
Dealing with rogues (6)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view


I knew that Lazarus and Duke were at odds with each other, and there was a possibility that Lazarus won't be willing to help Duke shift back into human form, but I never suspected that Lazarus will just burst into hearty laughter.

It was a morbid image of two people and a big black wolf standing in the middle of the forest, surrounded by mutilated bodies and the scent of blood, and Lazarus was laughing like he heard the best joke in the world.

Duke growled lowly to express his irritation, and I ran my hand through his fur in an attempt to pacify him, but the truth was that even I wanted to punch Lazarus in the face.

Eventually, Lazarus' laughter subsided.

"Done?", I asked dryly.

"Almost.", Lazarus said while wiping the corners of his eyes with the back of his palm. "You are telling me that the mighty Alpha is stuck in his wolf form?"

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