
The Supreme Magician - AI G7

In the year 999,899, the Earth's technology became so advance that it could create life, bring back the dead, stop humans from aging; The advancement enabled humans to live without air; With the help of the technology, humans could turn night to day, so the sun wasn't needed to produce light; With the help of the technology, humans could live on other planets; AI (Artificial intelligence) became so common that every human had it implanted; Science at that period became known as the power of the Gods. As for the MC, He reincarnated in another where magic actually exist.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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Before Reincarnation

In the year 999,899, the Earth's technology became so advance that it could create life, bring back the dead, stop humans from aging; The advancement enabled humans to live without air; With the help of the technology, humans could turn night to day, so the sun wasn't needed to produce light; With the help of the technology, humans could live on other planets; AI (Artificial intelligence) became so common that every human had it implanted; Science at that period became known as the power of the Gods.

100ft tall building that is entirely built with glass, 10 km beside the Kasei Valles on the North Pole of Mars; Thousands of drones were flying at high speed, thro and fro different directions. Within the building, there is a lab and inside the lab, stood some group of people dressed in lab clothes.

A middle-aged man who wore goggles, with a glass tablet on his left hand and a pen on his right hand; Floating by the side of the middle-aged man were two drones, "Sir MLS Alex, the prototype AI-G7 is about to be tested"

Standing on a drone with his back facing the middle-aged man is Alex; Alex glanced at the middle-aged man and said, "ALS Enos, what is your opinion about the AI-G7"

Enos used his left arm and adjusted his goggles, "Sir MLS Alex, According to D12, this prototype would be revolutionary if it works"

"Hehehe... ELS Isabella, How about you, what is your opinion about the AI-G7?" Alex asked.

A 5'4" ft blonde hair middle-aged lady who stood beside Enos, holding a glass tablet in her left hand, replied, "Sir MLS Alex, We have been working on the G7 for the past twenty thousand years. Although the predictive analysis by M-01 has guarantee the success of the G7 to be 90%, I still find it impossible to believe that the prototype AI-G7 would work"

Alex turned and gazed at Isabella with a smile and said, "You are as beautiful as always ALS Enos"

Isabella looked at Alex expressionlessly and said, "Sir MLS Alex, Please avoid teasing me and I'm too young to even be daughter"

"Tch! You're too cold ELS Isabella, also I'm just 21,717 years old. I'm really not that old"

Suddenly, a hologram popped out from the drones that were floating beside Enos, displaying a notification while reading the notification loudly, [ Prototype AI-G7, completion in 1%…25%...50%...70%...100%. Please send the host to FR-Ward to proceed the implantation of the AI-G7]

"Sir MLS Alex, are you sure you want the AI-G7 implanted into you", Enos spoke in concern.

"ALS Enos, Thanks for your concern, but I don't want to put my agents in danger"

"But Sir MLS Alex, According to the M-01, if the prototype is to fail, the host and the star would be totally destroyed, there won't be any resurrection"

"That's the more reason, why I want to do it"

"But Sir MLS Alex, If the C-NASA, the C-BAS, the C-SAS, the..." But before Enos could finish his words, he was interrupted by Alex.

"Worry not", Alex spoke with haste.

"But Sir, If they were to hear about this, the entire Mars could be in chaos" This time it wasn't Enos who spoke but Isabella.

"Forgive us, Sir MLS Alex, but we are also against you implanting the AI-G7", said an individual within the group.

"Yes Sir MLS Alex"

"If you're so against me implanting it, would you implant it on yourself"

Looking at the silent faces of the masses, "*Sigh* I appreciate your concern, but I have to do this"

"Sir MLS Alex, why don't we just try the AI-G7 on a lab rat", Enos suggested.

"Do you know what the AI-G7 is? We spent almost twenty thousand years to build the AI-G7 and you want it to be implanted on a lab rat. Apart from that, do you know that with the AI-G7, Man Can stand on equal footing with Gods. And you want to implant it on a lab rat"

When they heard, the entire lab was as silent as a graveyard.

"Enough with the speech, let's proceed to the FR-Ward" said Alex as the left the lab on his drone.


- FR-Ward -

The room was quite large, the room was shaped like a triangle, with transparent door, ceiling and walls. There is a large floating Monitor, ICP monitor and a single bed. The room looks very clean and tidy, with no decorations on the glass walls.

Lying on the bed is Alex, with his body facing the glass ceiling and his eyes wide open. Deep within his eyes, nervousness could be seen.

Looking through the window were Alex's agents.

"M-05, proceed with the transplant" said Alex as he closed his eyes and prepare for the worst.

[Machine A1 with Code - 05 responding to the Artificial Intelligence Master Lab Scientist command...]

[Sending shockwaves to the host's brain... <Ok>]

[Sending shockwaves to the host's sensory organ.... <Ok>]

[Sending shockwaves to the host's bones.... <Ok>]

[Testing Fertility.... <Ok>]

[Testing for any System Error... <No Error Found>]

[Testing for compatibility... <Compatible>]

[Implanting AI-G7 to the host ....10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%... Completed <Implant successful>]

[Merging the host's brain AI with the AI-G7]

[Ding! Ding!! Ding!!! An Error occurred]

"AHH!" Alex screamed in pain as he began remembering all the memories he had from his birth to his current time...

'What's happening'

[Ding! Ding!! Sending shockwaves to the host's brain...<Ok>]

[Sending shockwaves to the host's sensory organ.... <Ok>]

[Stabilizing the ....]
