
The Survivor Guide Program

Ryleigh wakes up on a beach, completely lost. Suddenly, a blue screen pops up in front of him. [ Welcome Survivor ] Earth has been destroyed, almost wiping out humanity To save humanity, Humanity's very best has been summoned here to rebuild human society to its former glory. Your goal: Gather Humanity and rebuild Human society. P.S. You now have superpowers, you have a stat and skill system, and everything here tries to kill you. Good luck Survivor

Drumpie · Fantasy
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2 Chs

SGP 2 - Stalker

The screen started glowing, brighter and brighter, until it suddenly disappeared. A short message appeared.

[ Skill {Appraisal} Obtained ]

Ryleigh, who witnessed the entire process, felt a sudden surge of power rush inside him. It felt like a warmth going through his entire body, like entering a store on a cold winter day and the warmth blowing all over you. He felt like he found a brand-new reserve of energy, that was now running through his entire body. He was more awake than ever, and dying to try his new power. So he climbed back down to the beach and headed to the first object he could find.

'This might look like a normal branch, but when I appraise it, you'll be surprised.'

Even though Ryleigh was already 23 years old, inside he was still a little kid dreaming on about. So when he appraised the branch, his hopes we're up for something mind-blowing.


[ Appraisal ]


"Branch? What the hell is this?"

Ryleigh couldn't hide his disappointment at all. While it looked like a normal branch, he would've kinda hoped for something more, spectacular. But not defeated yet he decided to try more.


[ Appraisal ]


"Aaarrghh! Well I'm 100% sure this is going to be special, appraise."

[ Appraisal ]


"Ugh! Appraise."

[ Appraisal ]



[ Appraisal ]


After about a dozens time of using {Appraisal} and walking for around half an hour, Ryleigh lost his beliefs, thinking that everything he appraised was just as what he saw. However, he did find out some things out about this skill:

First of all, using {Appraisal} didn't cost any energy for him and it didn't have any cooldown.

Second, every time he used {Appraisal} his skill grew slightly in level. And because of his total spam of {Appraisal} everywhere, it now had grown to a staggering level-9. This meant that it gave more information on an appraised item. However, he didn't know what the max level was for his skill, so he decided to just use it everywhere.

Third, this skill had a certain range of 50 meters. Meaning, he could appraise everything in a radius of 50 meters.

Now he was walking to Furrows Beach, while in the meantime mindlessly appraising every object he comes across.

"Appraise. Appraise. Appraise. Appraise."

[ Appraisal ]

Lump of Sand

Material: Sand

Description: Tiny rocks formed by erosion

[ Appraisal ]

Ordinary Tree Branch

Material: Oak wood

Description: A branch fallen from an oak tree.

[ Appraisal ]

Laura Anderson

Classification: Human

Description: A human transported to Pangea.

State: Unconscious

[ Appraisal ]

Salt Rock

Material: Salt, Rock

Description: A salty rock, can be used to salt food

'Wait a human?!'

A shock ran through Ryleigh, he found a human. He ran to the place he appraised. While he originally thought it was just a rock, it being a human came as a huge surprise. Countless thoughts rushed through his head.

'Finally after all this time I found a human. Is she still alive? Why is she still unconscious? Is she doing okay? Am I on time? Is she American? Her name sounds American.'

He noticed that he ran faster than he'd used to be able to. A message popped up.

[ +1 Agility ]

Wondering why he suddenly got a boost in his agility, he shot forward with immense speed. He ran down the entire 50 meters in just a mere 5 seconds. He really was fast. He checked her body for any wounds and if her vital functions we're still okay, luckily everything seemed to be okay. Then he tried to softly wake her up.

'Why's she not waking up, shouldn't she have already woken up by now? What if something would happe…'


Ryleigh screamed. Her eyes, which we're just shut a moment ago, impossible to open, shot open. He looked at her terrified before regaining his composure.

'I'm such a wus, I should be ashamed of my self.'

"Where am I?" Asked Laura, who hadn't noticed Ryleigh yet, to no one in particularly.

"We seem to be on another planet called Pangea."

This time it was Laura's time to scream, shocked there was suddenly someone next to her.


"I'm sorry I startled you, my name is Ryleigh. Your name is Laura right?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Well I have a certain skill tha…"

"You mean you're a stalker? Get away from me!"

"No, I…"

"I'll kill you dirty stalker!"

Perplexed, Ryleigh didn't know what to answer, he self didn't grasp the situation fully either, so trying it to explain it to someone else who just woke up was an undoable task. Luckily for him just before Laura attacked him, the blue screens he was oh so familiar with appeared before Laura."

[ Welcome Survivor ]

Greetings survivor, welcome to the Survivor Guide Program, in short the SGP.

You probably have a lot of questions, so I'll try to answer some of them.

First of all you're probably wondering what these screens and this "Survivor Guide Program" is. So to keep it short, Earth had been destroyed after a sudden meteor strike, killing almost the entirety of the world's population.

Good luck Survivors.

"What the hell?!"

Then the rest of the screens appeared, including the emergency screen and the quest screen.

After Laura read all the screens, she sat still like a frozen statue. Staring at the skill choices.

"So, do you believe me now?" Ryleigh said.

"Yeah, I think so. I guess you we're right. And you we're saying you had one of these skills right?"


"So then, do you have this skill?" Laura asked while pointing at the appraisal skill.

"Yes you're right."

"And now I'll have to choose a skill too, right?"

"Yes, but think carefully."

She thought for a long while, until finally she spoke up.

"Well because you have that skill I guess I'll have to get this skill."