
Trouble at the Academy?

The three adults had made their way back towards the village unhindered by anything and the journey was much smooth compared to the anxiousness they felt when leaving.

The child on their back had been sound asleep through the whole journey and would sometimes stir and flinch possibly due to a dream he was having.

"Is this Normal for him Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked seeing the boy mumble things in his sleep.

Sakura was used to this. The boy had nightmares on a daily basis and no matter how many times she asked to help him with it he would outright refuse any from help and she could only helplessly shake her head.

Nodding her head as they travelled along "He has nightmares quite often but no matter how many times I try to help him he refuses. He says nightmares allow him to remember his sister and everything that has happened to him"

Hinata on the other side was looking deeply at the boy. There was one thing that concerned her and she failed to tell the rest of the two. When she used her Byakugan she saw there was no heart in that boy. It was as if there was nothing there. A simple explanation would be he was hollow from where his heart should be located. Maybe this was what he was hiding from them and Hinata didn't want to pry into the boy's secrets.

Later on in the future, Hinata would blame herself for such a mistake she made. If only she had told them about the boy that day then many people would be saved. Perhaps he could've been saved but that was something she had no control over. After all in life, there are no 'What if"

"You should bring him home more often Naruto-kun. He likes Himawari and maybe that would help in getting over his traumas. He's good with little girls" Hinata softly spoke

Giving it a thought Naruto too Nodded at this. He had seen the boy interact with his daughter and from the way he treated her it was clear the boy enjoyed her company.

"Well, our Hime is a lovely girl after all. Takes after me if I'm being honest" He chuckled while the two girls rolled their eyes.

As they approached the entrance of the village their paces slowed down. Simply walking now as they entered the village.

"Lord Seventh!" Ebisu barked out seeing them finally return. The man had black circles under his eyes seeing as he had not slept for a while. He had been worried about how long they had been gone and was just about to head towards the Hokage office to let Shikamaru know they had not been back.

"Ah, Ebisu-san seems like we had you worried. Everything is fine and the boys been recovered. You should get some rest and let others fill in for you" The hokage gave a squeeze to his shoulder

"Everything is fine now that you have come back, Lord Seventh. It seems the boy is in good shape." he sighed and let the four people pass through.

"Naruto I'll take him home. You both go and rest as well. Your Hokage duties already take a lot of time" Sakura gently got Drogo off Naruto's back as she held like a baby in her arms placing his head on her shoulder.

It was surprising to see Drogo not move at all through this process. He must really be tired as little noise would always wake him up. The boy was very alert.

"Take care of yourself Sakura-san" Hinata and Naruto bid them farewell as the moved towards their house.

Sakura entered her house and was greeted with Sarada who was just about to leave the house for the academy. Surprised to see her mother and more so with her picking up an unconscious Drogo

"Mama you're back? I heard Boruto say you were out for something urgent but he didn't tell me much and what happened to Drogo? Why is he unconscious?"

With so many questions thrown at her, she raised her own hand to make Sarada stop. "Your lovely Drogo had something wrong with his body and decided to run off from the village because he didn't trust us enough to help him. He decided to ran far away until he got better. Honestly, this kid has been giving me so much trouble" frustration could be seen all over her face.

Her daughter just stood there stunned at the revelation "What? How? When? Where? How did I not know of this and is he alright?" and there she went with a bombardment of questions on her.

"Sarada I'm really tired and I need to put this brat on his bed. We talk after you come back from the Academy. Tell Shino that Drogo is sick so he won't be able to make it for the morning" leaving no room for the argument she made her way upstairs.

Sarada looked back a couple of times before sighing and making her way outside. She would just make Boruto talk about this. Clearly, he knew what was going on with Drogo. If he won't speak she'll just threaten him with Mia. The later would enter berserk mode if she wanted to know something.

