
The Sweet and the Phsyco

0n a dark night, there she went to end up everything along with herself but unexpectedly met her savior. in the journey to end her miseries with her own hands, a miracle occur that gave her a new hope to live.

maida_khalid · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter: 4 The annoying disturbance

"Hello miss Ella," Ella heard someone calling behind her she knew who it was and really didn`t wanted to turn but really had no other choice . she at last turned around, "Hello, miss Kate . what`s up? did you had something to say to me?" Ella asked with a forced smile. "Ah ! it`s nothing much I just heard that you were assigned to guide the new intern today and also to familiarize him to the hospital?" Kate asked curiously.

"Yeah, you heard right muss Kate, i was appointed to do so. but why are you asking this to me? do have any personal issue? "Ella asked almost annoyed.

"No, why would I have any personal issues with the new intern? I was just asking you cause I wanted to know how kind of person he is? as you spent so much time with him I thought you might have get to know each other".

"Hah.... Miss Kate I am not as free as you are and as you can see right now I am dealing with the patients so please would you mind not to disturb during my job. and if you want to know about him that bad why don`t you go and ask Mr. Joe as he is the who appointed him, he will know much more than me." Ella relied angrily.

"Oh my, why are you being so rude all of a sudden miss Ella. I just asked you simply but look at your attitude. guess I shouldn`t have asked you in the first place." Kate replied back impulsively. at this Ella mind almost burst with anger, she wanted to smash something at Kate`s head right away. as she was really getting annoying. Ella had never liked Kate ever since she had joined the hospital. she also didn`t know the reason but Kate always got on her nerves. maybe her tooo much artificial behavior annoyed her so she never had a good relation with Kate and always tried to avoid her. but on the other hand Kate always tried to start up the conservation between them maybe because she also enjoyed annoying her.

"If that us the case then you shouldn`t have asked in the first place when you already knew that I am quite rude, Huh!" Ella replied aggressively and then went away from there to avoid any further quarrel. this was the only person in the entire hospital she really hated the most. Kate kept talking behind her but she didn`t listened or gave any response to her. Time went by, but nothing changed much. off course why would it change anyway as it has always been like this, incomplete and lonely..... No, that wasn`t it, something did change. Noir`s presence was something new for everyone especially for Ella, as she could not get used to of that smile of his which he always had. the smile which kept Ella lost in her thoughts. how could someone be like this? she always used to thought a lot.

But as we always know someone isn`t like what they seem to us. they always hide their true self in a hundred of curtains. people have many things engraved in their hearts deep down. which others don`t know and without they just presume someone`s character and personality this was exactly the case with Ella and Noir too off course. no one could ever think that the Noir whom they always find calm and smiling may also have many scars on his heart deep inside. Yeah, life wasn`t as simple for Noir as it seems. he had also gone through a lot but the thing that made him different from others was that he had just realized the importance of life. he had realized the true meaning of life and the problems that one go through. he had understood everything that Ella had yet to understand. because coming out of that shock wasn`t as easy for him too as it seemed. but yet he had decided to live and to move on. he had decided to change his fate and to live happily not him but for others, for his parents , for the people around him and for the world.....

'Morning, miss Ella." Ella heard a voice behind her. there was no doubt that she could not recognize this voice. she turned and replied,

"Oh! Morning, sir Noir. how are you and how are things going here with you?"

' I am fine, and it`s pretty nice. people here are quite cooperative. I think I will get adjusted very soon."

"That`s good, and people here really are very good especially Mr. Joe. He is a nice senior."

"Yeah, that`s right. well... how are you doing?" he asked softly.

"Huh! me? I am as good as always. why do you ask?' she asked confused somewhat.

"No!.. you had a fever when we first met so I was just asking if you were doing okay now.'

"Thank you for your concern but you really don`t need to worry about me. I am perfectly alright. can`t you tell by seeing how healthy I am now."

"Yeah,... you surely look just healthy." he replied with a smile.

"Well....I will get going then. I have some patients to see right now so, see you next time. bye.' she said trying to end up the conversation.

'Hmm,.. bye.'

On her way back, ' seriously, what`s wrong with this person ? why does he keep popping in front of me out of nowhere?" she thought to herself.

This had become a usual routine. both greeted each other every day yet Ella felt quite uncomfortable around Noir. maybe because she could not get used to his handsomely smiling face or the unusual greetings. he was always calm, kind and cheerful even around the rest of the staff members. it didn`t took him too long to mix up with every one. Ella also had quite a personality in front of others as she was a pro in hiding her true self.

Life was going a bit too peaceful which Ella thought to be somehow annoying. she kind of knew that some sort of storm was waiting for her now as she had already known that life can`t be so easy going for her.

Then one day her expectations came true as always. She received a call back from her home. her mother had called her back to their house all of a sudden. she knew something worse was going to happen . her instincts were warning her of the upcoming danger. she really didn`t wanted to go back to that prison once again , even just for a moment but she really didn`t had any other choice but to follow the so called orders of her parents.....

At the decided day, she woke up and got ready. although she didn`t wanted to go but she knew that she did not had any other choice, in fact she never had any choice of her. from the moment she was born to this cruel world she had given up all her rights to her parents or they had just snatched them away thinking them as their own property...