
The System’s Mistake

What happens when the system gets stuck with a good-for-nothing master? Let’s explore the system’s perspective in trying its best to change a man that would rather sleep than seek power. Authors notes: I hope you give this a try and help me grow as an author who once loved to read. This will be my first web novel and I welcome all feedback!

ItzSky · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The lazy, the crazy, and the daisy.


Taking a slap on the face Jay couldn't help but walk away from this drama.

"You lazy bum I don't ever want to see you again!" said the girl that just slapped Jay.

Normally people would be devastated from a harsh breakup but Jay couldn't be bothered.

This woman had been the bane of his existence forcing him to "work" and "live a normal life" he couldn't accept the rules of modern society and just wished to move on and slip away.

All he wanted was a simple and relaxed life but all people cared about was social status and money.

"I shouldn't have agreed to this. Now i have to deal with all the bull crap that will follow." Thought Jay exhausted from all the nagging his now ex fiancé have given him.

Thinking further his family and friends would all probably side with her and nag him to death.

"Sigh." Jay just wanted to head to bed for the day even though it was still bright out. He decided to turn off his phone and head home to his apartment.

Meanwhile, watching Jay walking away Lacey his ex fiancé was on her phone while sobbing in her car.

"I thought he would change. I thought he loved me but he said he didn't want to start a family. He told me about his dream to live on an island away from civilization and wanted me to live a simple life with him there. Is he stupid? How are we supposed to afford that if he couldn't even keep a job?!" Lacey had trouble controlling her emotions switching from tears of sadness to uncontrollable anger.

"That son of mine has always had this stupid dream. Let me speak to him, I'm sure you two can work this out." Speaking on the other line was Jay's mom.

She had set up an arrange marriage for her lazy son in hope to change his way of life. Jay was a handsome man but did not want to do anything.

She thought that her son had finally changed after being engaged with a smart and beautiful woman like Lacey. She had to fix this, Lacey's father owned a big international company and she needed to secure their future partnership.

"Thank you Auntie, you know how much Jay means to me but if he wont change we wont have a future." After getting reassured from Mrs. Carlson, Lacey decided to head home and seek her family for advice.

While in bed Jay couldn't sleep at all even with the help of his doctors prescriptions. Jay could never get any good sleep he's always had trouble with this and he couldn't turn off his mind at all. "Sigh.."

"When will I ever find some peace and quiet. My mind never shuts off. I just wish I could stay in a cozy cottage by the sea sleeping for however long I wanted and spending my days without any worries. Is there anything wrong with that? Maybe I can try .." as Jay was laying on bed looking around his eyes stopped at the pills he was prescribed.

This was not the first time he's had this thought but he always had restraint and would stop himself before he did anything stupid. Jay was not religious but he believed that taking his own life was crazy.

"Sigh." Another sleepless day it was he thought.


With a loud sound Jay's mind slowly faded.

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