
The Supreme Harem God traveling the Omniverse

Hello my name is William Marksberry, this is my story of how I went from a regular 15 year old teen to {The Supreme Harem God} just because my friend made me become one. So come see how I went from world to world grabbing beauties. All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author of this fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material

wolfdstroyer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 Training with Scathach and decision

Before I did anything the figure opened its eyes and I saw two blood-like orbs staring at me from the abyss. And then the figure said " Hello youngster, for what is the thing you're seeking for to come to my domain?" I was quite surprised because it spoke with a feminine tone so I think it's a she, oh I see where this is going damn Alex is such a degenerate. Anyway I responded to her question " Hello sorry for intruding my name is William and I was told I would find someone that could train me here?"

And she introduced herself " Nice to meet you William, my name is Scathach and I am the Queen of the Land of Shadows and for your question they have probably heard that I was looking for a disciple, but no one has passed the test."

"Um, can I do the test? I kinda need to get strong to save someone and to survive in the world I live in," I asked her.

"Yes you can undergo the trial, let us begin, to be my disciple you need to have unyielding will and have the determination to do anything for your goal," when she finish what she was saying her body let out a dark red aura and the aura went straight towards me I prepared myself and when the aura hit me, I felt nothing, completely nothing I looked around and it seems that I was in a tornado because the red aura was thrashing everywhere I stepped out of it and looked at Scathach and saw that she as watching me with wide eyes. I guess whatever happened just now wasn't supposed to happen. I was about to say something but she interrupted me "I decided you will be my first serious disciple, get ready my dear disciple because when I am done with you, you will become a monster that nobody can squash like a bug."

Wow that was fast what do I do now she is looking at me with expectant eyes < what are you doing cuff your hands together, bow and say "disciple meets master" like in those cultivation novels> 'oh ok thanks for the help'

I cuffed my hands together, bowed, and said "dicple meets master and can I ask what was the test," she nodded her head and said "the test was to handle my killing intent and walk out of it without getting slashed by it."

Huh, I wonder why I didn't get affected by it and Alex answered my question < don't you remember what it said in your status your WILL is infinite so the killing intent won't be able to affect you> oh that is convenient anyway I should ask when do we start "So master when do we start" and my response to that question was an creepy smile.

(AN: Some things about Scathach that I changed she never met Cu Chulainn so she never have fallen in love anyone, she has had disciple but she never has taken them seriously and just them how to defend themselves and I am goiing to base my Scathach's personality similar to the Scathach from "My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires by Victor_Wisemen'' and she is crazy, a battle maniac, and a yandere. Sorry if you guys don't like this decision but I don't know her actual personality and I have Victor's novel fresh in mind right now)


It has been a week since Scathach accepted me as her disciple. During this week we worked on my foundation and the basics of martial arts. Our relationship has also improve she shows me more of her actual personality instead of the facade of a ruler and let me tell you this she is CRAZY the first instance that showed me that she was crazy was when we started the martial arts training and the first thing we did was a spar at first we were at a stalemate I think she was trying to see how much I know and when she finished her observation she went all out and beat the hell out me I was stuck in a bed the rest of the day. And that was all for the first week.


It has been a month now since she accepted me as her disciple and let me be honest her definition of training is different from the defintion in the dictionary because all she has been doing for the past month was torturing me and I am worried that she is influencing me because I've been noticing that everytime we would spar I would become more and more blood thirsty when my limbs get broken I will still have a smile on my face, it is a weird change but not an unwelcome one if I am going to do this whole harem business I need to be strong because women want strong men to rely on when shit hits the fan.

Another thing that I notice during my stay here is that Scathach has been contemplating something hard. For example, when we were done training we both went back towards our own room to call it a day, but when I got to my room I remember that I had to ask her for some advice so I went to her room and when I got there I heard her talking to herself "should I ask him to complete my dream for me, if I do ask him, would he do it…. I'll ask him when his training is complete so he can choose to fulfill my dream."

When I heard her, I felt that something ominous will soon come and if I remember Alex told me that Scathach is from the show Fate,I never watched that show cause it was confusing, and her dream was to be killed by her disciple, I think, something like that. So I left the area thinking of how to go around this forgetting why I was there in the first place.


Then for the last 3 months of training with Scathach it finally ended, it was now a week before Shuri's supposed death, so to celebrate our final day we are doing a final battle to see my progress. Before our battle, Scathach asked me something that I knew would come sooner but did not want it coming at all, "William can I ask you to make this battle a battle to death?"

I stayed silent for a minute then my face changed into a serious expression and said my answer " yes, but if I win then if we ever meet in your next life you will have to serve with your every being (AN:those who know, will get what I am going to do next after the fight)"

She thought for a while thinking about what I said and then smirked, looking at me with an amused look she agreed "Alright brat if you kill me, I will serve you with undying loyalty for the rest of my next life,but that is only of you kill me in this battle."

After she said this both of our demeanors changed and we got in our fighting stances. I took out my bow and she took out her spear, we looked at each other's eyes with the intent to kill the other person and we took off.

Sorry guys it took me a while to upload, I was building a new desk so I didn't have anything set up. Next chapter will be the battle between master and disciple, but don't expect too much I am not good at writing fighting scenes. One last thing I won't be able to write a lot next week because I have finals, this month is quite hectic with finals and Christmas so writing will be hard. PS I want to go to save Felicia Hardy(AKA Black Cat from Marvel) after Will save's Shuri just a mini ark just to save her from getting R*pe, what do you guys think yes or no

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