
The Supreme Magician - AI G7

In the year 999,899, the Earth's technology became so advance that it could create life, bring back the dead, stop humans from aging; The advancement enabled humans to live without air; With the help of the technology, humans could turn night to day, so the sun wasn't needed to produce light; With the help of the technology, humans could live on other planets; AI (Artificial intelligence) became so common that every human had it implanted; Science at that period became known as the power of the Gods. As for the MC, He reincarnated in another where magic actually exist.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Reincarnated into another world

'Argh... Where the hell am I, and why is it so tight in here' thought Alex as he tried to move his body only to discover that he couldn't.

'M-05, M-05 ' calling through his thought, he discovered that the machine with code -05 wasn't responding. Unable to analyze the situation, he felt depressed, suddenly he heard a voice from his head.

<Merging AI-G7 with the host's AI.... (Successful)>

<Retrieving the host's memories....>

Unexpectedly, Alex felt a sharp pain from his brain, 'Ouch, That hurts'

<Memories retrieved.... (Successful)>

<Saving memories on A1 Storage Unit... 10%...50%....90%...100% (Successful)>

<Analyzing the host's body condition.... (Successful)>

<Unable to display state, due to the host's current state, Sending the host's status to the brain>

Milliseconds later, Alex received some data, Name: ??? Age: ??? Race: ??? Str: ??? Agi: ???

'What kind of stat is this, Issuing adminstrative command, What kind of AI are you'

<Adminstrative command affirm, According to the data saved in the AI Storage, the host's AI is AI-G7>

'A1-G7, it seems the implantation worked, so AI-G7 where am I'

<Insufficient data>

'What year is this'

<Insufficient data>

'Then what do you know'

<No data in the database>

'Can't you connect to the C-NASA Satellite'

<Insufficient data, nothing about the satellite is stored in the database>

'Alright, What the hell is going on here' thought Alex as he tried to inhale, only to discover that he couldn't breathe with his nose.

'Can someone please tell me, what the hell is happening here', Scared that he might die from lack of oxygen, Alex struggled and continue struggling to move his body, surprisingly he discovered something attached to his abdomen.

'Wait a minute... I can't open my eyes... I can't breathe... It can't be '. Alex heart started racing, after a while, he calmed himself; Actually Alex wasn't frightened, he was actually excited.

'Does that mean the AI-G7 could cause one to undergo rebirth; well if that's the case I should probably wait until I'm born. Then I can arrive at my concussion'

After waiting for about a day, Alex found it hard to endure the pressure so he began struggling to push himself out.

Suddenly, Alex found that his body was no longer restricted by the surrounding, then he slowly opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes he saw a beautiful lady dressed in maid outfit looking at him with love and affection.

Looking at Alex, the beautiful lady patted his head before she said, "@#&¥°~π#@?#¢$"

'What kind is she speaking, G7 check for any language hers'

<Searching the A1 Storage unit... Filtering Language.... Comparing Language... (No Match Found)>

'So there language isn't found, it seems I need to learn more about this place first'

At the age of six months, Alex began his research for clues on where he is reborn, only to discover that he is no longer on earth. If it were normal Otaku's, there would be rejoicing that they were reincarnated into a fantasy world, but that wasn't the case for him. Although Alex could barely hear the language of the people, he was smart enough to know that his mother is a maid and he is living a very desolated village. Sometimes, Alex felt like asking his mother about his father, but seeing their current predicament Alex declined the idea.

Few days before Alex turned six months old, he discovered the huge difference between the earth he mysteriously died from and the mythical place he is currently in.

In this new world, magic actually exist. It wasn't just that, Alex also got some information about the AI-G7; The AI-G7 is like a CPU (Central Processing Unit), it could process things ten million times faster than that of the human brain, and store it in his brain. To Alex, he felt like his brain has being upgraded.

At the age of three, Alex came to understanding about how the village works and how the villagers took positions as gold.

At the age of Five, Alex was given freedom on where he wants to go and how he wants to live. Alex knew the pains his mother is suffering from, just to provide food for him, sometimes his mother would even starve to make sure he is well feed.

Thinking of his mother's suffering, he isolated himself from the remaining children of the village. Because of that, some of village children despised him.