
The Supreme Harem God traveling the Omniverse

Hello my name is William Marksberry, this is my story of how I went from a regular 15 year old teen to {The Supreme Harem God} just because my friend made me become one. So come see how I went from world to world grabbing beauties. All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author of this fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material

wolfdstroyer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 The final battle and New Start?

We took off, I shot at her a couple times to keep her at bay but she just deflected them. I Kept shooting at her, but she got annoyed so she started using her rune magic and I had to use a bit of my magic due to that. We kept hurling magic at each other, but I got tired of using my bow so I changed it into a cane sword and we started fighting with just pure skill with the sword and spear.

When we were training I learned how to use all kinds of weapons, but I focused on only

three to be my main weapons, the ones were, the bow, the sword(mainly cane swords because I thought it was a cool weapon to use), and a final weapon that is mostly used as a hidden card to surprise the enemies so I trained this one in secret from Scathach. So we kept deflecting each other's slashes and dodging thrusts. I decided to use one of my many hidden cards so I started focusing my magic at the point of my sword and used a sealing magic to keep Scathach in place so she can't dodge my attack then said my short incantation aiming my sword at her.

I !

AM !


Then a huge explosion came from the sword and hit Scathach and because she couldn't dodge the attack she had to pull up a barrier but the barrier broke down soon after and the attack blew off her arm and gave her a lot of burns around her body.

"You cheeky bastard you were keeping stuff from me I guess I should go all out now that you are hitting me with everything you got " she said with a creepy smile and her cheeks blushing she looked like a crazy chick having that expression with her body all burned and an arm missing. Soon her body healed and she went back on the offense. She was faster and her hits got stronger. I kept blocking her attacks but I miscalculated and blocked too early and that gave her enough time to stab her spear in my leg. I retreated and cut my whole leg off in case she did anything and my leg healed back quickly. This fight kept going for a whole two days without rest now the whole castle was now in ruin and in the middle of the ruin castle was me and Scathach breathing heavily with cuts and holes in our bodies our regeneration was going slow because we were running out of mana I looked at her and said, "well I should finish this with my final move if you survive this then I am sorry I couldn't fulfill your dream." She just gave me a simple grunt in agreement and got ready for the next attack.

'Alex please unlock a quarter of my primordial energy I am going to use 'THAT' < Yes sir, unlocking a quarter of primordial energy > then I felt a surge of power going through my veins and my body instantly was healed. I was now going to use my hidden weapon, I used the primordial energy to make mana wires around my finger to make them indestructible and shot them at Scathach. She tried to dodge them and even cut them but at the end couldn't, I wrapped the wires around her arms and legs and now her body is stuck in the air in a position similar to if she was stuck on a cross like Jesus. She looked worned out and her life force was thinning minute by minute I started floating in the air and took out my bow, she looked at me and said with an affectionate smile "kukuku it looks like my time has come, if only you were born a little earlier... young, so young."

I knocked my arrow, aimed it at her and let it loose with tears in my eyes. We looked at each other's eyes and she mouthed the words 'Thank you' before the arrow went through her heart and killed her. I controlled the wires to lay her body down and cleaned my tears I looked at her with an affectional smile and said, "Shall you first life rest in peace and let your next life commence" I asked Alex soon after 'Alex let me use my full powers' <Ok, but you can only use it for a minute before it starts breaking your body > I then started floating and my hair started turning white and my eyes changed to eyes that looked like it hold the universe in them. I started trying to complete my business I first grabbed Scathach's soul from her body before it went to the wheel of reincarnation and made a new body for her that looked the same as her first one then placed her soul in the new body and laid her down before going back to my old form, sitting down and breathing heavily. I waited for her to wake up and when she finally did open her eyes I looked down at her and said "Welcome back."

Sorry for the short chapter I just wanted to finish the final battle between them, and tell me if I should change anything it was kinda rushed. See ya guys later

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