That was especially the case with Drogo. Mia was completely enthralled by the boy and the same could be said for her and most other girls in the class. Simply because Drogo had this mysterious air and the harder he tried to avoid them the more they wanted him.

It was annoying yes but this is what girls were. Curious creatures and if they liked something they'd try to get it. Mia, however, was a bit too much on that part. If she wanted something she would absolutely make it hers. Having inherited her mother's looks and body while Her father's eyes and perverted personality for certain things it made her a deadly kunoichi.

Tap tap tap. Sakura made her way upstairs and with a loud thud opened the door. It was Drogo's room and the dried blood was still all over the floor.

Grunting as she mumbled about cleaning it later she gently placed the boy on his bed. A few strands of his hair covered his eyes as she gently moved them away from his eyes while the boy was heavily breathing.

Sakura had to admit the boy really was good looking and could understand why most of the girls in the academy liked him. Even Sasuke her own husband didn't have this pretty face when he was young.

Unfortunately, the boy was somewhat of a copy of her husband when it came to personality. Like him, the boy always had a scowl on his face even as he was sleeping. A scar ran through his eyes from the top of his eyebrows down towards his cheek. It was really off-putting but this added another charm to the boy. The biggest mystery was his bone jaw mask on the left side of his face.

She had never seen such a thing and it looked like the mask was part of his body like it was attached and ripping it off would be like ripping his skin off. As medic-nin things like this really interested her. Running her hands through his hair she was taking in full look at the boy who seemed to trust nothing but himself.

Her eyes went down towards his chest that was covered by his zipped shirt. Debating whether to unzip his shirt and check for his injuries and also to confirm something.

The boy still had no heartbeat or perhaps it was very faint but Drogo didn't let her open his shirt. He never let anyone touch him this made her curious what exactly he was hiding. However, under some internal struggle, she decided not to go through with it.

He already didn't trust most of them in the village doing something that goes against his trust would be making sure he never bothers to ask help from her. However, her eyes fell on a locket necklace he had around his neck.

Slowly her free hand moved towards it and gently picked it up. It seemed she was really curious as to what he had inside. She had always seen him wear this and never took it off no matter what.

Just as she flicked to open it her wrist was grabbed. Drogo snapped his eyes open and looked directly into her eyes.

"What do you think you're trying to do?"

This kid was he already awake or did he just awake? It's like he loves to give people jump scares. Sakura pondered

"I was just curious what you had inside it. Forgive me for prying into your things" her voice, however, didn't have a hint of apology she so proclaimed.

"This is none of your business. If you must know inside it is a picture of me, my sister and my Whore of a mother" bringing a fist down on his head

"Even if you hate her you shouldn't be bad mouthing her like that" she chided him

"It's not bad mouthing when its true. I speak facts and truths. Don't you adults teach kids to always say the truth?" He shot back a valid point.

The women just rolled her eyes at his cheekiness. "Regardless, you are not to say those words. Then again if you hate her so much why keep a picture of her?"

Drogo went silent for a second and then looked back in her eyes "To remind me of how much I hate her." that's all he said.

The silence followed again as Sakura kept staring at his face and Drogo started to feel awkward now. Deciding it was best to get up and seeing as it was morning he would head towards the Academy.

"Oh no, you don't. Where do you think you are going with such a weak body?" The older women grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back in the bed.

"What do you mean? I'm going to the Academy. Stop pushing me down alright. I'm not some patient, I'm perfectly fine" following which his Stomach roared loudly and his face went Red

"Your stomach seems to disagree with you. Now you've been through hell and even if your body healed itself. It still needed the energy to do it which your body provided through the food you've had before. Remember the more you heal the more weak you would feel. Fatal injuries might heal but it would barely leave your body with the energy to stand much less move" Drogo was just too embarrassed to even nod when they heard the doorbell rung.

"Stay in bed, boy. If I see you out then trust me you won't walk even if you wanted to" she cracked her knuckles and her eyes seemed to have a scary glint to it.

