
Changes to the body again? A new power awakening.

"Is this really the right place that Shino-Sensei called us?" Boruto asked as he seemed frustrated.

"We've been waiting for hours and he's not been here. Also, where is Drogo didn't he get asked by Sensei as well?" Shikadai questioned

Mitsuki simply stood next to them quietly observing them.

"I don't know he said if he feels like it he'll come. When I went to Sarada's I saw his face and looked like he was sick." Boruto told them

Finally, a figure emerged from trees behind as the boys looked at him.

"Sensei it's you. Why did you call us over here so early?" Boruto looked him in the eyes

Shino, however, looked very serious and didn't reply.

"Sensei are you alright?" Boruto asked again and then remembered he probably was pissed at what happened yesterday " Sensei we are sorry for saying all that mean stuff to you yesterday" he bowed but Shino's expression remained the same

Shikadai grabbed Boruto's neck with his arm and got him in a headlock. "What have you done with Sensei now? You better apologise right now Boruto" he turned his head around and made him bow as he did himself as well

"Sensei we apologise for what we did. Boruto is an idiot so please forgive us. Mitsuki you apologise as well" Shikadai told him

"Eh, Why me?" he tilted his head in confusion

As they all started bickering with each other Shino finally opened his mouth "No, need to apologise. I'm here to kill you all. I see Drogo didn't come but no worries after I'm done with you all I'll make sure to crush him to pieces." the three kids could see bugs coming out of his weird glasses and a single streak of blood. While his back exploded with an immense amount of bugs leaving his body.

"Sensei, what's wrong with you?" Shikadai asked with fear on his face

Boruto had his eye activated again and saw the same dark aura surrounding Shino-sensei "Its the same one with Metal and others. Sensei isn't himself right now" the all jumped back as a wave of insects tried to swallow them.

Mitsuki and Shikadai jumped on a tree branch while Boruto threw Kunai at his teacher which were stopped by strings made by bugs. Possibly spiders.

"Oh so he can use them like that as well" Mitsuki mused

"This is no time for that Mitsuki. We need to run right now" Shikadai shouted

They saw a wave of bugs touching Boruto as the bugs started to crawl all over his body trying to cover him completely as they drained his chakra. Boruto threw his arms around frantically trying to get the bugs off him.

"Boruto!" the ponytailed kid shouted from the tree branch.

*Dog-Horse-Bird* Shikadai saw Mitsuki go through hand seals as he inhaled in "Wind style: immense breakthrough" a massive gust of wind escaped his mouth as it blew away all the insects on Boruto.

The snake boy quickly threw his arms which stretched far and wide grabbing Boruto and pulling back. With that, all three of them ran away.

A few meters deep inside the jungle the three kids sat down panting

"What should we do? It's the same thing with Metal. We need to knock some sense into Sensei right now" Boruto spoke up

"Are you joking? My dad told me that Shino-sensei is Jonin level. Forget us even Mitsuki can't fight him alone" Shikadai added in to which Mitsuki simply stared at the duo

"We should go and get some help from other teachers then. We can't just sit around doing nothing" Boruto got up readying himself to run

"That's not possible anymore." Drawing attention from the two Mitsuki continued "The chakra from the parasitic insects has rapidly spread throughout the forest. Since we are in the middle of the forest they'll easily find us if we make a run for it" he explained causing the duo to have sour faces

"Damn it we need to do something. If only that Idiot Drogo came as well then we'd at least have some kind of chance if all four of us attacked" Boruto slumped back down.

"We'll have to make do with the three of us. Drogo could come but who knows. Right now we can only rely on us three" Shikadai told them

Speaking of Drogo outside the Forest back in the Uchiha household inside Drogo's room a boy kneeling on the floor holding his body and shivering in agony.

"What the fuck is happening to me? What is wrong with me? White, what is all this I'm experiencing?" he called out to his inner self in his mind.

