomorrow so I need to think about something right now.

"How about starting a business?" Qin Feng suggested.

I think about his suggestion. I don't think I am capable of running a business.

And I sort of hate it too. People being so blind in greed that they forgot about everything.

They forget about their relations, about their beliefs. The only thing they think of is money and power.

Surely the road toward us isn't easy, but it's harder for soft hearted people.

I don't think I will be able to smile at people whom I don't like which is something I will have to do.

They would talk to each other as if they were best friends and behind their backs they would kill each other.

I witnessed this scene in my own family after all. After my uncle's betrayal I don't think I would want to do something like that.

Also, the idea of a small business isn't bad though. Or maybe I'll take some small events on my own.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Maybe I'll start a small business in the future." I say to him not getting why he is asking all of these.

He nods.

Our rest of the ride to my home is spend in silence. No one said a word anymore.

"Thank you so much for this dress today. And also these bangles. Both of them are very expensive. Something I would have never bought myself. I would try to repay in whatever way I could in the future. "

I thanked him before getting off the car and heading to my home.

Except the episode of meeting Li Minghao earlier I enjoyed a lot today. I ate a lot of delicious food and wore the dress designed by Fan Liying. Something every celebrity dreams of.