

Nasira_Zahid · Video Games
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3 Chs


They went to that company again .Half mechs attacked from left and half from right.The security level was so high and improved that it almost killed half mechs.Before mechs could get to the basement the manager of the company ran in his


One mech saw the manager running in helicopter

so he told everyone about the manager.The AX12 send 2 mechs to kill the manager.The 2 mechs

jumped on the helicopter and threw the pilot away.

They killed the manager and blast the helicopter.

When the scientist saw that the mech is not there he alert the whole city and said to kill the mechs

and said the one to kill the whole army of mechs will get billion dollars.

Everyone went crazy in killing mechs. In 2 days 500+mechs were killed in this situation. So AX12 decided to take a next step and kill the doctor and buy the people who are after killing us.

He had forgotten the lab of doctor but he know the exact place where he go every evening so he went there at evening in different getup.He went in the building and meet the doctor and said I have a party at my home plz come at the party.The doctor said I will come in the party.

When he came in the party the AX12 stabbed a knife in his chest.After this he made a video and said work for me and I will give you everything you want.