The pain that had been constantly going on was too unbearable for him. His lips had dried long ago from trying hard to not scream and sweating all over from over-exerting himself.

"King honestly i don't know much. I can tell you it's part of your ability that should've manifested before the Jaw bone mask and your hollow hole. The thing you are experiencing right now is the first stage of power you should've unlocked. But the pain you are feeling is way too much for anyone to experience when they unlock this ability" White sounded concerned

"Ahhhhhh!!!! Fuck this is too much. I need to get out of here. Need to find someone to tell Sakura I won't be back home today." he tried to stand up but even such a small action caused immense pain.

All over his body, he could hear a very scary cracking sound. It was as if his bones were being broken and being made again. It was too much for him.

"Sakura is at the Hospital and going to her would mean she'd check up on me. I can't let her know my secrets. Sarada is still at school. That leaves Boruto who went to the forest. I need to find him" Drogo had told Sakura he was sick in the morning when this whole situation started so Sarada had to go to the academy by herself.

Suddenly, his arms burst as dark blood splashed all over the floor. It seemed to be bad blood his body was getting rid off but the pain behind it nearly caused his vision to go dark.

"King hang in there. You need to find yourself a safe place. Get out of this village. When this whole process finishes you'll be rendered unconscious and if they get your hands on you then you can bet your ass they'll be running some tests to find the source of it" White didn't want to sound as if he was warning him but this was really the case and he knew it as well.

"I know, fuck me this is too painful" he stumbled nearly crashing down but got his feet firm on the ground stabilising himself.

With that, he was gone as his pupils glowed deep red "Kamui" he said as he got sucked into an invisible spiral. It was easier to travel in the other dimension then it was to simply go there in the state he was currently in.

Deep in the forest, Boruto and Shikadai were slammed into a tree with insects that kept them stuck on the tree. Slowly draining their chakra.

Shino who could be seen standing on the water smiled "Its the end. Too bad you couldn't get me into the water" just as he was about to finish them two on arms burst out of water dragging Shino into the water his eyes widening in surprise.

The insects that held both those kids vanished as they fell down.

"*cough* *cough* *cough* You didn't expect that did you sensei?" Shikadai muttered trying to get himself up.

Under the water, Mitsuki had wrapped Shino around with his arms as he dragged him down to the bottom.

"Clever trick but did you honestly think that I won't have any insects that I can use underwater?" Insects started to pour out of his clothes surrounding the two. Nibbling away Mitsuki's chakra.

'Damn didn't think he would have insects for underwater as well. Need to work quickly.' he went through his hand signs. "Lighting style: snake lighting" as the hand sign completed electrocuting the whole lake.

All Shino could do was scream as his vision began to fade. Mitsuki threw Shino outside the water using his long arms as he himself began to suffocate.

'Oh, I didn't think I used up all my chakra. Damn, I don't really care anyway." he began losing conscious when a dark figure swam down towards him.

Upon it him getting closer Mitsuki noticed that it was Boruto as he grabbed his shirt trying to pull him up and out of the water.

'Don't give up, please' Boruto wanted to say to him.

Mitsuki, however, had already lost consciousness and his weight caused Boruto to sink down.

"Damn it Boruto don't show off" Shikadai shouted as he eyed the still unconscious Sensei and then diving into the water to help Boruto

Diving in he saw Boruto Struggling to get Mitsuki out so he grabbed the other side of the pale skinned boy and together with Boruto finally started swimming up towards the surface.

*Splash* the there boys appeared on the surface. Gasping for air while struggling towards the ground.

Throwing Mitsuki on the ground both Boruto and Shikadai sat down taking in deep breaths. While Mitsuki slowly regained consciousness and so did Shino

"Sensei *Gasp* are *Gasp* you *Gasp* alright?" Boruto finally asked seeing Shino stand up.

All three of them were however stunned by their sensei's following actions "It really was a nice job with your plan but sadly it was all for nought. You should contemplate on coming up with a better plan in the afterlife."

