
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CH 15: Let's Introduce Ourselves.

"Oh well, I know you didn't summon me to just for some tea party, So why don't we first introduce ourselves and then talk about the purpose of my summon?"


As Kai said this, only than everyone came to their senses and remembered the problem that was coming.


"Greetings Mr. Kai, sorry for late introduction. My name is Sebastian the God of Books, also you can consider me a Minister of the Demon Realm and next to me is Sir Igor the strongest knight in entire Demon Realm."


Sebastian first introduce himself to Kai along with Igor and also their authority in their realm with the right hand on his left chest and slightly bowing his head. It wasn't known why Sebastian told their positions in his introduction.


Either It was to just brag or to produce some kind of mental pressure on Kai. It didn't matter much to Kai, he just after hearing their moved his gaze back on Diablo.


Diablo knew that It was his turn for introduction but was kind of hesitating because as Diablo was kind of happy that there was someone who would talk to him normally without being troubled by his appearance.


Diablo was afraid that If he introduce himself as same as Sebastian, Kai might began to avoid him because of his identity.


And If he only told his name, It would definitely be taken as a negative response. Diablo had unconsciously thought of Kai as same as the human of his world due to Kai's appearance.


But Diablo also couldn't delay his introduction so he left everything on luck and decided to introduce as same as Sebastian. While also praying inside that Kai remains the same even after his introduction.


….…Even though he was a God himself.


[My name is Diablo and I'm…..the Demon King of this Demon Realm and...also the God of Darkness.]


After slowly introducing himself, Diablo moved his gaze to see Kai's expression only to find him smiling as same as before.


This slightly caused relief and also confused the Diablo due to not expecting this.


"Wow, I knew that you were someone special. Then I'll introduce myself again. As I had said before you can all call me Kai and I am here summoned by you to solve any problem you are having."


As soon Kai introduce himself again, the two Dark Elves maids were now both visibly surprised. After hearing Kai, now they understood from where Kai came from.


'It looks like Our King has also summon someone from another world to fight against the Hero.'


Both maids had same thought in their mind and they understood why they were taking a Human as a guest, he was actually a summoned one just like the Hero.


Now that they understood everything(or they think). Both maids began to look Kai with interest.


Kai had a beautiful face much leaning towards cuteness and some slight feminine. And with his long smooth white hair, anyone would consider him a cute girl in first glance.


And his height was  of average teenage and looked almost 17 years old. His body even with the clothes on, any one could tell that he didn't had much muscles like some knight or warrior.


And his pure white skin tells that he wasn't an active person. But that didn't made the maids to underestimate Kai.


Since they had heard that the summoned Hero was said to be most handsome human that could even be considered a person created personally by the God of Art. His other fellow summoned members were also more beautiful than the average Elves.


But they were still strong enough to put them in this situation. So It is possible that Kai is also more powerful than he looks.


'But are all the people from other world as same beautiful as them?'


To be honest, even with being one of the most beautiful looking race in this world. They still felt slight jealousy against Kai for his looks and even his voice was much sweeter than a normal girl.


"So can you both also introduce yourselves too?"


As both maids were grumbling in their minds, they saw that Kai was know speaking with them and asking for their introduction with same calm smile on his face.


Both the maids bowed and introduce themselves. The maid who poured the tea for Kai introduce herself first.


"My name is Alice Darkfield, one of the Royal Maids at your service."


"And my name is Emily Darkfield, It is great honour to meet you Mr.Kai."


From their introduction, Kai could tell that Alice had a cheerful personality and Emily was a serious type, both had an opposite personality to each other.


After their introduction Kai also noticed something.


"Are you both…..?"


"Yes, Mr. Kai as you had noticed we both are actually twins."


Now, Kai knew why he was feeling that both were kind of similar in appearance wise to each other.


While Kai and maids were talking with each other, Sebastian was looking towards the Kai because he also had noticed something.


'He….didn't mention about the Abyss in his introduction But…..why?'


Sebastian was worried when Kai said to introduce himself, It was not because of Kai but of two maids. These maids were loyal to them so he didn't had that great fear that they might spread that Kai was from Abyss.


But It was still better If they knew nothing about it. As for how he would introduce Kai to others, he would introduce the Kai as same summoned one as the Hero.


Because appearance wise Kai was no much different than an ordinary human. But the way how Kai didn't mention about the Abyss like he knew their worries.


This was bothering Sebastian. It could had been either unintentionally or internationally. If latter, than Kai has superb observation skills and is more clever than he shows.


'Well….It's not like we can stop the arrow that had already been shoot from it's bow. And there is something else that I want to confirm first.'


"Excuse me, Mr. Kai but can you fullfill a small request for us before going into further conversation."


As Sebastian asked to gain the attention of Kai who was now talking with the maids. Kai turned to him and answered without hesitation.


"Yes, why not, at least I can do a small task for you people?"


Sebastian was again strange feeling from Kai, how he so easily accepted his request and,


'No one is more suspicious than a stranger acting so friendly with you.'


Sebastian didn't know what Kai was aiming for but he still could stop right now.


"Can you have a friendly spar with Sir Igor?"