
The Tale Of Kitsuna

I am a what, and where is my little friend? No, give it back right now! What, back in a lab again? What a load of bull. Finally, I'm dying... No, I got revived again. Becoming a weapon for a kingdom? Meh, they can try and control me. Medieval weapons? I like that. Give me all of them. An Angle cult? Let's destroy that. Pure Dragons? I want one for myself. First Novel Cover made by Kumokuu Discord - https://discord.gg/h5N6ZuMSTR

TheRealSkollie · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 149: The Drunk Cat Review

[1 Hour later]

[Kitsuna POV]

'This was the best decision I have made in both my lives.' I thought, patting my stomach satisfied.

Knock Knock.

"How are the fair ladies doing." The manager said, walking into our booth.

"We are doing wonderful," I said, smiling at the manager, who smiled back.

"Hahaha, good to hear."

"Well, seeing as everyone is happy, are you ready to move on, kitsuna," Mom asked, finishing up her 7th glass of beer. Looking at her, I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

'Never would have thought mom would love drinking.' I thought, sitting more upright. Looking to my left where kayda was, I saw she was looking to the side of the booth where all my plates were with a ghosted expression.

"Are you sure you are up for it?" I said, looking back at mom, ignoring kayda.

"huh? What do you mean by, will I be alright? Of course, I will be alright who do you think I am." Mom said, slurping.

"A drunk cat. what else?" I said, laughing at her shocked face.

"Can you please clean our booth? For now, we will take a while before we go?" Kayda said to the waiter.

"ah, get me another beer." Mom chimed in, lifting an empty beer mug.

"don't listen to her. She isn't taking anything more." I said, cutting off moms booze. 

"Ugh, kitsuna, don't be so mean to your mother." Mom whined, flopping over the table.

"No, you can't drink anymore, or else we won't get anywhere today," I said sternly.

"I will take the ladies will be taking the bill then."

"yes, your right. Can you please?" I said, nodding at him before looking back at mom.

"I will be right back then."

"kitsuna~ can't you let your mother have her drinks." Mom whined, looking at me, pouting.

"Hey, hey, kayda, was mom always like this," I said, elbowing Kayda in her side and getting her out of he thoughts.

"huh, oh right, yeah, Stacy loves to drink."

"huh, so not only is she a horn dog, but she is also an acholic. Sigh, how problematic." I said, dropping my head in my hand and shaking it.

"it's not really that bad. She might seem totally drunk and useless, but she still has rationality," Kayda said, trying to reassure me.

"... if you say so," I said, not wanting to argue about something I did t know about.

'sigh, I never thought mom was a drinker. I guess I didn't know her well enough, or he tried to hide it from me. It was nothing you don't want to show to your kids.' I thought, looking at a mom trying to analyze her thoughts.

"you won't get anything from looking at her like that. Anyways why did you eat so much."

"... because they make good food."

"That can't be the only reason."

"Well, it's not. The main reason is because of the drunk cat over there." I explained, looking at mom again.

Snore snore.

"she is sleeping," I muttered, baffled at how fast it happened.

"hmm, this is normal for any drunk person, though. Why are you so surprised."

"what? This is normal?" I muttered, even more, surprised than before.

"Hey, wasn't your teacher drunk when you guys did it?"

"she was, but she never passed out so quickly."

"sigh, I just don't understand you. How can you be so knowledgable at times but be this-"


"hmm, what was that." Mom said, rubbing her eyes.

"don't know," Kayda said, looking at the door behind us.

"yeah," I mumbled, standing up, intending to walk to the door, only to hear a crashing sound and a body flying through the wall to the left of us.

"I can't believe they came back already." The manager said, grunting standing up from the ground.

"what happened," I said, walking to the hole and peeking through it. Looking through the wall, you could see 4 people, 2 boys and 2 girls, standing around a table with arrogant expressions. Though you could easily see the difference in their lengths to others, they weren't short enough to be dwarfs confusing me at what they are.

"hmm, what do you see."

"I don't know. They look like dwarfs but are too tall for that," I said, looking back at mom.

"What did you just say!!" One of the unidentified midgets yelled, stopping close to us.

"oh, it's you guys."

"Who are you, old hag."

"old hag?" Mom muttered, getting a dangerous look in her eyes.

"Hey, what are you guys even?" I said, knowing that mom won't answer about who or what they were.

"tsk, you uneducated plebian. We are the highest existent in this world, known as high dwarfs. Feast your eyes as you will never see existence as us. Ever again.

