
The Switched Heirs

What would happen if a Fae went to take a changeling child? Normal? yes! What actually happened? Of course not! Why else would there be a book about it? This is a book about a Fae who went to get a changeling and grabbed a werewolf and what happens later. Romance? Adventure? Battles? Maybe, who knows? Well I know but I'm not going to tell you. This novel is a little different than others. Others will have a human get swapped but I personally have not read one with a werewolf getting taken. I think that this could be a very interesting novel. (P.S. the writing gets better a little later in the novel)

TinyRedLeprechaun · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Battle for the manor

You all remember the cooking servant, right? He might be making an appearance in this chapter ;)


"Death to Chrysler! Death to the werewolf he's harboring!" These were the shouts of the mob outside of Chrysler's manor.

Chrysler looked out from his balcony with a hand over his mouth. There were all manner of fae out there, and all of them wanted the same thing. Sky and Chrysler's heads on a silver platter. "Sky?" Chrysler yelled running out of his room.

Sky came running out looking panicked, "What is it Chrysler? What's going on?"

Chrysler took a moment to collect himself, "We're under attack, go to your room." Sky started to protest but Chrysler cut him off, "I am not losing you too. I lost my wife and I regretted that mistake ever since. NOW GET IN YOUR ROOM." These words were shouted with so much emotion and force that it gave the forces outside momentary pause.

Sky turned around, looking sadly at Chrysler over his shoulder. After Sky closed his door Chrysler muttered something under his breath, a magic long forbidden for its power. And its cost.

"Spirits hear my call! Protect this manor and my child. I offer you," he gulped and said in a much softer voice, "The body of my wife for your protection." Blue orbs floated up from the ground around Chrysler, half of them went to the door making it look like part of the wall while the other half went onto Chrysler flowing into him making him stronger.

Chrysler walked down the staircase gathering fire in his hands as he did so. He sent a tendril of fire going to the door. When he arrived at the ashes of the door he yelled, "All who stand before me will die. Leave if you want to live." This voice held very little of the emotion from earlier but a cold fury that spoke volumes. About a third of the fae left the mob with cat calls following them. "Now that the weaklings are gone I can finally start."

The flames in Chrysler's hands shifted to opposite sides doubling in size and shifting in shape until two 8 foot tall creatures stood next to him. This caused more fae to leave. Other fae in the crowd started to prepare themselves. Fae shifted parts of their body into certain animals, plants started to sprout from the ground, and everything from pebbles to boulders started to swirl in the air. If Chrysler hadn't been fighting for his son and done the ritual he wouldn't have stood a chance. Now Chrysler guessed that he could take out about three fourths of them before he went down.

The fight started amazingly for Chrysler, he took out 10 fae with a tendril of fire from his hand, reducing them to ashes. He weaved out of the way of several boulders. Chrysler waved the creatures forward letting them go in and wreak mayhem. All was going well for Chrysler until a rock the size of his fist went straight through his leg. Chrysler screamed in pain disrupting his control of his magic.

Sky heard Chrysler's scream and redoubled his efforts to get through the door. Hearing Chrysler scream a second time caused Sky to shift in an instant giving him the strength to break the door down. As soon as he got out the door he howled catching the attention of several wolves in the area.

Sky ran down the stairs with such speed that he cracked some of them. Glass crashed to the ground behind him causing him to spin around. What he saw was surprising. 15 werewolves crouched down behind him on one knee.

Sky didn't bother with questioning them. "Come with me. We're going to save the manor."

The wolves simply nodded their heads.

When Sky arrived at the door to the yard he had to take a second to compose himself before he destroyed everything and everyone in a 10-mile radius. Fae lay impaled on their own weapons, organs and blood covered the ground. And it didn't get any better when you looked up, ashes covered the ceiling making a demented night sky. At the center of all the carnage kneeled Chrysler surrounded by twenty fae.

Sky's loud growl was accompanied by snarls from the other wolves, 'Leave this place.' an ominous voice sounded in their heads. The fae looked around for the source of this unexpected intrusion, when they spotted Sky and the small militia behind him they turned and ran for the hills. All but one.

"You think I fear you? All you are is a glorified house dog, I could beat you in my sleep." the fae sneered.

Sky walked up to the arrogant fae, 'One day, you will have to face the creator and explain how you can justify your waste of space,' Sky turned around a walked away. About halfway he said just one more thing that made the fae turn and run for the others. 'And it's bold of you to assume I'll meet a mortal end.'

Sky shifted back along with the other wolves, since coming more to terms he had become less of a prude. It was still awkward though. "Who are you?" was the first thing they said. Sky didn't reply verbally but physically by pointing at Chrysler. The wolf in the front looked at Sky and asked, "If we help this fae will you tell us who you are?" Sky nodded. the wolf mind-linked the doctor in his pack and told him to prepare the emergency room. "Let's go." the wolf said to Sky.

As they ran through the woods with Chrysler in Sky's arms the others individually puzzled over who he was. They were so puzzled because he seemed to radiate an alpha's power, not the weakness associated with rogues.

The doctor, a middle aged wolf looked very surprised at the odd party when they arrived. All of the party rushed in with the lead wolf saying, "The fae is the one that needs medical help, he has several stab wounds to the chest and legs with some contusions to the head." The doctor simply nodded and ran with them to the emergency room.

During the surgery Sky had tried to enter the emergency room but been turned back every time making him more and more anxious. While Sky was pacing back and forth the wolf from earlier called the alpha, "We have the rogue here that we told you about, we also have the fae that was harboring him."

The alpha simply smiled and replied, "I'll meet you there in five."

When the alpha arrived the receptionist simply pointed in the direction of the ER. The alpha took his time climbing the stairs to get up there, preparing himself for what he was about to see.

The wolf doctors worked fast bandaging and patching up Chrysler. After they had done that they put him on an IV drip to help with the pain. Sky didn't leave his side once after he was allowed by the exasperated nurse. The alpha knocked on the door before entering the room. Upon seeing Sky he asked him, "Are you the one who my men told me about? The rogue being harbored by a fae?" Sky nodded. A nurse entered and did a small double take, the rogue looked like a younger version of the alpha. She went in to add something to Chrysler's IV put Chrysler waved her off.

This immediately caught Sky's attention causing him to rush over like a puppy to its owner. "Are you all right Chrysler? You took a pretty serious hit during the fight."

Chrysler sat up with a wince waving away the nurse who went to help him, "I'll survive, I lived with you for 13 years after all."

The alpha made an odd face, "13 years? That's the age of my son. He doesn't take after me or his mother if anything he looks more like you." Chrysler let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well you see, I made a mistake 13 years ago, but I never regretted It.," He took a deep breath, "I went to go get a human child to have a changeling when I heard a child screaming in the woods. I went to investigate and saw this darling," he gestured at Sky, "screaming in the woods, no name tag, bottle, no nothing to keep him the least bit alive." When he saw the odd look from Sky he continued, "I thought nothing of leaving my child in the woods, that's how the best druids are made after all. But what I never expected was for the darling child I found in the woods that night was for him to be a werewolf. Especially not a werewolf from the nearby pack, 13 years ago I was quite a bit more foolish and thought nothing of our proximity to your pack. If I have made a grave error, punish me not Sky." Sky let out a low and menacing growl at the thought of hurting Chrysler.

I don't know how well this chapter is written in other people's eyes but I'm pretty happy with it.

TinyRedLeprechauncreators' thoughts