
The Systems Challenge

In a world that is aware of other worlds and systems, a reality show was created to have participants receive a system and face challenges. All for the entertainment of the world's that cam view it. All participants have no idea about other worlds actually existing, let alone something like this going on. Elmo is a young man who had been shopping when he was chosen to take part in this challenge. Part of him is intrigued by the idea of the challenges, but most of him would rather just go home. If only that was an option. The following are the main challenges in order in the story: Challenge #1: defeating the starting dungeon Challenge #2: prevent the assassination of the king Challenge #3: defeat the fire dragon Challenge #4: locate and capture a firebird Challenge #5: There will be no graphic descriptions of any mature content. When such material will appear, it will either be lime or just glossed over. I'm writing this as I go along. If you have any suggestions or thoughts I'd be happy to hear them. Cover art is AI generated If anyone has any thoughts or comments about this book they'd like to say, but not leave a record of it here, I can be contacted at etherelemental@gmail.com

Mikaela_Risner · Fantasy
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243 Chs

Kim's Musings

Kim watched Jonas head over to where the hobgoblin had fallen. Part of the reason she wanted to have Jonas deal with the armor was so that she could look at what she might have missed when she was looking at her stats earlier. She wasn't confident that she'd have made the best choices if there was anything else to check with on her system. As it is, she couldn't help but feel worried that where she had allocated her attribute points might have been a mistake with how tired she was, but it wasn't like she could do anything about it if it really was a bad idea to have allocated them then.

Sighing, she kept Elin in her arms, grateful for the feeling of Elin against her as she said, "Status."

HP 167/263

Stamina 78/123

Level 17

EXP 32879/153000

Str 35

Dex 20

Vit 35

Con 30

Int 15

Wis 10

Agi 30

Endurance 35

Physical Resistance 15%

Magical Resistance 5%


Weapon Proficiency

Bastard Sword VII 327/750

Short Sword III 231/250

Shield Proficiency

Armor Proficiency

Plate Armor II 225/300

Leather Armor V 443/500

Metal/stone/wood Expertise

Unarmed Combat III 145/300

Iron Skin

Stamina Armor


Shield Bash – 4 stamina 0/100

Charge III – 3 stamina/10 feet 152/200

Reversal Cut III – 7 stamina 2/200

Iai Cut IV -10 stamina 225/250

Combat Dance VI – 8 stamina 221/325

Dodging Strike – 2 stamina/dodge

You can learn a new skill. Would you like to choose or see the options?

Kim couldn't help but wonder what options there were. She wasn't even sure she remembered which options were present the last time she'd looked at that list. So, she chose to see the options.

Unarmed Disarm – 3 stamina – prerequisites: Str 19, Dex 19, Unarmed Combat III

Weapon Throw – 4 stamina – prerequisites: Str 20 Dex 18, Unarmed Combat III

Devastating Blow – prerequisites: Str 30, Endurance 25, stamina 45, Level 6

Weapon Specialization – prerequisites: Str 20, Weapon Proficiency with type of weapon VI, Level 7

Increased HP – prerequisites: Level 11

Increased Stamina – prerequisites: Level 11

Delayed Cut – 10 Stamina per minute fo delay – prerequisites: Str 20, Int 15, Agi 30, Level 12

Magic Cut – 7 Stamina – prerequisites: Str 30, Dex 20, Agi 25, Endurance 20, Any Weapon Proficiency V, Level 12

Improved Agi – prerequisites: Dex 20, Level 15

Improved Str – prerequisites: Endurance 30, Vit 30, Level 15

Energy Slash – 2 Stamina per swing – prerequisites: Str 30, Dex 20, Con 30, Agi 30, Level 15

You can learn four skills or spells

Maybe it was that she was still just so tired, but as she looked at the list of skills, she felt her mind go blank on what she was looking at. Naturally she still understood what the words meant, but any meaning behind the ones she knew she should know was lost. Yet, she didn't feel too discourages. With Elin pressed against her, even when they were still fully clothed, felt more relaxed.

Yet, in her mind she called out for the tutorial. She didn't feel the need to continue talking with her system, as she didn't feel like letting Elin know that she wanted help with figuring out her skills.

[Tutorial?] She asked silently, confident that it would respond.

<What can I help you with today?> the cheerful voice asked, the tone of the voice somehow making Kim feel a little better, even though she really wanted to feel just tired.

