

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Hunting The Dragon (IV)

Chapter 15 Hunting The Dragon (IV)

"There's no light nor the dark in your path

Reaching for the mysterious beyond

Facing the endless cursed fate

Strive, Brandish Soul!"

The magical blue formation suddenly formed in the sky below the dragons' cave.

As the blue light became brighter, a barrage of gigantic magical spears rained through the cave until it disintegrated with sleeping dragons inside.

The snoring of dragons stopped as my Brandish Soul ended.

Only cave ruins of rock and pieces of dead dragon bodies spread with its blood.

A spark of red diamond lights appeared under these rocks and pieces of dragon meat.

However, before Amdarais and I stepped to reach that, the sound of the flapping wings of a dragon immediately came.

"Rezvan, in the east!"

"Yeah, I know!"

In the east of the rainy night sky, the two dragons fly hurriedly to me with their fire breath.


The two dragons roaring loudly indicate they are ready to spew the deadly fire breath.

But I have already shot my Soul's Strike toward them.

Ten magical bullets with a blue light aura rocketed like a rapid-homing missile that instantly penetrated the two dragons' wings and jaws.

I sprinted and then jumped to avoid the two dead dragons falling into the ground.

The dragon's blood flooded away the ground and the cave ruins.

As far as I sense, there is no other threat anymore.

Amdarais also agree because he flies to collect the red Diamonds from our hunting.

"Hell yeah, Rezvan! Let us dig the Diamonds!"

I stand still while maintaining my breath after the spell's recitation.

Based on my measurement, this cave is the tenth cave I have destroyed with Brandish Soul.

Approximately the dragon I killed while they were asleep, was almost 50, and another dragon aware of my existence is five.

After my magician power grows, I can endure the fatigue more stable than my first attempt to cast Brandish Soul.

So, suppose there's a random monster invading me after I cast the Brandish Soul.

I could fight back in that case because I still have enough endurance.

I understand the recitation spell is still lengthy and took an amount of time.

However, I can still do it properly by using it in an ambush strategy.

Just in case, I also chose to raise my cleverness key power to cast spells faster and strengthen my aim.

I know it's slightly faster for a heavy damage spell like Brandish Soul, but at least it's better than before.

Looking at my 'leveling' progress, I know I can kill the dragons easier than before.

But it is hard to raise my key power because the amount of Monster's Diamond energy needed is far larger.

That's why I'm still stuck on 38 points of Intelligence, 30 points of endurance, and 20 points of cleverness.

"Alright, that's pretty much of it for our hunting today. Well done, Rezvan!"

Amdarais claps with a satisfying smile.

"Does that mean all the dragons in this mountain have died?"

"Yes, except the strongest one, at the top of the mountain. That dragon is the mother of all dragons in this mountain."

I remember he warned me to not hunt the last dragon on the top of the mountain because my magician's skill seemed not balanced yet with that one.

Especially after the mother dragon realizes all her kid is dead by me.

Her anger will make her deadly as hell.

A few minutes passed; the heavy rain finally stopped.

The disappearance sound of the rainy drop makes the mountain quiet.

Now I can hear my heartbeat and breathing because of this silence.

"Let's get back to our home before the mother dragon wakes from sleep."

Amdarais lift his right palm hand, which is covered with a blue light aura.

As he summoned the magical blue gate, I stretched my back for a moment because it was so damn tiring and almost killed me for hunting these dragons.

Well, at least the red Diamonds from the dragons is worth it for all the trouble.

"Why rush to go home early?"

Amdarais and I were immediately alerted by the mysterious voice of a man near us.

As I prepared the Soul's Strike spell, the blue light aura emerged in my body quickly.

But the mysterious one had not yet been detected.

Even Amdarais looks pressured after hearing the mysterious voices.

"Aren't you the Supreme Magician that all the Monsters respected in this realm?! Come on, now! Don't run like a dog!"

The mysterious voice becomes louder and sharper.

I could feel Amdarais's anger when he gritted his teeth.

The second his hand pointed to the east, the blue light aura brightened, uncovering the mysterious man from invisibility.

"We don't have time for you, filthy demon."

