
The Tale Of Kitsuna

I am a what, and where is my little friend? No, give it back right now! What, back in a lab again? What a load of bull. Finally, I'm dying... No, I got revived again. Becoming a weapon for a kingdom? Meh, they can try and control me. Medieval weapons? I like that. Give me all of them. An Angle cult? Let's destroy that. Pure Dragons? I want one for myself. First Novel Cover made by Kumokuu Discord - https://discord.gg/h5N6ZuMSTR

TheRealSkollie · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 148: Hangry Fox

[Kayda Pov]

"What do you want to eat," I asked, looking at Kitsu hesitantly. The fox wasn't very happy, not at all. You didn't even need to look at her to know she wasn't glad you could feel the air around you being cold as ice. The reason is that she hasn't eaten anything since last night, and her hunger has reached its peak.

"Food." Kitsu rebuked, not sounding talkative.

"Hey, don't be like this. We can eat at the Kunis later," Stacy said, making kitsu explode with killing intent.

"Okay, okay, we will get food," Stacy said, surrendering to the hangry fox.

"How could you not have any food on the plane!? Don't you know how many people want food on their flights?" Kitsu said, glaring at Stacy.

"Uh, well, I forgot to restock at the Anabalds," Stacy said, looking away, embarrassed.

"Tsk, there, we will eat there," Kitsu said, pointing at a restaurant in the distance. Although it was pretty far, you could see that it was a bug steak house and a famous one at that.

"Of course, we will go eat there," I said, nodding and looking at kitsu well where she should have been.

Looking back at the restaurant, I saw her walk into the front door already. Glancing back at us, she showed two fingers before going inside, ignoring the waiter.

"Sigh, what a troublesome daughter," Stacy said, holding her cheek, trying to act innocently.

"Says the one that knows she eats a lot and forgets to get her food," I said, shaking my head at her antics.

"Hey, you could have reminded me," Stacy said, throwing her hands up in the air.

"After you beat me up just because we made you wait for a little? You could have even restocked in the time you were waiting for us." I explained, annoyed.

"... Let's get a move on before she eats the restaurant out," Stacy said, ignoring my words, walking passed me towards the restaurant kitsu went in.

"Sigh, I presume you guys are with the fair lady?" The waiter said, forcing a smile.

"You mean the grumpy fox?" Stacy said, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-yes?" The waiter said with a raised eyebrow, confused.

"I think scary fox will be a better description," I said, noddding at the waiter.

"That might be true," Stacy said thoughtfully.

"Ah, I see. Well, let me take you to her booth." The waiter said more calmly than before. Nodding his head, he walked into the restaurant with us following him.

"Thank you, and do forgive her for her attitude. She is not very happy at the moment," Stacy explained apologetically.

"Thanks to you," I added softly.

"That, that is fine. She wasn't disrespectful at all." The waiter said, shaking his head, seeing our behaviour.

"If you say so," Stacy mumbled, shrugging.

"Haha, don't worry, she wasn't the worst we get." The waiter said, smiling with a chuckle.

"Hmm, you get bad customers regularly?" I asked, looking around the first floor at all the dwarfs and quite a few demi-humans sitting around eating.

"Bad attitude ones? Yes, they are very well known for it, so we got used to it." The waiter said, starting to go up the stairs.

"I see hope. We won't get them today," Stacy said, sighing.

"Flag," I muttered in dissatisfaction.

"They were here yesterday, so I highly doubt they will come today as well." The waiter explained confidently.

"Maybe not. No, we have Kitsu with us. She always brings trouble." I muttered once more to myself.

"What the hell are you muttering about kayda?" Stacy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, just our future doom, that's all," I said, shrugging with a slight grin.


"Well, ladies, this is the room your friend is in. I will send a waiter to get your orders in a moment." The Manager said, putting his hand

"Ah, you are the Manager? Well, before you go, can I ask you something?" I asked, grabbing his hand before he could open the door.

"Yes, certainly." The Manager said, nodding and taking his hand back.