Horrified that was all that could explain what they felt right now. Shikidai's paralysis Jutsu wasn't much effective here and he wished he would've learnt some wind jutsu from his mother. He promised himself that if he escaped he would learn from his mother.

Mitsuki had used up all his chakra and couldn't even muster a simple wind jutsu much less Sage mode. He simply watched the insect wave coming closer wishing Boruto would escape somehow.

Boruto had his own thoughts running inside his mind. Wishing he had been more powerful to protect his friends. Wishing he could use his abilities better and not mess around. He never felt powerless like he did right now. 'Mom, Hime and Dad I'm sorry.' he closed his eyes as the insects were inches away from them.

"Amaterasu" Black flames engulfed the whole insect swarm as smoke started to rise and the insects fell down burning to crisps and ashes.

"What!?" Shino Screamed. What was this? Who had come upon him without even sensing the person?

The trio opened their eyes in shock as well. Someone saved them. But who? That was all they thought.

"Blood art: Blood coating" which followed with "Lightning style: Lighting jet" Drogo appeared behind Shino who was gobsmacked by his speed and how he never noticed him.

His arms covered in thick blood which looked as strong as steel and lighting coursed through them. Combining two of his styles together he smashed both his palms on Shino's back as lighting Blood exploded like jet stream sending Shino flying him away.

"Fuck!!!!!!!" after his move Drogo fell on his knees screaming in agony.

The trio were relieved upon seeing Drogo save them but then noticed his unnatural behaviour. Blood was flowing out through his arms and back even his eyes seemed to pour out blood streaks.

"Drogo what the hell happened to you?" Boruto and others ran to him. Getting closer they even heard a sickening cracking sound from inside his body as the boy in front of them tried hard to repress his anguish.

"I'm not gonna ask why Bug-Sensei was about to kill you but listen to me. Tell Sakura that I won't be home today. Tell her not to worry. Fuck!!!!!" he fell back down as his right leg burst with blood pouring out.

"Are you alright? We need to get you to the hospital. Quickly Mitsuki help me" Boruto tried to help him only to be shot down.

"No!, I told you I'll be fine. Just do me a favour and tell her not to fucking go child hunting on me if I ain't home" his legs shaking he finally got up

"Are you sure you'll be fine Drogo?" Shikadai asked in concern seeing so much blood and his anguish.

"Does it look like I'm fine? I'm fucked right now but I will probably be fine by tomorrow. Who the fuck knows but for now I need to go far away from this village" saying that he was gone

"Drogo wait!" Boruto shouted only to be stopped by Mitsuki's hand on his shoulder.

"He should be fine," the pale boy said shaking his head.

"Do you think he's fine. Look at him Mitsuki he looks practically half dead" Boruto shook his hand off from his shoulder.

"Boruto is right we need to go tell someone," Shikadai said.

Before they could leave they finally saw a half beaten Shino coming out from the fallen tree. He looked badly injured and they were sure the way he was hunching Drogo probably cracked his backbone if not broke it. His back also had a large burnt mark due to lightning style jutsu by Drogo.

"Sensei are you alright" Hoping this time the answer from him would be a positive one

"I'm fine Boruto" he fell to his knees coughing up blood. Clearly, he was not fine.

"Sensei" Shikadai and Boruto screamed rushing to him.

"I just need to rest a bit and I'm really sorry for what I did to you kids. I am not fit to be a teacher. I should probably quit" guilt was what he was feeling.

"Sensei please don't say that. You are overreacting. None of us is hurt so it's all fine. Also, it's our fault that this all happened so please forgive us for what we said" "Yes, Sensei we realise how much you do for us. We really crossed the line when we said those things to you" both Shikadai and Boruto added

"You guys!" if Shino had any energy left in him he would probably cry right now.

At the side, Mitsuki was looking at him and as if a sudden realisation hit him "Perhaps there is something you can teach us"

With that, they made their way to the hospital.