[Please give me a description of the skills I can choose from.] Kim told the voice. [Uh, just the ones I haven't read, I think I'm starting to remember what the others ones were about]

<Of course! Weapon Specialization means that the damage you inflict with weapon type specified will be increased. Using also provide increase maneuverability when it comes to getting past your opponent's guard.< p>

<Improved 10 MP, HP, and Stamina permanently increase the maximum of corresponding stat without increasing attributes. MP will by HP 20. Each skill can be obtained multiple times.< p>

<Delayed 10 Cut will allow you to swing your sword and not have the action take effect until a short time after. The delay can be up five minutes after swung weapon. cost use this skill is Stamina for every minute of delay.< p>

<Magic 7 Cut allows you to cut through magic. Whether it's spell, magical items, or enchantments. When using this skill, can not harm anything that isn't magical. The cost use skill is Stamina.< p>

<Improved 5 Agi and Str will permanently give you a boost to your Sgi by points each time select this skill. You may skill multiple times.< p>

<Energy 2 Slash creates a razor sharp field of energy as long what you slashed. The will immediately head off into the distance until it hits something, upon which cut that in same manner from where hits. cost this skill is Stamina for each slash.>

Kim sighed. She really wished that these would be simpler to select. It was almost as if the people who made these systems were trying to make them as difficult to figure out and work with as possible.

Though, of the skills that were avaialbe. To her, Delayed Cut, while it sounded like it could be usseful, didn't suit her. She would have to guess when an enemy would be at a particular location at a particular time, and the farther out it would be would cost more stamina. In all, she was pretty sure that'd be a waste of a selection.

Magic Cut certainly interested her, as cutting through magic spells would allow her a chance to defend against them, even though she didn't think it would be useable in a situation like the last battle. As she'd gotten hit in the shoulder by a spell while fighting lots of other goblins. As such, she knew she wouldn't have been able to 'cut' that spell if she'd even been aware of it before it struck.

Energy Slash had it's possibilities, given it would allow her to use her sword to attack from a distance, though she doubted that it would replace a good bow and arrow in all circumstances. After all, arrows could be shot over obstacles, while she suspected that the energy slash would need to be a straight shot in order to hit it, much like any firearm.

Then the Weapon Specialization certainly sounded promising, though she couldn't say exactly how it might affect her ability to fight with her sword, or if it would even be noticeable to her. Yet, she had a feeling that whether or not she could notice any change, it would still help her out.

Lastly, the Improve HP, Stamina, Agi, and Str sounded like they could be useful, but she had a feeling that she should select those when she had a real concern about what her stats were at that moment. Such as the time in the past when she'd determined that she needed more HP and Stamina, then she would have seriously considered getting a boost to those stats, but wth how she was now, they'd be more likely a waste of a skill slot than anything else.

[How many selections can I choose?] Kim asked her tutorial.

<You can select up to four skills at this time.>

Kim nodded to herself, careful not to disturb the girl in her arms, who clearly just wanted a little more snooze time. Four skills wouldn't be too hard to decide on with the options in front of her.

Although, as she looked at the list again, she couldn't help but mentally slap herself. She was appalled that she hadn't noticed where it told her how many she could choose of the listed skills there in the first place.

Immediately, she selected Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword), Energy Slash, Magic Cut, and Weapon Throw.

Throwing her weapon might be a stupid move, but at the same time, she couldn't help but think that it would be a skill to use if she ever needed to make a move of desperation. Such as if Elin was down, she was on her last leg, and they were facing an enemy like that goblin that would cast spells. In that kind of situation, she knew that she'd rather have that as an option than to watch helplessly.

Pushing that thought out of her mind, she confirmed her choices and looked down at Elin who was clearly awake, but wanting to get back to being asleep again. Kim knew Elin often did this and wondered if that sort of thing would persist with her all through her life.

Even though Kim didn't care too much to do that herself, she couldn't help but wonder about the kind of life Elin had to have lived in order to have gotten in this kind of habit. Normally Kim wouldn't have allowed herself to consider these things, but from the fight the night before, she couldn't help but worry what might be in store for them down the road where things were likely to get more difficult.

She also wondered if they weren't able to get back to their own world, what it would be like to be with Elin for the rest of their lives. Kim wasn't opposed to the idea, but up to this point, she hadn't really thought about not pushing to get back to her own world. Not that she had anything she really wanted to get back to, just that it was her world and she couldn't help but feel like that's where she should be. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder if Elin would share the same thoughts or if getting back to her own world was important enough to risk all that for herself.