The boy nodded as he gulped down as Sakura made her way down "What a scary women!"

Opening the door she was greeted by Naruto holding loads of bags "Sakura-chan, how is he?"

Dazed for a second "He's woken up but his body is still weak. I was just about to make some food for him but it seems you've already brought quite a lot, Naruto" smiling as Naruto handed the bags

"Drogo did seem hungry back then and since we made a long journey I figured you'd be tired as well so I brought food for the kid"

"Thanks a lot, Naruto, how's Hinata doing?" Going through the bags she asked

"Hinata is doing good and should be resting now. I'll leave you to it Sakura-chan." with that he poofed and disappeared. It seemed to only be a shadow clone of Naruto.

Bringing all the food back up in Drogo's room where the boy didn't move an inch from the spot she had left him too. Satisfied by the outcome she passed him the bags "Naruto brought food for you. Eat it all and if you feel healthy you can go to the Academy but only at lunchtime. Don't you dare leave this bed before that" the woman was really good at threatening others

"Yea yea I know. Annoying old-" Freezing up and gulping down as the air seemed to become chilly. He didn't dare to look up but knew she was staring down at him. "I mean yes Ma'am I know. Thank you for the food" with that started eating.

Thankfully Sakura turned around and left without giving him a solid beating. The boy started devouring all the food like there was no tomorrow. He had been absolutely starving and all that screams and anguish really made him hungry.

In the Academy, everyone was having an Art lesson and they seemed to be drawing a portrait of a sculpture.

"Boruto what exactly happened with Drogo?" Mia had been bugging Boruto for hours ever since Sarada told him he had been brought home injured.

Most of the girls had been bugging Boruto, Mitsuki and Shikadai as they were the only ones to know. While the three boys had told their whole class that Drogo was injured and everything leaving out Shino-sensei coming close to killing them but Mia would simply not stop and wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"I told you a million times we don't know. All we know is he was injured. You ain't the only one worried about him, ya know? Stop annoying me" causing her to almost pop a vein on her forehead.

"Why you little!" Sarada and Chocho held her back seeing as she was about to break some bones.

The boys backed away sweating and knowing well this Strongest Kunoichi was not gentle at all with her fists.

"What happened to the guy from yesterday?" Shikadai asked looking towards Chocho who sat next to Boruto

"I don't know, don't ask me.." she said in a bored tone.

Inojin got closer to Sumire "I heard you're popular with the guys, Miss Class Rep!" in a tone that sounded like he was teasing her

Blushing she brought her book in front of her face "How did you know of that?" before Inojin could reply they heard a scream on the other table.

A girl screamed and pointed at the BlackBoard which had something Written on it in Big letters which appeared out of nowhere.


Shino turned around and was astounded at how something like this had appeared on the board "Whose idea of Prank is this?" Picking up the duster to clean the board

The kids looked visibly shaken at this. Boruto got up from his seat confused as others "What going on?"

*Snap* the pencil in Chocho's hand broke and she mumbled "It's him" infuriated at this.

Later outside the class Sumire, Boruto and the others gathered.

Mitsuki had been tasked on finding the kid who did this and he just came back to tell them "The person you know who has been absent today. No one's seen him"

Chocho clenched her fist "Impossible I know it was him. No one else is infatuated with Sumire like he is"

Suddenly, papers started falling from above it seemed someone had thrown them down from the top floor. As they slowly made their way towards the ground floor while the kids looked at them.

Sumire kneeled to pick one up and froze. On the paper, it was written with massive words "SUMIRE, YOU LOOK CUTE TODAY" for the first time in her life Sumire was visibly shaken at this. This was something new to her and was absolutely terrifying.

Others kneeled to pick up the papers as well which said many other things. With a few being "Sumire I love you, I'll always be beside you" while the other rambled on about "Sumire I like, I like you, I like you" it kept going.

"What the fuck is this? This is really creepy" Mia muttered. Even to her, this was so weird.