"Do you guys have bones?" I said, getting a confused reaction from the Manager.

"... What?" The waiter said, blicking his eyes multiple times.

"You know, bones of meat left over, stuff like that," Stacy explained.

"Do you mean the leftover bones that come from the animals and monsters?" The Manager said, tilting his head at us.

"Yes, the leftover bones of the animals," I said, snapping my fingers.

"We do have, but we threw them away. Why?" The Manager asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, can you do a special order for us?" I said, smiling at him.


"Can you take all those bones, bake them in a spouse, then bring it for the fox? She will adore you guys afterwards." I explained with some hand gestures.

"... Sigh, I will see what I can do." The Manager said, sighing.

"Please, that will help all of us," Stacy added before going to the booth.

"Yes, thank you," I said, nodding.

"If I can get that scary fox on my side, then won't the 2 Kuni brats be handled easier." The Manager muttered, walking away.

"Pfft, I guess those two haven't grown up yet," I said, laughing, remembering.

'Though that manager knows how to think.' I thought, smiling at the back of the guy.

"Meh, whatever happens, happens," I said, shrugging and also going into the ice room of death.

"Kitsuna, cant you make it a bit warmer in here? It's fucken freezing," Stacy whined, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Sigh, you won't be able to get through to her right now," I said, looking at the back of kitsu, who was sitting on the floor in front of the table, eying it like it was a devil that must be killed. Sighing again, I sat beside her, releasing scorch mana to warm the booth again.

"Ah, you guys can't be a better match. I won't talk anymore." Stacy said, looking away, feeling the killing intent from Kitsu.

"So, what will we do after this," I asked, looking at Stacy.

"I guess we need to find the plane first?" 

"Hmm, shouldn't they have landed at the Kuni's mansion?" I said, tilting my head at

"Well, I don't know. We jumped out before that," Stacy said, shrugging.

"We did need to follow kitsu after all," I said, glancing at Kitsu next to me.

"I am not complaining about something like that. I know she jumped out because she was hungry, but we followed behind her without telling them what to do." Stacy said, sounding a bit worried.

"... I don't think they will need orders to know something like that, Stacy. They aren't dumb," I said, confused at her worry.

"That might be true, but you never know," Stacy said, shrugging.

Knock Knock.

"Come in." 

"Good afternoon, ladies, and... Ladies, I will be your waiter for the evening." An energetic dwarf said, coming to the door and giving her introduction while walking to the side of the table.

"Haha, good afternoon to you too," Stacy said, laughing.

"Haha, so what will the ladies have to eat tonight?" The waiter asked joyfully. 

"Food." That was all Kitsu said, making Stacy and I chuckle a bit.

"hmm, ribs, steak and a lot of sauce." The dwarf said, nodding to herself.

"pfft, I will take some steak with a lot of fat," I said, snickerring feeling the bewildement from kitsu next to me.

"I will have fish," Stacy asked, holding up.

".... Fish? You came to a steakhouse for some fish." The dwarf said, looking at Stacy weirdly.

"I didn't pick the place the fox did," Stacy said, pointing at Kitsu.

"I see, I see... I will check for something you might like." The dwarf said, walking out.

"Hey, what about my fish!" Stacy exclaimed, baffled.

Knock knock.

"Huh, my fish," Stacy yelled, appearing in front of the door and slamming it open.

"Ah, thank you." The Manager said on the other side, dodging Stacy's arms. He brought in a small pot full of bones and sauce in it.

"Special delivery for the fair lady." The Manager said, putting the pot in front of kitsu.

"Thanks," Kitsu mumbled, not waiting before digging into her eating. You could also feel the vibe that was quite an awkward change to a present and an inviting aura.

"Hehe, my pleasure." The Manager said, taking his leave while snickering.

"Are you happy now?"

"Uh uh," Kitsu said, nodding like a little child though she had 3 bones sticking out of her mouth, making it look very gruesome.

"Sigh, enjoy."