
The Survivor Guide Program

Ryleigh wakes up on a beach, completely lost. Suddenly, a blue screen pops up in front of him. [ Welcome Survivor ] Earth has been destroyed, almost wiping out humanity To save humanity, Humanity's very best has been summoned here to rebuild human society to its former glory. Your goal: Gather Humanity and rebuild Human society. P.S. You now have superpowers, you have a stat and skill system, and everything here tries to kill you. Good luck Survivor

Drumpie · Fantasy
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2 Chs

SGP 1 - Reborn

Ryleigh opened his eyes, blinded by the sun he tried to look around.

'Where am I?' He wondered.

He couldn't see anything, so he tried to use his other senses.

He felt a warm summer breeze blowing through the trees. Warm rays of sunshine we're piercing his skin. He laid down on a soft wet ground, guessing it was sand. He could feel cold water hitting his feet and belly. Birds we're chirping in the distance and there were the sounds of rumbling water coming from behind him. He could also smell a faint smell of salt.

'Am I on a beach?'

While slowly adapting to the blinding sun Ryleigh could finally get a glimpse of what was around him.

In the distance there was a huge forest stretching out as far as he could see. On his left there was a small mountain of rocks. On his right there we're white pearly looking cliffs.

Ryleigh tried to turn around to see what was behind him, but that was not as easy as he first thought. His body being all sore of laying here for what could have been days wasn't used to the sudden movement. A light pain shot all through his body. He tried again, this time more cautious. Now he succeeded on sitting. He looked behind him and saw an endless stretch of water.

'So I was right, I am indeed on a beach.'

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in front of him that blinded him.

When he finally reopened his eyes there we're multiple blue screens appearing and disappearing in front of him. On them there seemed to be text. He focused and tried to read the text on the suspicious blue screens.

[ Survivor Guide Installed ]

[ Checking Vitals ]

[ Vital Check Complete ]

[ Checking Systems ]

[ System Check Complete]

[ All Checks Complete ]

'What the hell is happening?' He stiffened reading these messages wondering what was going on.

Another one popped up.

[ Welcome Survivor ]

Greetings survivor, welcome to the Survivor Guide Program, in short the SGP.

You probably have a lot of questions, so I'll try to answer some of them.

First of all you're probably wondering what these screens and this "Survivor Guide Program" is. So to keep it short, Earth had been destroyed after a sudden meteor strike, killing almost the entirety of the world's population. To save humanity, we teleported a select few of the most potent humans to this other world called Pangea. While Pangea shares a similar environment as Earth, it does have a few differences:

1. The wild life on this planet is significantly different and more dangerous than on Earth.

2. Pangea has not yet been civilized by intelligent beings.

3. On Pangea the landscape and climate change drastically based on your location.

The goal of SGP is to assist you and your fellow survivors in recreating Civilization on Pangea.

Second, you might be wondering where you are. Currently, you are located on Furrows Beach along with the other survivors. In front of you should be the Sunlit Plains and behind you should be the Calming Sea.

Now there's one more other important thing to address. Pangea is extremely dangerous, so to counteract this, SGP provides assistance and help to the survivors making it possible to survive. This help is in the form of body modifications and special abilities.

These body modifications are in the form of stats which can be raised by increasing someone's survivor level, by completing quests or other special requirements.

The special abilities are in the form of skills ranking from the ranking of F (Lowest) to S (Highest), these can be obtained by completing quests, finding them in skill books or trough other hidden means.

On the start of this adventure, everyone starts on level-1 and gets the ability to chose one skill.

Good luck Survivors.

As Ryleigh read the message, a horrid expression on his face appeared. He looked around, but there seemed to be no one just like earlier, nor did there seem to be plains in front of him and the sea behind him was wildly ravaging against the rocks and cliffs in the distance.

"So, in front of me there's a giant forest and the sea behind me does not look like the calming sea to me, is the system lying to me? But why would it lie when its goal is to help us survivors? Perhaps it's also lying about that?"