"This is getting scary we need to do something about it. I'm not gonna let him get close to Class Rep" Boruto muttered.

"Boruto is this the same case now the one with the Dark aura?" Shikadai asked bringing everyone attention on him.

Boruto himself wasn't sure as he didn't see the Dark aura on the boy yesterday but if this was happening then he must have that dark aura or the person is just messed up "I'm not sure but we'll find out once I see him."

"If I get my hands on him I won't promise not breaking his bones" Mia cracked her knuckles

With that, they all started moving through the Academy trying to find the said person.

Back in the Uchiha household, Drogo had finally finished resting and his body had recovered from the weak state it had been. Seeing as there was still a lot of dried blood on the floor he waved his hand as the blood condensed in a small thick ball which he chucked outside the window.

"Time to test what this new ability that made me go through so much pain really is" as he said that he used his Chakra on his bones and could feel them becoming stronger.

It felt like a thick layer of metal coating was done on his bones. Picking up a knife he slashed his finger and the knife snapped when it reached the bone of the finger.

"So I basically have an indestructible set of bones? I feel like one of those characters from the superhero movies back in my world" the boy chuckled. If was still up for debate if his bones were actually indestructible or if a very strong force could break them.

Next, he willed bone coming out from his hands and they did. These were the same strong bones that a knife couldn't cut through. And he could will them in any shape he desired. The problem was willing them out caused him a bit of pain and well his skin tore apart as the bone came out. It was a strong ability but not without its drawbacks.

If he wanted to tale his backbone out he'd become immobile for a few seconds as the bone quickly constructed again. This could prove deadly in fast-paced combat. Nevertheless, he gained new power and yet never knew where all these powers were coming from.

Drogo was never interested in his father who raped Tsunade but now he was a bit keen on knowing if he just raped his mother on a whim or was it to pass down his bloodline. Clearly, his father's bloodline was something he didn't know yet.

These questions, however, were something to be thought about for future. Now that his Hollow powers had been complete going in the complete mask mode and releasing his seal would make him very strong. The limitations, however, were the same, his body was not strong enough to stay in his released form for a long time.

"Time to head to the academy" he packed his things up and picked his sword before deciding to leave. Halfway through he stopped and faced a dilemma

Sakura had taken care of him and he could see her sincerity. He was not one to owe others but they were all enemies.

"Fuck it, I can treat them a bit nice for now. More reason for them to trust me and not get suspicious with what I'll be doing so enough" with that in mind he made his way to the kitchen and started cooking Omelette with a few toasts.

When it came to cooking he wouldn't call himself the best but in both lives, he had to cook for himself and in this cook for Mia and him. It was safe to say he could cook most of the easy things that were not too complicated.

Making breakfast he put them in a tray along with a glass of juice and went upstairs. Using his Byakugan he saw Sakura still sleeping and slowly opened the door.

Coming closer to her bedside he put the tray of food on the table next to her bed and slowly left the room. He would never have come in her room if she was awake. He hated doing kind things to others and if they didn't see it then he can avoid them being all smiling. It annoyed him.

Unknown to him Sakura was a Jonin and they were trained to always be on high alert. When Drogo entered the room she had already sensed it but pretended to be asleep.

She wasn't sure what he was doing but nevertheless stayed on high alert. To her surprise, he placed something on the table next to her and left. When she opened her eyes and was greeted with breakfast the look on her face would even make Sasuke laugh and that said something.

"What a nice kid! He isn't that bad after all" Smiling as Sakura picked up the tray ready to devour the food.

In the Academy, the seven people were still looking for the boy. As they made their way down the hall.

"Damn it where is he?" Shikadai said this was now starting to feel like a drag.

Boruto, however, assured him "Don't worry, as long as the class rep is with us nothing will happen" Jinxing might be real in this world as Boruto finished speaking suddenly a massive metal shutter fell down when he walked through one the doors. Trapping the three boys on the other side while the four girls remained on the other.

