
The Switched Life: A Story of Two Worlds

A simple girl from a middle-class family in India discovers that she was switched at birth. Her world is turned upside down when she learns that her true family is none other than the prestigious CEO of KIM Corporation in South Korea, the renowned K-pop company. After years of searching, they found her and want her to return. but she is living happily with her family, torn between her humble upbringing and the new life in a big city for the first time in her life Riya embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating the complexities of family, fame, love, and dreams. Will she listen to her emotions and embrace her genuine identity, or will she remain attached to the simplicity she values? who she manages both of her worlds in India and in Korea. **Note to Readers:** This novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and dialogues depicted in this story are purely imaginary and do not relate to real individuals, places, or incidents. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The author has created this fictional world for entertainment purposes only, and any interpretations or conclusions drawn from this novel are at the reader's discretion. Note - I am new in writing so it may have few error so please ignore them or tell me so I can correct it .

Jiya4567 · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: A Grand Welcome

"We've found our daughter after such a long time," Mr. Kim's voice trembled with emotion. "We've missed out on so much of her life, but we want to be a part of it now. I hope you understand."

Mr. Kim's words hung heavy in the air, carrying the weight of years lost and the hope of reconciliation. Riya glanced at her mother, silently seeking her opinion.

Mrs. Sharma met Riya's gaze, her eyes filled with understanding. "Riya, you should stay with them. We're just a stone's throw away, and you can visit us anytime you want."

Riya remained silent, torn between her loyalty to her parents and her desire to get to know her birth parents. Mr. Sharma sensed her hesitation and gently encouraged her. "I think it's a good idea, Riya. You should take this opportunity to get to know them better. They want to be a part of your life, just like we do."

With a nod of acceptance, Riya agreed. "Okay, I'll stay here. But you both have to take care of yourselves," she added, concern etched in her voice.

Mrs. Sharma smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Riya. We'll be fine. You're not going far, and we'll always be here for you."

With that settled, Riya followed Mr. and Mrs. Kim into their grand house. As they stepped inside, Riya couldn't help but marvel at the opulence surrounding her. The grand chandelier glittered overhead, casting a warm glow over the lavish decor of the hall.

"We've already arranged your room, and if there's anything you don't like, we can always change it," Mrs. Kim said, leading Riya towards her room.

Entering the spacious room, Riya's eyes widened in awe. A large bed adorned with plush cushions and a cozy seating area welcomed her. A dressing room adjacent to the bedroom offered convenience and luxury.

Riya couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the generosity and hospitality of her birth parents. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, she felt a glimmer of hope and excitement for the new chapter unfolding in her life.