
The Supreme Harem God traveling the Omniverse

Hello my name is William Marksberry, this is my story of how I went from a regular 15 year old teen to {The Supreme Harem God} just because my friend made me become one. So come see how I went from world to world grabbing beauties. All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author of this fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material

wolfdstroyer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 Oh SH*T the first R18 is here(*)

(William POV)

<Scáthach Affection: 1000/100


Oh! shit… that's hot. I look deep into Scáthach's eyes and I see the love, obsession, and craze look she is giving me. It made me a bit horny, for some reason my preferences changed. Back on earth I would love sweet innocent girls and I still do,but now I love crazy girls who only have me in their eyes. I think this harem thing is really influencing me. After Scáthach woke up I picked her up and told her "how are you feeling in your new body, before you say anything, technically you died, and your old body is down there ready to be buried."

Then I pointed at her old body at my feet, she looked down from my arms and looked at her old body with wide eyes then quickly looked back at me" you tricked me my beloved stupid disciple I thought I would go on to the afterlife whatever I'll keep my word this life I would spend it serving you to my up most abilities Master" she announced, I quickly shot back "I think I have a kink for someone calling me master but don't call me it feels weird that you are saying when you are my beloved shishou "

"Ok my stupid disciple can we bury my old body before we do anything" I nodded and brought her to her feet then picked up her dead body(old) and started walking out of the ruin of the fortress and to a hill while Scáthach picked up her staff and followed me. We got to the hill and dug up a hole and buried her. Then Scáthach found a rock, then carved her name on it and placed it on top of her grave. I manifested a flower and placed it on top of the rock, I looked at it for a while then said "ready to start your new life Scáthach" she didn't respond. I looked back while saying her name," Scath-".

Furthermore, I saw her looking laughing creepily with her cheeks blushed "I can finally let myself go kekeke" I felt a sense of danger looming over me, I tried to get ready, but I was too late Scáthach suddenly teleported in front of me and punched me towards nowhere with a lustful smile. I quickly figured out what will happen next I landed and quickly made a house with a large bed with the last of my primordial energy and quickly asked Alex to disconnect from the servers that let him see my point of view ' Alex disconnect from me something is going to happen that I don't want to let you see'

<Yeah ok I'll disconnect right now and research some things, good luck on losing your virginity> then I lost connection to him. I quickly took off my clothes and got ready to grab hold of Scáthach, then a second later a naked Scáthach teleported in front me trying to attack me. I grabbed hold of her and turned and pushed her down the bed fiercely kissing her we fought with our tongues, and I wasn't trying to get dominated, so I slid my hands to her breast and squeezed it she moaned and looked at with wide eyes that quickly turned into lustful ones she then grabbed my dicked that was already erect to its full glory I smirked and went back into our tongue battle.

We fought for domination for a while until I got bored with kissing and boob squeezing,, so I slid my hands down to her bottom lips while caressing the rest of her body. As soon I got her hole I plunged my fingers in there finger fucking her she started moaning loudly she tried moving her hand that was giving me a hand job faster but couldn't from the pleasure she was having. I got an idea to fix that problem, I stopped finger fucking and got on top of her body and flipped into a 69 position and plunged my dick into her mouth while I started sucking her pussy. She had her first orgasm from the rough treatment and the pleasure of me sucking her off, she then started sucking me frivolously trying to drain every single drop of my cum. I felt my cum coming, so I warned Scáthach" I'M CUMMING" she moaned "THO IT BEWEVOD CUM IN MY MOTH AHH~"

We both cummed in each other's mouths. After that little preparation, I got off of her and went between her legs and got my holy sword ready to enter her holy sheath. I looked at her to see if she was ready," DO IT HONEY, PLUNGED YOUR FUCKING DICK IN ME BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF !!" After that, I plunged my dick inside and forced my way through her hole until I hit a barrier. I was surprised she was still pure due to her living for a long time,, but I forgot this is a new body. 'I am a dumbass' then I slammed my body into her breaking her hymen "AHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she moaned loudly I kissed her to shut her mouth and started thrusting in and out of her "AHH~ I LO-AHH~- VE YOU AHH~ HONEY YOU FINALLY OWNED MY SOUL, BODY, AND MIND AHH~"

I kept thrusting until I felt my balls churning,, so I did one grand slam and emptied my balls in her and gave her a cream pie. Using my newly made ability, I killed the life force from my sperm.

"AHH~ I FEEL SO FULL BUT THIS FEELS SO GOOD" she looked at me with a seductive smile and then jumped at me.

We fucked for four whole days we fucked everywhere on the roof, in the kitchen while I was cooking for us somehow we got backed to the ruin fortress and fucked on her grave which was disrespectful, but we didn't care we just wanted to become one forever I cream pied her 100 times which I didn't even know it was possible, but we made it happened. Now we were getting ready to go back and save Shuri. There was exactly 1 hour until Shuri's death, so we had to hurry. When we were done, I grabbed Scáthach's hand, made a new portal and jumped in with her. I felt like I forgot something,, but it probably wasn't important if I forgot about it.

(Meanwhile, in a white room somewhere in the universe)

(Alex POV)

Huh, I wonder if they are still fucking. Did he forget about me? Nah, I am his best friend there is no way he would forget about me. Well, I finally caught up to all the anime and finished my research on all future worlds Will might conquer. Should we go to Doki Doki Literature club and save the girls there and get Monika there? I just recently watched a Game Theory video about the new game. It might be interesting or should we go to Pokémon and get the THICC Hilda, hmm so many decisions. Oh! shit 'SHE' is moving closer I'm going to have to figure out a way to get her off our trail, we can go to marvel really quick because that universe is far from this one and let our signal out in the open, so she can find us and when she gets there we leave there while she is distracted by the fake OAA, he-he I am always amazed by my brain that can think of this amazing ideas OMG we can save one of the best girls Black Cat I'm so excited. Oh! new Komi episode, bye readers, hope you enjoyed my POV.

Hello guys like the title said this is my first R18 chapter that I ever wrote so it might suck so please give me any advice what should do in the next one. I wanna ask what I should do after I save Shuri should we let them go with Rias and let Akeno still join her peerage or should they stay with him and freeze the world because after Shuri is saved I want Will to go to a quick trip to marvel and get Black Cat. Or should we let all of them go with Rias and while he is there he gets acquainted with all them devil women and start planting seeds within their minds. Remember he is in his early twenties and the main cast should be around 10 so at most he can only conquer Grafiya, Venelena and the rest of the devil's moms. Ps He won't join Rias or anyone's peerage. ok bye

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