

Nasira_Zahid · Video Games
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3 Chs


The AX12 gathered his army and said go and kill everyone in this city and get some weapons for the next war.

The mechs went to destroy the city when suddenly a man shot a mech.The other mechs destroy the building and homes in city.

When everything was destroyed AX12 said them to

come back.When they came back AX12 said them to improve your skills and your abilities.

The mare of the country said to do a war between the mechs and human.The mechs accept the war and they made there army 20times more powerful then before.

Next day the war was started and the mechs made a big explosion in the middle of there army.The humans were firing on them and we're not giving them time to move.

AX12 was watching from behind and gave order to rush on them without giving any pity on them.

All of the mechs rushed on humans.some mechs were killed cause of countinuos firing.The humans made a weapon called THE MERCHANT and fired it towards the mechs through almost every mech was killed.

AX12 got that the all mechs are killed he went alone to kill them.He jumped in the middle of war and went crazy on killing humans.He fired so many missiles and killed all humans in the country accept for the mare.