
Your Majesty (Part Four)

William looked at the princess with a soft look with a sweet smile. "No need for apologies or formality I am the second son of a King who has twelve sons. It is nice to see another royal family is like." Will said with a laugh.

It seemed like the stuffy throne room filled with light whenever Skye laughed or smiled. Will didn't know why he was so drawn to this princess. He never got along with women before he was typically at peace when he had his sword in his hand on the battlefield. Being the second son William was not groomed to take the throne he was actually not typically thought of by his father. He wasn't as smart or handsome as his younger brothers, the only thing that Will had ever excelled at was his swordsmanship. After seeing Skye, Will almost totally forgot about his two-week travel to this far off Kingdom, and the real reason he came.

"Ah, well yes, let us get down to the real reason behind your visit Prince William." The King said as he looked over at the boy who seemed to be in his own world.

"Oh, yes, seeing as you are our greatest ally and my father's oldest and most trusted friend he has sent me to tell you that he will be stepping aside as King. He wanted me to invite you to my eldest brother's coronation as a symbol of unity between our two Kingdoms in this new and challenging time. As I'm sure you are aware the Demons of the Sapphire Kingdom are attacking our most Northern villages as well of your most Eastern settlements." Willam said in a somber tone. "We have been holding them off on our front however we are not sure how much longer that will be possible without you and your Kingdom's support your majesty." he finished.

You could see the wrinkles that were etched into the King's face due to may sleepless nights filled with worry for his people. His eyes were sullen and he finally was starting to show his years. The King had been ruling for over 1,000 years and he had grown quite tired. He had been ruling his Kingdom's longer then the past 10 rulers of the Druids had been alive.

"We can discuss this more in private later, right now you should go ready yourself for supper. I know you have traveled very far and you must be tired and famished." The King said after a great sigh escaped from his wrinkled lips.