"What the fuck!" Boruto and Shikadai ran towards the metal shutter slamming it with their hands.

"Oi are you guy alright?" Shikadai spoke to the other side.

"It might be dangerous staying around here. Let's go" Sarada made a run for it trying to find a safe place as the rest of the girls chased after her.

"Oi, wait you guys" Shikadai shouted from the other side but the girls were already gone.

Making their way towards ninja tools room the four girls entered. "He can't find us here. We can run super fast so she should not be able to chase us" Chocho said

However, as they made their way deep inside a box of the smoke bomb was fell from one of the racks filling the room with smoke.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* that's all that could be heard as they started to suffocate.

"What the fuck! Please tell me this was an accident. Is that freak in here" Mia spoke in between her fits of coughs.

Sumire made her way towards the door coughing as well "I'm going to open the door now!" she shouted as she opened the door wide running outside as the smoke followed.

However just as she was about to shout for them to come out the door went shut again. Her eyes nearly popped out. Sumire was now really scared. Fear was written all over her face.

Running towards the door in a bid to open it her arm was pulled back by something invisible and she looked around frantically.

"Miss class Rep, What's wrong?" turning around she saw a boy wearing glasses approach her.

"Denki-kun!" her voice broke out as she couldn't stop shaking.

"Are you okay-" before he could finish his words something hard slammed on his head and he fell down. Blood coming from his head.

"Denki!!" She screamed in horror but Froze still as she felt someone breathing on her left ear. "Finally, we are alone," the invisible person said as he touched her ass. While Sumire flinched. Grabbing her he went off towards the rooftop.

A few minutes later the door to the equipment room opened as three girls burst out coughing.

Boruto and the others were seen running towards them when "Denki!" Boruto shouted seeing him on the floor out cold and bleeding.

His eyes flinched "My head hurts" he murmured. "We need to get him to the infirmary," Shikadai said.

Mia, however, stepped in "Don't worry I've learned medical ninjutsu from my mother I'll patch him up real good" pushing Boruto to the side her hands glowed and she started healing Denki.

She wasn't that good with healing jutsu yet but it was enough to heal bruises and stop bleeding. While she was healing the others looked around.

"Where is Class Rep?" Boruto asked while the three girls shook their head.

"We don't know we lost her" they looked guilty. *Ahhhhhhh* they heard a loud screen from the rooftop

"Isn't that Class Reps voice?" Mitsuki questioned. Looking at each other they all made the run for it with Mia staying behind to heal Denki however the concern on her face was visible.

Up on the roof, Sumire was pinned down with the boy on top who was now visible.

The boy in question was pale-skinned with straight long brown hair that parts down the centre of his forehead and reached his upper back. He wore grey pants and a white long-sleeved shirt with a white mantle over it reaching his waist.

"Magire-kun please stop this" Sumire whimpered as the boy forced his weight on her holding her legs with his own and her hands with his own. Halting her movements.

Sumire looked extremely scared and could not help shaking. This was something she never had expected a person who stalked her to now attack her in broad daylight.

"Sumire you rejected me yesterday but I told you we'd always be together. There is only one way I know that would make you mine and you'll have no choice" he started tearing her clothes. He tore off the piece from her breast area as he bent down planting sloppy kisses on her neck and then lips while she squirmed in his embrace trying to free herself.

She started screaming and shouting as her nails dug into his shirt. "Please Stop Please" she begged him by the boy kept going on.

Finally, his hand went down towards her skirt and he harshly pulled it down revealing her panties. Sumire just froze and tears trickled down her face. This was sure to leave a trauma.

"Oh don't cry My pretty Sumire. Oh no please don't, this will be over soon and you'll enjoy it. I promise there will be very little pain" he consoled her gently but his actions remain rough. Touching her panties with his fingers he started stroking it and then brought his fingers closer to his nose to sniff.