Drogo had struggled his way to the gate of the village. He was about to leave the village

"Halt! Kid you ain't allowed to leave village unless you state your business? Holy shit! What happened to you, kid? Let me get you to the hospital" the man who guarded the door approached him eyeing all over his body and drawing a sharp gasp.

"Leave me alone" That was all Drogo said ignoring him and moving on.

The man came in front of him spreading his arms "Hold up kid. You seemed pretty beat up. Listen to me you need a medic Asap. Let me take you to one" he reasoned with him.

The boy was in too much pain and now being halted really pissed him off. He just wanted to find a spot and scream peacefully. "I said FUCK OFF!" his pupils glowed red activating his sharingan and trapping the man in a Genjutsu" who stood their stiff

With that, he carried on and in an instant, he was gone.

Approaching a cliff he was most familiar with the boy dragged his painful body underneath the tree next to a Grave.

He set himself down under the tree as he coughed blood which accidentally landed on the grave covering the said person's name who died with blood.

"*Gasp* *Gasp* Yo sister." Drogo heavily panted as the pain intensity increased.

"Sorry about the mess I just made. Your brothers in a real pinch right now. My bodies doing something that I don't even know and the pain is too much for me to take" Soon cracking sounds erupted from his body

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Anguish howls were all the surroundings heard as painful screams that just got louder started scaring every living thing in the vicinity.

The pain continued for hours and finally coming to a halt as the sun was setting down. His lips dry and his body weak he laid down next to the grave.

"Sorry about that Moon pie. I guess I scared you. I'm fine now I just *Gasp* need *Gasp* some *Gasp* rest" he succumbed to his sleep.

Back inside the village Shino had finally recovered and told Boruto and the rest that he was heading to report to the Hokage.

"Shino-sensei don't resign. We really think you are a great Sensei" bringing a smile to him as he nodded. With that, he left

Leaving behind the three kids. Boruto finally remembered and turned around running towards the reception. "Boruto what's wrong?" Shikadai asked seeing him run frantically

"Did you forget about Drogo? I gotta Find Sakura-san and tell him about Drogo" the realisation finally donned on the rest of the two as they followed

Approaching the reception he asked the lady behind " Can you tell me where Sakura-San is? It's really important."

The lady who seemed to be enjoying some show on a small tv that she had turned around looking annoyed. She checked the register and went back to see the Tv "Sakura-sama has already checked out of the hospital. She should be home by now"

'Damn we missed her' Shikadai thought as they all ran as fast as they could towards the Uchiha household.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* Sakura had just sat down to drink water while Sarada was still out with Chocho and Mia. It was unusual that she didn't hear Drogo upstairs and he seemed sick in the morning.

Thinking of checking up on him she heard a loud thud on the door. The door was banging loudly that she had to leave the water on the table as she ran towards the door.

Opening the door she saw three kids trying to catch their breath as they looked up.

"Boruto, Shikadai and Mitsuki. What brings you here? If you are here for Drogo then he should be in his room" she told them asking them to come in.

The kids, however, didn't bother and Boruto finally spoke up "Sakura-san, it's about Drogo." making her halt her movement.

"What about Drogo? Did he cause trouble again?" she would definitely teach the kid some manners if he did something stupid again.

Boruto, however, shook his head trying to explain "No, its not that. This morning Shino-sensei called us in the forest and attacked us. Don't look shocked it was something else that controlled him but that's not the point. When he was about to kill us Drogo suddenly appeared and smashed Shino-sensei But-" he failed to say more

"But what?" Sakura seemed to be dreading something. The incident with Shino she'll have to deal later seeing as the kids were more worried about Drogo then Shino.

Shikadai finally spoke up "But when we saw him his whole body was covered in blood. When we got closer to him we could hear cracking coming from his bones and he looked to be in a lot of pain. I could see he was barely holding himself up" he saw Sakura's eyes widen

"He told us to tell you he won't be coming home today and not worry" Mitsuki finished as they saw Sakura dash back upstairs and they followed

Sakura approached the boy's Door and slammed it open and gasped loudly "Oh my god" while the other followed their expression turning similar.

