
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Elemental energy

The lesson began with an introduction of the teacher. Mrs. Skar was an instructor for a few years now and moved from city to city to educate children in magic related subjects.

She was in her late thirties and relatively small.

Then she proceeded and started with the main theme this lesson. It were the basics of magic circles, something that wasn't actually necessary.

If put to use in a real battle, it would need way too much time to draw the circle. One could only perform it when they know the plan of the opponent they face or predict a certain event to happen.

The most common purposes were for defense or for offense. Both could have extreme power which was somewhat related to the user's strength. Was the caster more powerful, even a low level circle could be as strong as a high level one, casted by a weaker person.

They were often very complicated to draw and one had to study them thoroughly to unleash its full potential.

After one hour passed, the lesson ended and the kids were sent to the next teacher. Mr. Upstone was a muscle man, training the children in combat.

He showed them a few moves they should repeat. Most didn't do very well, but Idris could already move as good as to do these exercises. It wasn't difficult or exhausting for him, but he didn't show his boredom.

After seeing the not so well doing children, Mr. Upstone gave each of them a wooden wmsword to train. Again he showed swings and poses and told them to repeat them.

Idris was still the best and was already able to almost master these techniques.

They were sent away and went to Mr. Naylor. He was the class' magic instructor. He would teach about spells, mana and elemental energy. Some time later he would also lead the group through one of the dungeons that were located on the underground floor they had been to earlier in the morning.

Mr. Naylor talked about the mana core and began with the basics. Idris knew these things already and it looked like some others did too, but it couldn't be helped and Idris tried to somehow distract himself to let the lesson get over faster.

After another hour passed, Idris could finally go home. He had known all the things that had been taught today before. He even asked the teachers what they would instruct in the next few days and concluded he didn't need to bother going to school in this week.

But before going home, the headmaster, Herbert, suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Oh, Idris. I actually wanted to speak to you. Can you come with me to my office?" The headmaster retorted with a hopeful tone.

Since that was the case, Idris just nodded and said: "Fine, but I don't have time for long."

Herbert sighed and told Idris to follow him. A short moment later, they stand inside a little office. A wooden shelf and desk are the only things in here and they're not even filled.

"What is it?" Idris asked a bit impatiently. He wanted to know now and if that didn't happen, he would just turn around and go home.

Fortunately Herbert answered truthfully: "I want to speak with you because of the results you achieved in the examination today. I'm really astonished of your cultivation level and would like to test your elemental energy now."

Idris thought about it for a bit. He actually didn't want the people to find out about his eight elements. But it was necessary to get more resources to grow faster. And if that was the case, he needed to let Herbert test his elemental energy.

"Fine, when do we start?" Idris' tone wasn't as impatient as before anymore.

The headmaster slightly smile as he heard the agreement and said: "I would prefer to begin now, but we can still delay it to tomorrow."

"It's better if we start right now. I still have important things to do." Idris slightly closed his eyes as he shook his head.

"Ok, then please take this little stone. You will need to pour in all your elemental energy. It will glow and will reveal your element. If there's more than one color, it means that you have more than one." Herbert explained the whole process, while holding a yellow stone in his hand. He thought that Idris might be able to have two or at most three elements, since it would be impossible to already be at this level at his age without another energy.

Idris rook the stone. It had sharp edges and had the form of a kite.

He started pouring in all his elemental energies. It almost drowned him of all his power. Only after one minute, a change occurred.

Idris heavily gasped for air. All his energy had been absorbed by the little stone in his head. He silently cursed it, as he looked up to the headmaster.

Herbert was staring at the stone with his mouth and eyes wide open. He couldn't believe the color that the stone was emitting.

The surface of it was dyed in eight different colors. 'Doesn't that mean he has eight elemental energies?'

He moved his face forward to look more closely. The colors were: green, blue, brown, black, violet, red, light blue and a holy-like yellow. That meant the boy in front of him had the elements wind, water, earth, darkness, lightning, fire, ice and light.

Eight elements! Herbert just couldn't believe it, checking for a mistake, but there was none.

After ten minutes he had collected himself and began to speak: "Well... I must say, that certainly was a shock. But I have another question. What is the highest ranking spell you can cast?"

"I can already use king ranked magic, but would probably also be able to cast emperor magic." Idris retorted with a bored face.

Herbert was astonished again. The boy could actually use such high ranking spells. He calmed down and said: "From now on you can use the dungeons as you like. I will also provide you with extra beast spirits and other goods. I want you to reach as far as you can. In two years there will be a tournament between our school and schools from different kingdoms. I wish for you to be as strong as possible when the time comes."

Idris felt happiness rising within, but didn't show it. He could finally use the dungeons as he liked and was even allowed many benefits others didn't get.

And another thing intrigued him. In two years time a tournament would be held. He could already see himself defeating the other students like little chickens.

Maybe he would even get to kill one or two when the time came.

I'm sorry for not writing in the last two days. I will write on a daily basis again.

Btw I'm going to edit the first chapters next week.

I would appreciate support and feedback.

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