
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


Vildred's training ground resembled a large arena. 

The floor was made up of large white slabs. To the north of the arena was a small bamboo house, Vildred's home. On the right-hand side was a covered dojo with a roof.

Even though it was still early, no one was at the arena.

"So it's true...Vildred is as popular as Zeff..."

"Mmh and you're insulting me soldier?"

A man with red hair walked past Zeno. The atmosphere around him was suffocating. Zeno felt as if he were suffocating.

"N-no instructor Vildred." Zeno said with great difficulty.

Vildred squinted. The pressure became more intense.

Zeno fell to his knees. Unable to breathe.


"What's your name soldier?"


"Very good." Said Vildred reducing the pressure. Zeno finally managed to breathe.

"You won't get far if we even have to teach you how to breathe."

Zeno remained silent. Straightening up slowly.

"I'm the instructor Vildred, the one who will potentially supervise a part of your training if you survive. That's what you're here for, isn't it?"

Zeno nodded.

"Perfect, we can begin!"

"Catch." Vildred said, throwing a sword from nowhere.

Vildred slowly drew his katana and said :

"It's time for your first test, attack me giving everything."

"Go on!"

Zeno squinted and drew his weapon.


He had to go all out to be accepted by Vildred.

Zeno exploded forward like a water cannon, powerful and fast. The ground beneath him cracked.

He swung his sword at Vildred's sword, slamming it.


The impact of the two blades clashing scattered sparks in the air.

Vildred smiled and pushed Zeno back 10 metres.

"I'll teach you what swordsmanship is brat."

The moment his voice reached his ears, his face was already in front of his.


Vildred's sword was relentless.

'So powerful...'

Zeno managed to parry his attack, but Vildred didn't stop there.

He dodged Vildred's strikes using the different postures of the dance of flows.

"Good footwork!"

Vildred's expression became luminous. 

Dodging his last blow, Zeno approached him and tried to pierce his liver.

"Fiuuu not bad."

He took a slight step to the left and avoided it. Aiming for an opening, Vildred swung her sword at his waist.


Zeno parried the attack by holding his sword vertically, then thrust towards Vildred.

Vildred stepped back.

"You have a talent for fighting, I'll give you that. Not many soldiers can move like you. But your mastery of the sword is atrocious. With this level of offensive skill. Only death awaits you in the blue nightmare."

Zeno remained silent as he tightened his hands on his sword.

"What's your name again?"

"Zeno!" shouted our young protagonist.

"Zeno, if you manage to block this attack, I agree to supervise your training. I'll make you immortal!"

A red aura surrounded his sword. The ground shook in the face of Vildred's aura.

Huge cracks formed beneath it.

"Prepare yourself."

He slowly raised his sword and disappeared from her sight.

Vildred pierced the air, aiming at Zeno's chest.


A strong, burning wind blew Zeno's hair back, but the attack never came.

Vildred had stopped.

If Vildred hadn't stopped her momentum, Zeno would have exploded into pieces.

Zeno trembled.

He felt deep terror.

He had just faced death.

Zeno gritted his teeth. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"I'll be waiting for you tomorrow at dawn, so don't be late."


"Yes, thank you Sensei!" he said, bending his body at 90°.