
The System: Pureblood Gamer

Alex Fawley was just another pureblood, enjoying his life anticipating about going to Hogwarts and learning about magic when this blue board-thingy messed up his whole life...

Version_401 · Book&Literature
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24 Chs


[Flying Skill active]

[Gathering proficiency for levelup 99%]

I was doing a barrel roll through the air while Daphne and Astoria sat down on the sidelines having a picnic, my eyes, however, were focused on the interface hovering in front of me.

'come on just a little more-'

While performing another dive, a 'ding' sound indicated that I passed another level, stopping my celebrations for the time being I sped down and steered my broom towards the girls.

'yes, another level towards success-'

"Yay!" Tori was clapping her hands after putting down her sandwich, and while I ballooned with pride, Daphne rolled her eyes and buried her face in another potions text.

"Ignore her Tori, she's just jealous that I am so good at something" I poked my tongue in her direction and sat down beside them. While I was rummaging through the picnic basket for something to eat I whispered 'skills' very softly.


[Defense against the Dark Arts: 2/100]

[Dark Arts: 0/100]

[Charms: 2/100]

[Herbology: 1/100]

[Potions: 3/100]

[Transfiguration: 2/100]

[Flying: 45/100]

I felt giddy looking at the last skill and ignoring the others, after grinding for the past month trying to level up my flying skills as fast as possible, I felt I had managed to reach an acceptable level.

"-When are we leaving?" I came out of my thoughts only to find Tori's annoyed face staring at me.

"What?" I shrugged picking up my sandwich and taking a bite.

"You are spacing out a lot these days, did you get dumber after going to the Library for just one day? if so I don't think you should go to Hogwarts..." I glared at her chibi face as she smiled innocently, Daphne scoffed and as I turned to glare at her I heard Evelyn's voice, "GET INSIDE! WE ARE READY TO DEPART!!!"

'Let's go, I get my wand today!!!'

I jumped up and ran inside ignoring Tori's indignant shout. I slid to a stop beside Daniel and Evelyn who looked ready to go in their proper wizarding robes. My condition, however, earned a disapproving frown from both of them as Lady Greengrass rook out her wand and waved it.

I felt a little tingly and all of a sudden I looked freshened up, all the sweat gone and my robes clean, I didn't get to enjoy the comfortable feeling long as Daniel asked, "Did you store your broom in the cupboard?"

A mental image of my broom lying beside the picnic basket appeared in my mind as Daniel said, "Penny?"

Penny popped up and said, "Yes Master Lord Greengrass?"

Both me and Evelyn snickered as Daniel said, "could you please wrap up the kid's picnic outside?"

"Of course, Lord Master Greengrass!" She became excited and then popped off mid-jump while Evelyn and I snickered at Daniel.

"Are we going now, mom?" Tori asked as she came rushing in with Daphne in toe. Evelyn looked them both up and down and gave an approving smile to Daph while brushing off some dust from Tori with a wave of her wand.

"Alright then, we are side-apparating this time, girls come with me and grab my hand-" Daniel said as both Tori and Daph latched on to his armed, "See you there!" he winked and then popped off with a loud cracking sound.

'Not good I'm trapped-'

I turned towards Evelyn with a dreaded look and said, "Please, we can floo?" I pleaded.

She sighed and shook her head as she said, "well you could not come if you want, Daniel and I did decide to get you a new full chaser's set..." she trailed off after that and shrugged.

'I knew she was evil-'

Glaring at her I latched onto her hand tightly as she smiled, "now now, don't hold so tightly, you won't slip away to nothingness...." I glared at her but the feeling of being grabbed on from all side and then being squeezed through a tube overcame my anger as my vision swam.


I wasn't even able to finish my prayer as my feet landed on solid ground, taking a deep breath I patted my body slightly making sure everything is safe. As I turn to glare at Evelyn I noticed her amused look as she said, "Come on, we are in public now, stay sharp" I once again marvelled at how easily emotion drained out of her face as she extended her hand.

'Evely and her paranoia-'

Ever since we were small I have remembered Evelyn instructing us to always maintain our calm and composure, to hide our true selves in public, Daphne being the eldest and her little princess quickly adopted her outlook as I saw from the corner of my eyes, her bright eyes were now dull as there was no emotion on her face.

'merlin she creeps me out when she looks at me like that.'

I shared a look with Astoria and we both tried to console that we won't end up like her as Daniel said, "Alright everyone ready? what should we buy first? your robes? Books? maybe potion's supplies?-"

'I know what you're doing, no I won't rise to the bait, no I won't, no I won't...'

I kept chanting the mantra in my head but then he continued, "Hmm maybe some Icecream first?"

I finally burst up saying, "WAND!! I want my wand first..."

Tori snickered so I gave her the stink eye as Evelyn slapped the back of my head saying, "Manners-"

I looked around and almost everyone had a little smile on their face, I gave Daphne a sideways glance before saying, "come on come on, we got to go..."

I grabbed Evelyn's hand and with the other hand grabbed Daphne's hand and begin dragging them towards Ollivander's.

"I have waited years for this, I am getting my wand right now!"

It's been a while, finally updating this one daily!

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