
The Supreme Harem God traveling the Omniverse

Hello my name is William Marksberry, this is my story of how I went from a regular 15 year old teen to {The Supreme Harem God} just because my friend made me become one. So come see how I went from world to world grabbing beauties. All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author of this fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material

wolfdstroyer · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 9 Return of the Will

In a forest close to a shrine a black portal suddenly appeared and two human figures popped out of it. One was a beautiful lady with purple hair in red armor holding a red spear and the other was a handsome young man with black hair wearing a black suit and a black long coat.

They were William and Scathach and they were on their way to go save the Himejima mother and daughter duo.

"When we get there, go protect the little girl who should have already runned away and when you find her tell her 'big bro Will sent me and he is on his way to save your mother' she might be wary at first but give her this candy and she'll comply " William explained the plan to Scathach while giving her a lollipop and she just nodded while taking it.









(Shuri POV)

I just teleported my lovely daughter with the last bit of my magic power and now I will die to the old bastards of the clan because I married a man who forgot their wife and daughter, but do I regret it, no because it if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have my lovely Akeno and met 'him'.

~~ahh~~ I wish I could've met 'him' one last time and told him my feelings. I hope he finds Akeno and teaches her how to be a good girl so she wont focus on revenge her whole life.

The old man was about to finish his boring speech about how the stupid gods should forgive my "sins" in the afterlife. All the bastards were readying their fire magic and aiming at me, I braced myself for my death, closed my eyes and whispered the name of the person who made me feel complete.


I waited, waited, and waited for the fire to hit me, but it never did. I slightly opened my eyes and what I saw in front of me was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. A young man was standing in front of me blocking the fire blast with a clear barrier. He looked like a guardian angel protecting its master.

IT WAS WILLIAM HE ACTUALLY CAME BACK FOR ME!!! I was filled with ecstasy about the thought that he came back for me that I actually got wet. If it wasn't for the situation I would have jumped on him and made love for a week straight. I was not worried that he would get hurt, why you ask well because it is William duh.

When the fire blast finished the old men's faces turned from mocking to shock, it was priceless, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. The elder who was leading them turned serious when he was about to order to attack again he was interrupted by Will's manly voice.

"Fall" and all their heads were lopped off by something that looked like wire. Will then turned around and crouched down to my level then embraced me. I smelt his manly scent that was making me more wet.

" I am so sorry I was late, don't worry about Akeno, my wife is keeping her safe" Will was consoling me while patting my head.

Wait, did he just say 'my wife'.


Author note: Hello guys sorry it took me a while to update. I have just been procrastinating. Short chapter today because I just wanted to update something and it might be trash because it's been a while since last time I wrote. The next part will be closing the first part of the DXD world and start setting things for the next time he goes to DXD. The reason I wanted to leave the world early is because I don't think I have the experience of a writer to write about a big world like DXD. Only 8 years will pass by until canon and he will go back off screen to visit Shuri, Akeno, and get other girls. Next world is Eminence of a Shadow and before it is the end of the first volume. That is all I have for right now cya guys.


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