
The Switched Life: A Story of Two Worlds

A simple girl from a middle-class family in India discovers that she was switched at birth. Her world is turned upside down when she learns that her true family is none other than the prestigious CEO of KIM Corporation in South Korea, the renowned K-pop company. After years of searching, they found her and want her to return. but she is living happily with her family, torn between her humble upbringing and the new life in a big city for the first time in her life Riya embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating the complexities of family, fame, love, and dreams. Will she listen to her emotions and embrace her genuine identity, or will she remain attached to the simplicity she values? who she manages both of her worlds in India and in Korea. **Note to Readers:** This novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and dialogues depicted in this story are purely imaginary and do not relate to real individuals, places, or incidents. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The author has created this fictional world for entertainment purposes only, and any interpretations or conclusions drawn from this novel are at the reader's discretion. Note - I am new in writing so it may have few error so please ignore them or tell me so I can correct it .

Jiya4567 · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter 26: A Room of Dreams

As Riya timidly stepped into her new room, her eyes widened in wonder at the sight before her. It was a space unlike any she had ever known, bathed in an aura of luxury and opulence that left her breathless.

The walls were painted a soft, serene shade of lavender, adorned with delicate floral patterns that seemed to dance in the soft light streaming in through the windows. Each stroke of the brush captured the essence of a tranquil garden, bringing a sense of peace to the room.

With each step she took, Riya sank into plush, cream-colored carpeting that cradled her feet in its comforting embrace. The carpet was soft beneath her toes, a welcome contrast to the cool smoothness of the hardwood floors she was accustomed to.

Against one wall stood a pristine white canopy bed, its sheer curtains billowing gently in the breeze like wisps of clouds. The bed itself was adorned with soft, pastel-colored bedding, inviting Riya to sink into its embrace and drift away into dreams of her new life. The canopy above created a sense of intimacy, cocooning her in a world of her own making.

On either side of the bed stood elegant bedside tables, each adorned with delicate lamps that cast a warm, golden glow across the room. Riya's gaze was drawn to one table, where a stack of books awaited her eager fingers. The titles ranged from classic literature to contemporary fiction, promising hours of enchanting escape into worlds unknown.

Riya nodded in appreciation, taking in the beauty of her new surroundings. Mrs. Kim gestured towards the amenities in the room, her voice warm and welcoming.

"Feel free to rest, Riya. There are snacks in this drawer, and you can also find a variety of drinks in the fridge. If you need anything else, you can use this phone to call for assistance or order food from the kitchen."

She pointed to a small button on the wall. "And this is an emergency button. If you need anything urgently, just press it, and help will come right away."

With a reassuring smile, Mrs. Kim left Riya to settle into her new space, the scent of lavender lingering in the air like a promise of serenity and peace. As Riya sank into the plush cushions of her bed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected blessings that had come her way.