"You smell so nice Sumire. Soon we will be together as one body. We will have kids and live happily after" Magire seemed to have completely lost it and became ecstatic.

His hands went down and with a tug pulled her panties down revealing her pink vagina with a trimmed purple bush.

"So pretty Sumire. It's alright now. Shush my darling." Stroking her hair his finger went straight into her vagina and bringing out with a sticky substance on his hand. Like before he brought it closer to his nose sniffed causing him to feel absolute ecstasy and then started licking his fingers like a dog.

Sumire wanted to scream she wanted to shout for help but the boy had covered her mouth with a cloth and she could do nothing to stop him from defiling her body. Tears were all she could shed.

"Even your taste is so amazing Sumire. Now let's start and become one" grabbing her arms under his knees he unbuckled his pants and a small pecker stood stiffly

As you would expect from a growing boy it was small but it would do the job. He knew her friends would eventually come here when she first screamed but by the time they do come the deed will be done.

Aiming towards her hole he readied himself to penetrate deep in while Sumire tried her hardest to struggle.

Unknown to them a few meters away on a tree stood a figure eyeing all the events that were happening before him.

Drogo had arrived at the Academy when he heard Sumire's scream. Normally he couldn't be asked with stuff like these but well Sumire was an interesting case as Drogo was certain she was the reason behind the Dark aura.

Climbing on a tree he was baffled at the situation in hand. Sumire was pinned down by a boy and it looked as if he was about to molest her. What was even weirder was the boy had the same Dark Aura around him and it even looked like this was much stronger than the last one. He could see hints of the Aura making itself a shape of some beast.

"Was I wrong? Was Sumire really not behind the Dark Aura? No, I'm sure she was it. I saw it myself the aura going back of her but if that is the case then why is this person attacking her. Just what kind of ability does she have that she can't control this" he kept mumbling to himself and didn't make a move yet

He saw her clothes being torn apart as the bit started kissing her but he didn't make a move.

"Sumire I know that this is just a facade for you. This is not the real you. If you can use the dark aura I refuse to believe that you aren't as strong as others and I know you are much stronger than this boy." this was the reason he didn't make a move but the women just kept giving him surprises.

He saw her cry he saw her squirm in his embrace but made no effort for taijutsu or ninjutsu. Why was she still playing her meek little character Drogo could not understand?

As shit hit the fan and he finally saw the boy's true intention. He pulled her skirt and panties down and the way he sniffed her insides and licked it made Drogo want to puke and his anger kept increasing.

Surely now that he's doing the deed you would have to show your true self Sumire. I refuse to believe you would let him rape you. This was what Drogo thought, however, the women in front of him did no such effort to truly retaliate him. She was actually about to lose her virginity to this unknown boy.

"Why Sumire why? Just how strong is your secret that you would rather get raped by this fucker than break the facade you've been showing everyone." he clenched his fists so hard blood started to seep out.

Drogo was really impressed with Sumire just like him she hid a secret and to make sure she never got found out until it was accomplished she was willing to even get raped. This really pissed him off that the damage done to her was so much she didn't care about her precious thing.

Just as the boy was about to ram his junk in her pink lips. His body came to a halt. Someone gripped his neck hard and threw him like a sack of rack. He couldn't even understand what happened until it was already done.

Sumire kept starting at the figure that appeared in front of her. "Drogo-kun?" she softly said still whimpering

Drogo, however, didn't even look at her and kept staring at the boy "Cover yourself Sumire. You fool just how important is your secret that you'd let yourself get raped by this fucker" her eyes widened. She was now certain that he knew she now was simply a fake.

Before she could protest he said again "Save it. I'm not gonna tell anyone but don't even throw yourself like that again. This is something you should cherish" his voice told her he was extremely angry and pissed.

