
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


The Survival and Knowledge classroom was large. He noticed a man sitting behind a large desk.

"Welcome young man!"

He was an ashen-haired old man with a large scar carved into the left side of his face.

He had a 3-star badge on his left chest.

"I am Companion Zeff."

"Class can finally begin HAHA." he said with a big smile.

"Uh is everyone else late?"

"Pff No one else is coming, they'd rather take Nexus Edxard and Nexus Kassia's class."

"Tell me young man...why did you choose the Survival class?"

"I know little about the world. I felt it during the first test. My knowledge is greatly lacking."

"What other courses will you be taking over the next 2 months?"

"Mmh probably instructor Vildred's course."

Suddenly Zeff frowned.

"Are you sure you want to follow this murderer's course?"

"Of course, he's one of the strongest Nexus in the world. With these teachings, I can only progress."

"If you pass his test, kid. Since his arrival, no one has managed to join his class. Most have ended up either traumatised or in hospital."

"Either way I wish you luck if that's what you want."


"The class can begin at last!"


In just over an hour, Zeno felt like his brain was going to explode. Zeff had so much knowledge that Zeno was finding it hard to take it all in.

Zeno was also getting very small, annoyed by Zeff's criticisms. The Companion was astonished by our dear protagonist's lack of culture. 

Zeff's programme for Zeno was insane. There was an infinite amount of theoretical and practical knowledge.

But the most important subject was learning the runic language.

"Why do I have to learn this dead language..." complained Zeno.

"The runic alphabet is the writing system used by the peoples of the Age of Heroes and the Golden Age. It was abandoned 787 years ago with the emergence of Noxus.

By knowing the runes, you can converse with the spirits and the dead.

It could save your life.

Many ancient ruins can be found in our world and in the 7 kingdoms, and with this knowledge you will surely be able to find a legacy from the first just like me.

Study hard and you will be rewarded."

Zeno studied until the sun set under Zeff's supervision. Only then did he decide to let Zeno go home.

Mentally exhausted, Zeno went home and collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.


The days passed.

Zeno had only 2 months to prepare for his journey into the blue nightmare. So he didn't have a minute to lose. For 3 weeks, he studied with instructor Zeff from sunrise to sunset, slowly learning how to survive in a hostile environment and the runic language. Lessons ranged from how to build a fire to stellar navigation. 

There were different stars and constellations in the blue nightmare.

With enough knowledge, one could find ways to study the sky and navigate.

Thanks to Zeff, his knowledge grew from strength to strength.

The course on runic language was the most interesting. With enough knowledge, you could interact with the spirit world.

And by learning the runic language, he was able to understand Noxus better, as he communicates in this basic language. Anyone could read him, as he was equipped with a universal language translator. 

And so the weeks passed under Companion Zeff's teachings.


"Thank you Zeff for everything you've taught me over the last few weeks. You have saved me from my ignorance."

"Pff, it's already the end." Zeff said with a tear in his eye.

"Are you going to go and see Vildred?"

After 3 weeks with instructor Zeff, Zeno finally felt ready to go and see Nexus Vildred.

"Yes, I won't be like thanking you. You've taught me so much."

"Stop with your sweet words and go." Zeff said with a slight smile.

"Thank you instructor."