"high dwarfs? That's a thing." I said, looking at kayda for answers.

"It is."

"Huh, but it doesn't sound like something amazing why are they so arrogant about it?"

"Well..." kayda said, trailing off.

"YOU, you fucken demi-human, how dare you say those things!"

"Shut it. I am not talking to you," I said, glaring at their red, angered faces.

"I, Firhumri Kuni, has been offened. You commoner have offended my honour. I challenge you to a duel!" The boy from the back yelled, walking in front of everyone.

"... huh!? Kuni? Your a kuni!"

"Haha, now the commoner is regretted what you said, don't you."

"Regret? Fuck no, if you're a Kuni, you are making my life easier." I said, smiling menacingly at him.

"ugh, you!!"

"you come on, let's go have our duel outside."

"tsk, fine, let us go." The high dwarf said, walking out of their booth.

"I will be there now, just give me a second," nodding. I talked to mom. Picking her up threw her over my shoulder.

"I can walk on my own, kitsuna." Mom whined though she didn't try to fight back.

"I need a handy cap to fight against a smith," I said, grinning.

"You will regret those words." One of the girls said, glaring at me.

"huh, you still waiting? I thought I said I get you outside," I said, raising an eyebrow at her.


"Well, anyways, who are you to him? Girlfriend, maybe." I asked, looking at the girl and noticing they actually looked a lot alike.

" I am his twin."

"Oh no grand interdution?"

"for a commoner like you? I don't have to do anything like that."She said, not even looking at me.

"Oh, you still have the dumb arrogance, though," I said, walking out of the restaurant.

"hmph!" The girl hummed, walking away from me towards her brother.

"Well, anyways, you ready, mister high dwarf," I said, looking at the arrogant high dwarf.

"tsk, Sebastian, kill this commoner. I don't want to filthy my hands." The Kuni guy said, making way for his dwarf bodyguard to walk past him towards me.

"hmm? You're not going to fight me?"

'Level 786 common class? How is this guy a bodyguard?' I thought, confused, looking at the buff dwarf walking to the middle of the small incircle of people around us.

"Hah! Since when did I say I will fight you." Fur said, laughing.

"sigh, this got boring again," I said, looking at the bodyguard.

"What, you think I am weak?" The bodyguard yelled, annoyed.

"I don't think you are weak. I know you are weak," I said, annoyed.

"Hmph, you, a commoner, think I am weak."

"Sigh, whatever," I said, snapping my fingers, making a dozen ice spikes shoot out of the ground, scurring him multiple times, killing him in an instant.

"What!!!!" Everyone shouted, surprised at how fast the bodyguards died.

"how dare you kill my bodyguard!" The Kuni yelled, bringing out his hammer.

"Brother, let me." The girl from before set, stepping in front of her brother.

"What? No, I will."

"she is a mage. Let me get her."

"a mage, you say," I said, appearing in front of them, bringing a sword down at them.

"Kyaaa!?" Hearing the girly scream, I stopped the sword just before the girl. Though the girl that stood in front of me didn't flinch on the outside, I could see the despair in her eyes.

Looking behind her, I looked at her brother on the ground with piss-stained pants

"make way make way move it. The young master, and young miss is in trouble."

"Are they now," I said, grinning and taking the sword away from her.


Seeing the sword leave her sight, the girl dropped to the floor, breathing heavily.

"Well, then kitsuna are going to dispel the illusion?" Mom asked, still hanging over my shoulder.

"hmm, you weren't affected?" I said, putting her on the floor.

"No, I broke through it already." Mom said, grinning.

"You also seem sober again?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, yes, now dispel your illusions." Mom said, annoyed.

"fine," snapping my fingers again, you could see the secured bodyguard disappearing and appearing on the ground still alive. The two Kunis was lying on the ground, passed out in their own pee.

"sigh, kitsuna, was that needed?"

"it was. Stacy, they attack the manager every time they come to the restaurant. I actually think she went easy on them." Kayda explained, walking passed us to the two Kunis on the ground.

'i was wondering where she went off to. I guess she talks with the manager.' I thought, looking at the manager holding up his broken arm.

"ah, shit, stop your wife before she-" Msm started saying before getting interrupted by another girly scream.

"Kyaa, that hurt. Don't pull my ear!" The male Kuni yelled in pain.

"ah, it too late."

"huh?" I muttered, confused, seeing an angry kayda pulling the Kunis's ears forcefully, walking away.

"Hey, stop there. Let go of the young lords."

"Do you even know who we are?" Kayda rebuked, annoyed, walking passed them.