Biting her lower lip Sumire couldn't stop from crying. Of course, she cared about her virginity. This was something precious. She was just a child but the secret she carried must not be told to anyone. Her real self should not be revealed. She hated she couldn't just kill that person but she was helpless. Even if people like her and Drogo went through the hell they were still kids at heart and age. This was something that terrified her and in her heart, she did pray for someone to save her. Drogo coming her and saying that made her completely break down as she wept tears of sadness and joy.

Footsteps could be heard from the stairs as a group of people slammed the door to the rooftop open.

Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, Sarada and Chocho finally got to the top and looked around. They froze when their eyes landed on the three figures. Magire was thrown to the side as he was getting up and Drogo stood while Sumire was on the floor with torn up clothes and her face covered in tears.

Thankful she had covered her lower half with the skirt as they had entered.

"Sumire!!" They all shouted in Unison rushing towards her.

Chocho and Sarada approached and hugged her trying to console her.

"Drog what happened here and why is class rep like this?" Boruto demanded feeling rage inside of him.

Drogo, however, remained silent as ever and kept his eyes on the boy that he threw. The rest followed their gazes eyed the boy only to find him with his pants down and a thing hanging between his legs.

They had all done biology in the academy so they knew that that was. What it was used for and looking back at the torn up clothes of Sumire they all put two and two together.

"No!" Sarada screamed horrified at the conclusion as everyone else felt so much anger.

"H-he tried to rape me" it was so painful to say out those words but Sumire knew she had to say it before they made their own conclusions. "Thankfully Drogo made it in time and saved me" adding in

"Bastard!" Everyone felt so much hate towards the boy and were getting ready to attack him.

Boruto's eyes then suddenly turned on and revealed the same dark aura. With that, he felt complicated the man was under the influence of the aura but the fact still remains that he tried to rape his friend.

"H-he has the same dark shadow as others" he called out surprising Shikadai and the others with them feeling conflicted as well.

However, there was one person who didn't feel conflicted about this. No, what he felt was so much anger but he kept staring at the boy who had just gotten up.

"Y-You! How dare you interfere with me and my lover. How dare you ruin our chance to be together. You will be punished. I will kill anyone who interferes with my love for Sumire!" he bellowed going invisible as he took his Kunai off.

Running straight towards Drogo in an attempt to finish him off with a stab to the brain.

"Drogo! Watch out he's going for you." Sarada and others screamed looking around as if trying to find the said person.

Drogo, however, did not move. He could clearly see the person. His Byakugan made sure of that. As the man approached him they all heard the word "DIE!" as he stabbed the kunai at his head.

"Drogo!!!" Boruto screamed seeing his friend about to be killed. *Splash* blood splattered on the floor as everyone looked horrified and surprised.

Drogo had used his hand to block the kunai as if went through his palm and came out from the other side. Normally with his new ability, he could easily make the kunai break when it came in contact with his bones but this time he needed to feel it. He was so angered he needed to feel some amount of pain so he won't snap this boy in front of him quickly.

His right hand reached out and grabbed the invisible person neck picking him up in the air as his invisibility cloak wore off. The aura around Drogo had completely changed as he slowly but gently chocked the boy.

The rest stared at Drogo concerned and terrified. Even Mitsuki who had seen blood and was basically like Orochimaru that rarely things would flinch him was actually terrified of Drogo right now.

"I will K-kill you-" Magire tried to make words out as he was being held by the neck "Shut up!" a complete Icy voice came out of Drogo without a hint of emotion. It was so scary even those who had been through multiple battles couldn't be this Icy and without emotions. Especially to these kids who had not seen anything. Even the boy covered in Dark Aura flinched and shut up.

It was finally his turn to speak "There are three things I hate the most in the world." raising his bloodied left hand to reveal three fingers.

"The first is a said person. He is someone I hate the most in this life. He took something important from me and only by destroying everything that said a person has ever loved will I be satisfied" everyone heard this and became bewildered. This was the first time Drogo had talked about his past and what he liked and in this case, things he hated. However, this was a kind of hate they had never felt.