They saw dried black blood all over the floor and it was in a large amount. This could cause

hypovolemic shock. The boy could die from this.

"Where is he?" she asked not taking an eye off from the blood. "We don't know he never told us. All he said was he needed to get out of the village" Sakura frowned

"You boys go home. I'll go see Naruto and find the boy. Boruto, tell Sarada to eat at Chocho today.." she ran out towards the Hokage building.

Inside the Hokage room, Shino stood there explaining the whole situation to Naruto and Shikamaru

"I'm sorry but I have not self-awareness of where and when I was psychologically affected. If not for Drogo I might really have hurt the kids." their teacher explained

Shikamaru who had been leaning on the wall spoke "In a sense, it was a blessing in disguise that you weren't yourself." looking up at shino

Naruto stood up from his chair, walking towards the large window behind him "Yeah that's right if Shino had really attacked them Boruto and others would be dead for sure. But to think a little 12-year-old boy could stop you.

How did he do that?"

"Even I don't know how that boy stopped me. Even if I was not myself should've been able to sense him. I only found out he was there when he used Amaterasu and was later behind me. The boy is very strong." Shino looked frustrated

"Where is he then? I'll ask him, to think the boy can already use Amaterasu at such a young age. He probably knows incomplete Susanoo as well." hokage spoke

"I don't know. When he hit me I was rendered unconscious and when I regained my senses he was gone. I didn't even get a glimpse of him. Boruto and others might know."

*knock* *knock* someone entered the door after knocking. It was the gatekeeper who stood the hidden leaf gate.

Naruto looked back raising an eyebrow. "Something the matter Ebisu-san?"

"Lord Seventh there has been a problem. A few hours ago a kid left the village who was in pretty bad shape. His arms bleeding and looked to be in immense pain. When I tried to stop him and get him to the hospital he used Genjutsu on me and ran outside" Ebisu said all that in one breath looking anxious.

"What!" the trio inside shocked

"Who was it?" Shikamaru asked but before Ebisu could reply the door was slammed and in came Sakura.

"Naruto! Drogo he's gone. Boruto and others told me he was covered in his blood and was in immense pain. I checked his room and found lots of dried blood on the floor. We must find him. At this rate, he might die from blood loss" she explained anxiously and looked to her very concerned.

The three inside finally got to know who that person was that left the village. Naruto frowned deeply and started contemplating where the boy was.

"Did he say anything before he left? Like where is he going?" Shikamaru asked

Ebisu and Sakura shook their heads. "Naruto we need to find him now before it's too late," the pink haired women said as Naruto nodded

"Shikamaru I'll leave you in charge. I and Sakura will head out of the village. I'll go get Hinata as well. She can help me track the boy down." the hokage gave his orders and quickly left

Outside the Hokage household, Naruto appeared as he knocked the door frantically

Hinata came running down the stairs due to the loud knocks on the door. Using her Byakugan she had seen Naruto and Sakura outside the door and Naruto looked troubled.

Boruto who was with Himawari in the dining area also came out with Himawari due to the loud noise.

Hinata opened to the door and saw Naruto looking very serious and troubled. "Honey, is everything alright?" he just shook his head.

"I've got no time to explain Hinata. Grab your shoes and we need to go. Drogo seems to be injured badly and he left the village. We need to track him before its too late" he told her

"Is Big bro Drogo going to be alright?" Himawari who heard that Drogo seemed to be in trouble asked with great concern. She liked the boy as he was very nice to her and adored her.

Naruto bent done on his knee and held Himawari close to him " It's going to be fine. We'll find him in no time. I'll make sure he's fine so don't worry" he tried to console her but even the dreaded if the boy could survive with how Sakura explained the blood loss

Getting up as Hinata was ready to go as well they turned around only to halt as Boruto spoke "Dad, make sure he's alright. He saved us" that all he said as he clenched his hands.