He talked out loud to himself with a frown on his face

Then suddenly another screen appeared, but this time it was shining bright red.


It seems an error occurred during teleportation and all the survivors are split up. Travel to Furrows Beach and gather with the other Survivors Immediately.

More blue screens appeared.

[ Quest ]

The survivors have split up during an error. Now it's for upmost importance to regroup again at Furrows Beach. A waypoint has added on the map. (To look at the map, say or think map or go to the status window and travel to the map tab. To look at the status window, say or think status.)

Quest Conditions:

- Arrive at Furrows Beach

Rewards On Completion:

- A random F to D ranked Skill

- +10 Points on all stats

Ryleigh looked at the screen, now finally understanding why the received information was not correct, there seemed to be an error. Now out of curiosity of where he was and where he has to go he opened his map.


In front of him a blue screen opened up showing a giant map. However, disappointingly enough the map wasn't detailed enough and only simple outlines of areas shown, neither names nor accurate geographical waypoint were shown in the areas. At least, in none except one, the area he was in did show more detail and was more like an accurate map showing height levels, forests and rivers.

He also noticed that on the map there were 2 locations marked, one with a red dot and one with a blue one.

'The red dot must be my location, since that's in the area in which I am. So then the other one must be Furrows Beach.'

He looked at the distance and was pleasantly surprised when he noticed that the distance between them wasn't that big.

'It's not that far, I could probably reach that in just a mere day, so that's good. I guess I'm really lucky, I could've also been teleported to this far side over here. Then my journey would at least take 30 to 40 days if I would go through the jungle, but I don't think traveling through the jungle is really a good idea.'

During all this commotion he still remained seated on the ground, but now was the time to stand up and check his surroundings. He stood up and walked around a bit on the edge of the jungle and beach. Then he got reminded of the rocks on his left.

'They look climbable, should I try to get to the top and obtain a view point for my surroundings?'

As Ryleigh walked to the rocks and started to climb. He noticed that climbing them wasn't taxing on his body at all. He shot up and already after five minutes he was on top of the 40-meter-high rock formation. He looked at his surroundings and they indeed matched up with was on the map in the area of the Baymouth Gorge, the name of this area.

'This seems like a safe area.'

He checked the rest of the message he couldn't finish before because of the error warning. When he finished reading, another screen popped up.

[ Skill Choice ]

You have been given the ability to select one of the following skills, be careful when deciding because after you've chosen you can't change back. (To select a skill, say the name of the chosen skill)

The following Skills are available:

1. { Quick Feet (E) }

Gain a 50% Movement Speed increase for 60 seconds (Cooldown: 120 seconds)

2. { Appraisal (F - Growth) }

Appraise an item, u get knowledge of this item (Cooldown: None)

3. { Guerrilla (D) - passive }

You automatically know more of your surroundings, you can feel all kinds of information of your surroundings in an area of 10 meter

4. { Shovel Mastery (E) - passive }

When wielding a shovel, all stats increase by 15%, shovel fighting more proficient.

10. { Great Strike (D) }

When wielding a bladed weapon, a broad wind strike appears, dealing 150% of your damage against your opponent (Cooldown: 60 seconds)

Ryleigh looked at all the skills, reading their descriptions and weighing up their pros and cons, until finally coming down to a choice between 3 skills.

'{Great Strike} could be really handy to protect my self, but currently I don't have a bladed weapon yet, so currently it's useless for me. {Quick Feet} will also be really useful, it gives me loads of speed and could help me run away from risky situations. It can also get met to Furrows Beach quicker making it even better. But {Guerrilla} on the other hand gives me a lot of survival skills that can be really useful in the forest, helping me out significantly later.'

Then suddenly he had an epiphany. He forgot the rest of the options and instead chose an entire different one. While it looked bad currently with it only being an F ranked skill, but since it's a growth type skill and it giving a lot of information, he in the end decided to go for that skill instead.

"I choose {Appraisal}."

This is my first story, so if the quality is lacking please let me know. Ill try my best to listen to your opinion.

Drumpiecreators' thoughts