The tall man with his slender, white-skinned body not wearing anything except a black aura that covered his middle until its feet.

Only looking at the black horn in the man's head and its black eyes explain why Amdarais call this man a 'filthy demon'.

"Oh, no hug for celebrating your freedom? We have been waiting for you for so long, you know…. Everything becomes boring when those Monster seal you like an idiot…."

The Demon gestured his hands like he wanted to hug Amdarais.

But Amdarais seems annoyed.

"I have my own plan for these traitors. Just don't disturb me this time."

"Disturb you? Oh, of course, no, silly. I want to tell you about 'someone'…or maybe…' the landlord' in this mountain who wants to meet you."

A few seconds passed; the second flapped wing emerged in the night sky, along with the terrifying scream of the dragon.

A glimpse looks toward the Demon's irritating smile makes me and Amdarais realize there's something fishy about the mother dragon's incoming.

"O, Mother of the Dragons! Look at this mess! Someone had brutally murdered all of your children into pieces!"

Crap, that Demon's yelling is so loud that it makes my ear hurt.

"O, Mother of the Dragons! Do you want to neglect this massacre?! Are you sure you let the human leave without any remorse?"


These damn provocative demons succeeded and made the mother of the dragon move fly toward me.

Moved by anger, my shooting star flies and penetrates the Demon's head.

I had to do it before this filthy Demon made the situation worse.

The Demon stumbled, but Amdarais seemed not satisfied by it.

"It's useless! The demons are immortal!"


The demons laughed while lying on the ground, with black blood flooding from his head.

His laugh becomes annoyingly hysterical when the shadow of the mother dragon comes, and it feels like it makes night totally dark for all of us.


After seeing the gigantic size of the dragon's mother, I couldn't imagine how large and dreadful her fire breath was.

Now I understand why Amdarais said this is not the right time to kill the dragon's mother.

Amdarais immediately grips my hand.

"There's no time! Go back now!"

I quickly run to go inside the blue gate.

I'm pretty sure Amdarais will be closed the gate as soon as I come inside the gate.

Then, the sudden heavy wind from the mother dragon's flipped gigantic wing makes me push far to the blue gate.

The mother dragon opened her mouth widely, filled with her fire breath, and I could feel the deadly heat even if it was still far away.

As I speeded up my run, the enormous mother dragon's fire breath came like a huge meteor that wanted to plummet and destroy this mountain.

The blue gate still seems unreachable even though I run faster with Soul's Spirit's help.

"Evade it, Rezvan!"

After Amdarais yelled, I immediately jumped because I knew I won't make it to the blue gate.

I jumped randomly just to evade the deadly fire breath that destroyed almost half of the mountain.

As I landed, I hurriedly grasped anything near me as a handle for me to keep stable.

My heart suddenly beat fast when I realized I had landed on the feet of the mother dragon.

What the hell?

I hold my nervousness and pay attention to the mother dragon.

A few minutes passed with the mother dragon's constant deafening scream; I knew she had not yet realized I was still alive in her feet.

"Stay quiet and focus. We'll find the right moment to escape."

I heard Amdarais whispering behind me.

He pointed out the floating blue gate, which still exists despite the destruction of the mountain near it.

I gulped for a second.

It might be my only chance to escape from this death-threatening dragon.

At least now the annoying Demon has gone, so I can focus more on my escape.

But I was wrong.

The demons floated in front of the mother dragon.

Heck, even I can see the Demon look at me hiding in the mother dragon's feet.

Strangely, he didn't tell the mother dragon about my location.

He flew until he stopped in front of a mother dragon, who was still angered.

"The death of the human is still not enough! Look at this place! Your home gets destroyed! O, Mother of Dragon, let them pay for their brutality! Blood by blood!"


My god, this Demon still provokes the mother of the dragon.

My thought for escape quietly crumbled as the dragon's mother flapped her wings, and then it flew toward the blue gate.

I want to go back home, but not with this dangerous monster.

As I see in a glimpse, the Demon waving his head with his annoying wide smile.

Before Amdarais closed the magical gate, the mother dragon had already entered the blue gate.

It's all too late.

The only option remains to defeat the mother of dragons in my city.