Sumire kept staring at him. So even you have your own secrets. You hate a person just like I hate something as well but why do I feel like your hate is one that devours worlds while mine is barely able to take a small bite. Such a big difference. Just what kind of thing happened to you to feel this much hate?

"Second is Parents and people who treat Bastards like dog shit. I despise them and would absolutely kill those people. They don't deserve to live." this had a deep meaning behind it which most of the kids failed to comprehend even for Sumire this was something unknown.

Finally, the third finger went down "Lastly I hate those who rape. I despise them because of them bastards are treated like dog shit. Because of them, the mothers of bastards would hate them. Everything is because of them." he then grinned Magire saw him grin like a wild beast.

"Congrats you made it into the list of top three things I hate" he smiled but to Magire it was a devil smiling.

"W-what are you going to do with me?" the boy gulped down and unconsciously so did the others.

A loud tearing noise was heard and something fell down next to the kids it looked to be covered in blood. This was followed by a loud scream "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh it hurts so much ahhhhhhhh!" the boy flailed his hands madly tears and snort followed.

The other kids finally got on to what happened with The girls looking another way almost wanting to puke. The boy's dick had been ripped off in the most painful way possible. And thrown on the ground they could see blood dripping down and mangled bits hanging between his legs.

"Oh my God!" Sumire whispered as the girls started to puke. This was the first time they had seen so much blood and well it was not pretty at all.

The boys too looked very sick however they held it in while Mitsuki was the only one that wasn't shaken by the blood however he was shaken by how savagely the job had been done. Drogo at this moment had turned into a beast.

"SHUT UP!!!" he roared as he finally released his killing intent swallowing everything around him as it mostly aimed at the crying boy.

They had seen Drogo release killing intent before but this was new to them. The whole Drogo in front of them was new to them. The pressure of his killing intent went far and wide spreading all towards the village.

Inside the hokage building, Naruto got up feeling the killing intent and he frowned "This is the boys killing intent. What is he up to now?" questioning he told Shikamaru to stay here while he went to take a look.

In the Uchiha household, Sakura who was dusting her home felt the killing intent and similarly dropped her broom quickly making her way to the Academy.

Right outside the Academy, a figure was passing by with blond hair and a diamond mark on her forehead. Frowning she made her way towards the rooftop.

Magire had stopped crying but he still whimpered due to the killing intent. He was so scared that he started peeing through whatever hole he had left as it was so painful to do. However, he didn't make a single sound.

"Tch it seems they can't handle a little bit of blood. No worries tho let's end this" bringing his left hand he imbued it with Chakra readying himself to pierce his chest and destroy his heart.

"D-Drogo-kun this isn't necessary. I'm fine so we should just hand him to the adults" Sumire tried to calm him down

"Y-Yeah this isn't you Drogo. Let him go and we can have a suitable punishment for him" the others chipped in as well.

Drogo however simply scoffed "You guys are naive. Things like these should be finished" the boy in his grip was being chocked

"No, you know it and so do I Drogo. This isn't him. He was under the influence of that dark shadow. This was not his real self" Boruto tried to diffuse the situation.

He, however, didn't stop "Boruto the aura brings out the peoples most negative emotions. Regardless he was about to rape Sumire. If I was a second late he would have done the deed" causing Boruto to shut his mouth he knew this was wrong but Drogo's point was valid as well.

Moving his left had sleight to the boy's chest who screamed while the others shouted "No!" as they watched his hand pierce his chest.

However just before it reached he hear his arm was stopped by a figure that appeared next to him. "What do you think you are doing boy? A feminine voice spoke a voice Drogo knew all too well.

"Tsunade" he whispered

Finally, it took me hours to get this out. This is probably the longest chapter I have written. 7k words damn can't believe it.

Hope you like it and as I said before this is a dark fic and not everything is always fine.

Hope you liked it and leave a review.

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
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