
The Swapped Bride

Yavanna was never supposed to marry the king of Nothad. But when her scandalous sister dishonours the kingdom, her mother and father discreetly swap her out for Yavanna. Yavanna now must play the roll of her sister, the Queen of Nothad, as well as be married to a king who loathes her. ~~~~~~~~~ “I didn’t ask to be my sister.” “Then why accept the role?!” “I didn’t have a choice!” The next instant his hands wrapped around her neck, choking her. Yavanna stared at him in fear as her oxygen ran out. Her hands flew to his hands to try and pry them off with her waning strength. The last sight she saw before her vision darkened were his blue eyes turning red. ~~~~~~~~ Our Male Lead will not be the nicest of guys in the beginning, but don’t worry. He’ll be really sweet later on ;) Oh, and this is gonna be a slow burn (insert fire emoji) :) ~~~~~~~~ Updating schedule: 2 chaps a day during the week 1 chap a day for the weekends Bonus chapters if the book receives over 15 powerstones Cover does not belong to me

QueenHalloween16 · Fantasy
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73 Chs

A Wild Creature

Yavanna looked up and her heart slammed against her ribs when she saw Amory leaning against the bedframe. She leapt up from where she sat and became acutely aware of how little she was wearing.

She dropped her ribbon and stared at him blankly. Her thoughts abandoning her. He looked unkempt, his hair messy like it was before, but his clothes were dirty and untucked.

His eyes roved over her and her breathing became shallower. "You're back." She stammered out. But his eyes remained on her body.

A knot grew in her throat and she tried to swallow it.

"I am." He eventually whispered and she breathed out a shuddering breath. He stepped away to his dresser and she began to attempt to collect herself.

With a foggy mind, she asked, "Why haven't we consummated our marriage?"

Amory paused in his movements of changing leaving his broad back bare for her to see. She swallowed. She would have to see all of him naked.

"You said that you.." She cursed herself for her lack of nerve. It's natural, stop fearing it, she spat at herself. "You said that you didn't hate me. So why haven't we consummated it yet?"

He sighed and pulled off his boots, his back still turned to her, "Now isn't really the best time—"

"Does it take long?" She asked, frustrated at his excuse. So he didn't want her..

He turned around and she nearly stumbled from the heat in his gaze. Lust. Was all that came to her mind. "That depends." He rasped.

"Depends on what?"

"How hungry we both are." Her ears buzzed as he stepped towards her. "Are you trying to seduce me, Yavanna?"

His voice caressed her and slid itself down into her belly where it pooled with an uncomfortable heat. She jumped when she felt his soft fingers beneath her chin.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He asked again and she fought not to close her eyes. Did he know what he was already doing to her? She used to hate his voice, she realized. And she couldn't believe that it was all she wanted to hear at the moment.

She nodded slowly at his question and she shivered when his blue eyes seared into her, hotter than before. "A dangerous game you play, enchantress."

"I just want to know why—"

She was silenced by his lips and she immediately braced herself against him. He trailed his hand down until they rested on her hips. His lips were attacking hers, nibbling and sucking both of them with equal vigour.

She was beginning to regret using that ointment Christa recommended, she felt as though her flesh was melting between her thighs. She squeezed them together but it did nothing to quell the pulsating heat.

His tongue stroked her own and her knees trembled. With fluttering eyelids she registered that he was moving them to the bed. His tongue was still tracing every inch of her mouth, branding it with his heat. She could feel saliva dribbling down her chin but she hardly cared.

She didn't notice that he was undoing her robe until she felt her breasts bared. Her eyes shot open and she pushed his mouth away.

"I…" She said breathlessly, "I…" She trailed off when she felt his hands stroking the hard pebbles of her nipples. Her heart leapt up her throat and she jerked beneath him. "Amory!"

She made the mistake of arching her back to get away from him and her breasts landed directly in his hands. His dark grin dazed her long enough for him to pin her down again. His hands slowly massaging her breasts as though they were precious treasures.

The thought sent her ears burning.

"I thought you wanted this, Yavanna."

"I do." She panted, choking on the sounds that tried to erupt from her throat. "Just get it over with."

