
The Switched Heirs

What would happen if a Fae went to take a changeling child? Normal? yes! What actually happened? Of course not! Why else would there be a book about it? This is a book about a Fae who went to get a changeling and grabbed a werewolf and what happens later. Romance? Adventure? Battles? Maybe, who knows? Well I know but I'm not going to tell you. This novel is a little different than others. Others will have a human get swapped but I personally have not read one with a werewolf getting taken. I think that this could be a very interesting novel. (P.S. the writing gets better a little later in the novel)

TinyRedLeprechaun · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"I have no intention on hurting him Sky, you have my word." the alpha assured Sky while crossing his fingers behind his back. He quickly came up with a deal that could be beneficial to him, "What if Sky lived with me and Lance went and lived with you? I get my son back and you get yours, sounds good?" He suggested, a threat well veiled in his voice. Only Chrysler caught it, Sky blissfully unaware of the tension growing between the alpha and Chrysler.

The hospital room temperature increased by a couple of degrees. "I don't know if I agree with you alpha." the last word said through clenched teeth.

Sky catching onto the rising tension in the room stood up, "Let's be reasonable here, I can go live with you if it means that Chrysler gets to live in peace." He looked pleadingly at Chrysler his eyes saying 'let me do it and I'll never fight you on anything else'.

Chrysler sighed and gave no verbal agreement but the temp in the room went down. "Great! Now that that's settled I can tell Lance to pack his bags and you can be on your merry way." The alpha cheerfully said.

"I will send Sky over in a week with his luggage. We will meet you at the edge of your territory." Chrysler's tone was clipped, his head churning out ideas to keep Sky safe.

Chrysler was released from the hospital 3 hours later with a wheelchair and some painkillers. The wheelchair made a squeaking noise whenever he moved it.

When Sky pushed Chrysler through the gate to the front yard of the manor they both noticed the area was cleared of bodies with small piles of debris on the side. "The cleaning staff have been busy." Chrysler said, at his voice several heads peaked out from the now repaired front door.

Most of the staff piled out, brownies from the cleaning staff, lesser fae from the kitchen, and a small quantity of werewolves.

The hair on the back of Sky's neck went up at the sight of them and he let out a low growl, "What are you doing here?" he said.

The wolf in the front held out his hands in a placating gesture, "we are just here to help with the reconstruction and cleanup." The rest of the staff nodded in agreement.

"Ah, sorry about overreacting then. I thought you were here because the alpha wanted to keep an eye on me." Sky sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his neck.

The rest of the cleanup went smoothly with the werewolves being a great help. They finished reconstruction a day before Sky was supposed to leave.

Sky stood in front of the manor and took it all in, for this would be the last time he saw it for a long while. He took in the dark wood making up the walls, the staff that he had been with his whole life, and Chrysler the most important figure in his life. "It's been fun everyone. I hope I'll see you all again someday." With that Sky turned around and walked out through the front gate.

Sky was 3 steps out of the gate referring to the map from Chrysler when he heard a yell from behind him, "I'll do my best to check in with you!" Chrysler promised from his wheelchair.

Sky turned around and yelled back, "And I'll do the same!" Sky continued on his way to the pack grounds when he felt an odd sensation. Something good would happen soon.

The hour long walk felt like much longer for Sky as he was leaving his home and the only father he had ever known to go live in a new home with new parents.

What Sky had expected when he arrived was one or two people there to welcome him, but in total there seemed to be almost one hundred people, school teachers, store workers, and the alpha and luna in the front. "Welcome home son." Sky paid them barely any attention. The sensation he had felt earlier returned with more force, they were closer. Sky scanned the crowd looking for someone. He saw them finally, a boy around his age with features similar to Chrysler's including the pointy ears. Was this Chrysler's son?

Sky walked over to them and introduced himself, not caring if he was offending his parents or the pack, "Hi there. I'm Sky, what's your name?" Sky stuck out his hand for the boy to shake it.

Lance sucked in a breath, "I'm Lance, Chrysler's biological son." He didn't look like he wanted to shake Sky's hand but he did it anyways. When their hands met a warm euphoric feeling spread up their arms, making them both blush slightly. The rest of the pack stood in silence unsure of what to do.

The alpha stepped forward, "Alright now that you've met I think that it's time for you to be in your way Lance. Men?" an escort of 7 men stepped forward to walk Lance back to Chrysler's manor. Sky simply stared after them. Why had he felt that way? he had met other fae and never felt anything like this. While Sky was puzzling over this the alpha walked over and put his hand on his shoulder, "Come on, let's get to the house and have dinner. After that we can talk about school and other things. Everyone meet my son, he was gone for a while but now he's back to stay." This statement was met with cheers.

After that everyone dispersed back to what they would normally do. The luna walked up to Sky tears gathering in the corners of her eyes, she reached a hand up to his face. Her touch was as light as a feather like she was afraid she would lose him all over again. Sky put his hand up to meet hers, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, "I'm back mom, I'm back."

She hugged him and said, "Let's go back to the house, I'll cook us a nice dinner. What do you like?"

Thinking about this sent a pang of homesickness through him but he pushed it down fo her sake. "I like sausage and potatoes." the luna smiled and ran off to the house to start preparing the dinner.

Sky and the alpha started walking back with Sky telling him about when he shifted.

Remember, adding this book to your library gives me more reason to keep writing!

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