If he had gotten someone to help with the situation Drogo might've been saved.

"Don't worry Boruto I'll make sure he's alright," Naruto said before leaving

The trio made their way outside the village and carried on a few miles outside.

Coming to a halt to check their surroundings. "Can you sense Him Naruto?" Sakura asked

Naruto looked around trying to focus on sensing the surroundings but of no avail.

He shook his head " No, it seems the boy made a run for it. He's not around here. I'll have to use sage mode and tailed chakra mode to increase my sensory abilities" saying that Naruto was surrounded by a yellow cloak which looked similar to that of a fox with his red cape separating into 9 tails. His eyes turned yellow and orange tint surrounded his eyes.

Pressing his hand down on the ground he felt every living being in a large radius. In tailed beast mode he could even sense negative emotions and well this was the best way to find them, boy. Since he harboured intense negative emotions all the time something that Naruto blamed his parents and him always being alone.

"Found it!" he exclaimed but then frowned

"Its weird I can barely feel his life force but I can fell his negative emotions," he said

"Hinata he's up towards the North somewhere before the valley of the end. Can you use your eyes to check up how he is" his wife nodded and turned on her Byakugan

Her vision went wide and far near the vicinity where Naruto told her. Checking trees and lands until she found a large cliff to which her vision followed all the way up she saw a large tree and a grave and she found him...

"N-Naruto-kun I found him but-" she really didn't want to say much on it

"But what Hinata" Sakura demanded

"But there is blood all over the place. He's up on a cliff near the valley of the end. Under a big tree with a grave next to it. He doesn't seem to be conscious. I fear-" unable to finish as Sakura shot towards the direction Hinata had pointed with Naruto and Hinata following

"Damn that boy. Why didn't he come to me if he was suffering? I'm a medic-nin, I can help him. Why can't he trust us?" she babbled on feeling really frustrated.

"It's not his fault Sakura-chan. The boys been all alone and his parents didn't really help with that. He is like Gaara and me but worse since he didn't even have a village to care for. Outside the village, it isn't really pleasant. Him being able to survive is already surprising." Naruto explained it to her. It was not like he blamed the boy but he too wished you could trust them.

He wasn't a bad kid. After all, he did save the kids back then.

"But Hinata-Chan you said there was a grave next to it. Do you know who's is it?" His wife shook her head.

"I'm not sure there was too much blood everywhere and I couldn't focus on it too much. Seeing as Drogo went there it should be of someone really important to him" she informed them.

"We'll find out soon enough. How did he even get that far? If he was injured and bleeding. It would take us a good 3-4 hours before we can get there" Sakura still seemed confused at that.

"No need to question about things like that. The kid's got his own secrets and he probably doesn't want to let us know"

Hours went by and it was close to a new day. They had left the village way past midnight and it seemed as if dawn had been approaching.

"We're finally here" Sakura muttered as they climbed the cliff as fast as they could.

Approaching the top they were greeted by possibly the worst situation they could imagine. Blood so much blood all around the area under the tree.

They saw a figure with closed eyes slumped down on the tree with one hand on his chest clutching a necklace while the other was resting on the ground. What was possibly worse was they heard no breathing from the figure nor any life force.

"Oh my God! This is not right. Are we late?" Sakura screamed running towards the boy

As she kneeled down trying to check his pulse.

"Naruto he's not breathing." she was absolutely horrified by the situation

Naruto frowned as he approached him as well trying to sense his life energy. "I can't even sense his life energy its like he's dead" even he was horrified at this "But I can still sense his negative emotions"

This was really a dilemma. How can he have negative energy when he has no life force? This was something Naruto never expected.

How could they have known that those negative emotions were not his own but his Hallow selves? His own negative emotions were hidden deep down to the point of being sealed. He was never alive since he never had a heart.