He laughed and added more fuel to that dreadful fire below her belly. Her flesh was now burning and she just wanted it over with. This was too humiliating. She wanted him but she didn't want to want him. Her mind and body were torn.

"But I'm quite hungry, Yavanna." He whispered, bending near her ear, all of her thoughts fleeing her. His fingers were still tracing circles around her heated flesh. "And I won't stop until I've had my fill."

She stilled. "But.."

"You wanted this." He answered and she hated that she was so drawn to his lips as he smiled. This was supposed to be simple. She did want this. She just didn't want him to know how much she wanted to try this. Because it was him. And he wasn't supposed to be that person to her.

Amory wasn't supposed to be the man she would kiss and hug and care for. He wasn't supposed to be the father of her children and he wasn't supposed to be the one she went to for reassurance and comfort. She didn't want to see him in that light.

But before she could continue to stutter out excuses, his mouth closed around her dark nipple. She thrashed beneath him as his hot tongue tasted her sensitive flesh. Rolling the engorged skin between his lips, his teeth brushing them every so often.


He began to fondle her buttock and she melted into his hands. Why did she give him this power over her? But she supposed he had always had it.

His lips were on hers in the next instant and she loathed the fact that she just wanted to cling to him. To let him have his way with her. She was letting him. And she couldn't stop it now.

She tried to clench her thighs together again but his hips were between them. He broke the kiss and smiled against her slick lips. He moved too quickly for her to process and in the next instant he had pulled her legs so that they dangled off the bed.

"What—what are you—"

She was cut short when he began to place kisses along her inner thighs. They shook and she closed them, squeezing his head. His hands pushed them apart again, patiently, and she merely squirmed in his hold. She nearly leapt off the bed when he stroked her folds. His touch sent bright tendrils of hot pleasure up her veins.

"Amory?" She asked, her eyes too hot in her head.

"So wet already?" He asked and she looked down, mortified, when she saw him grinning at her sex. His eyes lifted to hers, "And so beautiful…" His finger began to stroke her up and down and her legs tensed around him. Her toes curled.

She panted out breathless protests at his touch.

Lolling her head back, she was surprised at the relaxing stimulation. Compared to all of his previous attacks, this was quite pleasant. She closed her eyes and focused on his slow touches. She could feel from how his fingers slid across her sensitive flesh. And she relished in it.

The throbbing only increased and she was certain he could likely see the way her muscles were pulsating.

"Look at me." He ordered and she raised her heavy head.


His finger pushed past her folds and she kicked at the sudden penetration. Strangled sounds escaped her mouth and she struggled to breathe properly.

"I want to see your face, Yavanna.." He said hoarsely as his fingers pushed deeper.

"Oh..oh!" She groaned at the strange sensations of pain and something so good.

"So beautiful.." He whispered but she hardly paid attention as he pushed deeper once more.

He began to pump his finger in and out, his mouth beginning to occupy itself with the rest of her lower region. She kept her head raised as she watched his blond head between her legs.

"Oh! Am-!" His tongue stroked something hard that sent a vicious shock through her that left her speechless. Her legs spasmed around him uncontrollably, as if they didn't know whether to push him away or pull him deeper.


She panted, unsure how to answer him. But he began to massage the same spot with his tongue and she began to writhe against him. It was too much. The same surge of lightning flashed through her again, and again, and again—to the point she feared she was lost in a never ending cycle of this sweet torture.

He pushed another finger through her folds and she gripped the blankets beneath her. Her nails bit into them the same way her teeth bit into her lips.

She began to understand a rhythm from his fingers inside of her and she began to thrust against him. She wanted it so bad. She wanted it to keep going.

That fire beneath her belly was roaring within her and she could hear herself whimpering as he fed it. Her hunger.

She began to clench tighter around his fingers, her body jerking from need. From lust. He said words but she could only feel him against her skin. Inside of her. All around her. She wanted him to do what he was doing to her everywhere.

With a shout the fire burst and she tensed around him, her legs convulsing and her vision brightening. She shuddered, hanging limply off the side of the bed.