
The Supreme Evil from Another World

Story has discontinued, I no longer enjoy writing this story.

Dracoex1 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Flight of the Fountain

The faeries swarmed me like a maddened hive, flourishing their lances and magic as they charged towards me.

While death had no real long-term detriment to me, the Faery Queen would escape by the time my curse would resurrect me.

In response to the mass of wings, magic, and lances coming my way, I activated my necklace [Nightshroud] and cloaked myself in the dark fog the orb started emitting.

The moment the magic launched by the faeries came in contact with the fog, the mana fizzled out and the spells lost their structure. The lances of the faeries began to quickly crumble, and some unfortunate faeries themselves let out wet, gurgling screams as they began melting into puddles of slime and powdered bone.

The horrific sight of their fellow soldiers decaying so quickly caused a panic to rise within the swarm of faeries. The faery commander's voice rose above the chaos.

"Hold your ground! Buy time for the Queen!"

Annoyed at the barking of orders, I launched a void spear towards the source.

The commander, more disciplined and experienced than the rest of his soldiers, barely dodged the void spear as it impaled a soldier that was behind him.

That pissed me off even more. But I can't waste anymore time on these fodder.

I'm here for Cat'duah. I'm here for the faery queen.

I activate [River Styx] and summon thousands of of void spears behind me, launching them in a barrage, tearing faeries apart wings from torsos, limb from limb.

As I continued my barrage, I surrounded myself in cloak of [Nightshroud's] fog and dashed forward, melting the unfortunate faeries in my path.

From an outside perspective, the massacre looked like a torrent of dark water ripping and melting faeries, helpless to stop the onslaught.

I sent a mental message to Biggie and Wiz, asking for confirmation if they had completed their job.

After receiving a mental confirmation from both of them that they had successfully eliminated the faery escorts that had lead Amily out of the fae woods, I began to issue new orders.

Hunt. Seek. Capture.

Wiz took to the skies, angling his three eyes downward towards the forest, scanning for Cat'duah. Biggie rushed through the foliage below, tracking the scent and mana of the fleeing Faery queen.

It didn't take long for Cat'duah's location to be exposed to both of my familiars. Biggie and Wiz sent me the coordinates and direction that Cat'duah was fleeing almost simultaneously.

Pleased with their fast results, I mentally messaged them to keep monitoring the faery queen and to standby.

This kill would be mine.

Almost all the faeries that were trying to stop me had been eradicated at this point, and the few faeries left had either given up or were still hopelessly trying to stop me.

With much less resistance, I could focus on maneuvering around the forest faster.

Eventually, I caught sight of Cat'duah.

She turned to face me, face grim and filled with the pallor of shock.

I surged forward, increasing my speed.

I reached out, my grasp closing around her small figure.

Unwittingly, I let out a grin of anticipation.

Before I could tighten my grip around the faery queen, a singular, tiny lance pierced my wrist.

Confused by the sudden source of new pain, I noticed the tiny figure holding the lance,

The commander of the Faery Army.

He cried out, "Run, your majesty, I'll hold him o-"

Annoying. Shut the fuck up. Don't ruin my hunt.

Just die.

At this point, some sort of feral, demented instinct took over my body as I had completely lost control of my blood-lust. A wave of primal energy rushed over my body, and I lunged at the faery commander.


The faery queen was in my grasp, screaming. The faery commander was nowhere to be seen.

Then a faery wing fell from my mouth, followed by a small stream of faery blood.

I frowned briefly, a little disturbed that I had lost control of my own body and let instinct kick in.

However, my displeasure was soon washed away as my curse, [Jack the Ripper], began creating immense pleasure within my body to reward me for my most recent murder.

Holy shit that felt good holy shit holy shit holy shit

Goddamn I can't focus what the hell is going on holy shit holy shit holy shit

I was brought back into reality as the faery queen began squirming in my grasp.

At this point, I was worried about killing the faery queen. I don't think I would be able to handle dose of pleasure like that. I stared at the tiny royalty in my grasp.

I must have shown some signs of worry and concern on my face, because the faery queen had misread my hesitation and spoke out.

"Listen to me Seth, you don't have to continue murdering! He could have been the last one you killed in your life. You don-"

Ah, fuck it.

I pinched the faery queen's head between my index finger and thumb. With a swift twist and a cracking sound, the faery queen stopped talking as she fell limp in my hand.

Now, I needed to drain her blood and disguise it in a way that Amily will drink it, and I will have finished her request of finding the Fountain of Knowledge.

But first, I needed to wait out the pleasure caused by [Jack the Ripper].

And then maybe enjoy the afterglow.

Hello to everyone still reading this series,

Sorry for the late update! And sorry for the subpar quality of this chapter, I have had difficulties in my personal life the past month, and with COVID-19 and quarantine going on, things have been hectic for me. Long story short I work as an essential healthcare provider for the disabled and my workload has increased. The series will continue, though new chapters may take some time to post.

Thanks for understanding and thanks for the support.

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