Finally, it was Hinata who used her Byakugan to see his chakra pathway "Naruto-kun, Sakura-kun it's fine I can still feel his chakra circulating inside his body."

Sakura placed her hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat but froze "He doesn't have a heartbeat. His heart seemed to have stopped. This is bad this is very bad" her Medic training kicked in as she was about to go unzip his shirt to pump his heart with her bare hands.

Her hand reaching his zip and slowly pulled down just as it was about to reach his chest blood covered hand grabbed her wrist.

Drogo awoke in an instant and he was glad he did. Sakura was a few centimetres away from finding out he had a massive hole in his chest.

He quickly kicked her as she blocked his leg but it sent her a few meters back. The boy flipped back and got into a defensive position.

"What do you think you are doing?" he questioned

"Drogo calm down! We're here to help. You've lost a lot of blood and we need to get you a transfusion. There are several cuts all over your body and I need to heal them" Sakura tried to calm him down as she approached him.

"I said back off!" the boy flinched hard making them all halt

"I can heal myself and as for blood, I don't need it. I just need food to recover" after waking up from intense agony all he felt was hunger. Deep hunger and nothing more. His cuts and messed up open patches of skin was something he could heal himself and making someone else treat him would cause them to see things he didn't want them to.

"Drogo relax we won't hurt you. Calm down and Sakura help you" Naruto finally spoke sensing the boy's hostility

"Like I said I don't need your or anyone's help. You came here for no reason. I told Boruto that not to worry. Tch! Never would've told him if he was such a snitch" sneering as his own body started healing itself.

This was one of the new powers he had unlocked. The ability to passively heal over time from an injury. Whether it be internal or external.

His new kekkai Genkai was called Dead bone pulse. This ability was actually part of his true kekkai Genkai. White had told him that his true Kekkai Genkai was called Hallow. That was it. When he died by his mother's hand his second part of kekkai Genkai unlocked which had never happened before.

Hallow would manifest slowly after he had trained Dead bone pulse to a certain degree and only those of Royal blood could do it.

When he asked further what Royal blood he had, white could not explain. The only thing he told him was that most of his abilities came from his father.

Dead bone pulse allowed him to absolute control over his own bones. He could make them hard or soft. Make them sharp or make them very heavy. It all depended on him.

To think he had to go through so much pain for this was all Drogo would think.

The three adults were, however, shocked to see the boy's wounds recovering on his own.

This ability was something only those with Kekkai Genkai or those who were Jinchuriki had.

"How are you doing this?" Hinata questioned

"What a person can't have his secrets? Why would I tell you everything about myself? Just because I joined the village don't mean I trust you all. I've seen human nature and they are filled with greed. So I'd like to keep my own trump cards"

All three of them sighed. This boy was so much work. Here they were busting their asses to find him and he didn't even care.

"Even if you are fine I know you are feeling extremely weak. At least let me carry you" The blonde man spoke

Drogo contemplated for a bit then nodded "Sure but before going give me a few mins to clean this place" saying that he raised his hands as all the dried blood on the floor rose up in the air.

He made a fist as the puddle of blood condensed into a small ball which he then threw off the cliff. The adults just watched in fascination.

Naruto already knew he could control Iron in things but seeing it in action was truly a marvel.

He then tore a part of his jacket and continued to make hand seals "Water style: water ball" a ball of water was shot at the torn up jacket.

Holding the piece he proceeded to move to the grave and started cleaning it with a wet towel. Cleaning all the dust left over blood patches.

Silence ensued as he cleaned the grave while the adults stood behind him. They watched in silence as the boy cleaned the grave as it were some kind of fragile object. He touched it gently and softly while cleaning.

"Whose grave is this, Drogo?" Curiosity took the better of Sakura gently voicing out.

Drogo stopped for a second and silence followed before he opened his mouth "My Sister." his voice was so low and feeble. This was something they had never heard of before. He seemed very sad and filled with all sorts of emotions.

"So this is where you buried your sister." Naruto looked down to Read what had been written on the grave. It looked to be written with blood.

Here lies the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Who's smile brought people out of their Darkness. Her light shines ever so bright and her will lives on.

The last words seemed to have been smeared with blood and Naruto guessed it must be the person's name.

"That's right this is where we promised to always be together. This is the only place I could give her a proper burial. It's high up and from here she can look down at everything" touching the grave he willed his hand to remove the rest of the blood that covered him.

Using extreme concentration he made his blood change its shape into a Rose. A solid Rose that he laid on her grave.

"I'll come again, Moon pie" with that he turned around.

As he tried to walk he felt very weak and was about to fall when Naruto grabbed him.

"Boy, don't exert yourself too much. Your body is very weak and you never should've run away like this" Naruto seemed angry now

"Why couldn't you just let me help you? I'm a medic-nin and I could've helped you with whatever you were going through" Sakura added in.

Naruto put the boy on his back much to the later struggle. "I said before I don't trust you guys at all. You may be Uchiha but I don't trust them one bit. Also what I was going through none of the Medic-nins could help me with. It's something part of me and well I don't like to share secrets" Sakura really felt anger at how he spoke with hostility

"Drogo-kun we are just trying to help you. You are safe with us in the village. We can only help you if you trust us" Hinata said

Drogo, however, didn't buy it but he knew they were trying to help. This was his own problem and well if he wanted to destroy this village one day he'd have to make sure he never got found out before. The less his enemies knew about him the better it was for him.

"I appreciate you helping me but I don't need it. I didn't know if I was to die from what I was facing but if I did I'd rather die next to my sister than some Village I barely know. My body is special and I don't want you ninja people using it as you see fit" he told them.

Bringing a sigh from Sakura "I get what you mean but you are living with me. Try to trust me. We really care about you"

Drogo laughed at this. A very hollow laugh "Care about me, please! Am I supposed to believe something so foolish as this? You might be able to fool others but not me. Even persons own blood won't care about him, what makes you think I would trust those that have no blood relation to me. The only person who cared about me is dead" he let anger take the best of him again.

It really pissed him off things like bonds, caring and love. It all seemed fake to him and everytime someone said that it just brought the most disgusting memories back to him.

Realising he just had an anger burst "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be angry. Caring, bonds and love. I'm not meant for things like that. It brings the worst memories I have" he apologised

Sakura eyed him gently and ruffled his hair as he flinched again. She knew he hated physical contact especially from women but that is why she tried to make sure he never had enough of it. He would get used to it eventually.

"I know you've lived a hard life but I'll make sure you don't suffer. I may not be your mother but I'll treat you like a son" she smiled.

Drogo froze at this revelation. 'No Drogo don't. She may have an honest expression but she and the whole village are liars. They are the worst people. You can never let your guard down. Mother? You don't need a mother or a father. Those are the worst kind of people' he kept thinking in his brain.

"No, the last mother I had was the death of me. I don't need anyone to be my father or mother. I don't need them. I didn't need them back then and I certainly don't need them now. So no" he snarled

"Just treat me like a normal person." he softly said as he started to feel sleepy.

"Now if you don't mind I'd like to take a nap" with that he drifted off.

Sakura just stood there staring at him. His reaction was too fierce at this. Just the word mother made him lose it.

Hinata approached Sakura and gently nudged her "Its not his fault Sakura-chan. Sometimes you are experience too much to leave a trauma" Naruto spoke up.

He knew about this the best and so did others like him. Sometimes the best way was to let things run its course.

She nodded and with that, all four of them made their way back to the village.

New chapter out people. So now we get to know that his Dead bone pulse actually has a perfected form and its called hollow. Only the Royal bloodline has it.

It all relates to powers coming from his father's side but who is he and where has he been? Drogo does not seem to truly grasp the true power of his body.

As always please leave a review and get me some nice ratings haha and enjoy.

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