
The Superstar Rebirth: THE REVENGE

Viona successfully realized her aspiration to avert the impending scandal within her family, capture an elderly pedophile, and even forge a connection with Reigha Arsalan. However, this is far from the end of her story. An ominous shadow looms over the Amethyst family, cast by none other than their very own friend. What course of action will Viona take? Will she persist in her acting career, feigning ignorance? Or will she opt for silence and scheme her vengeance from behind the curtains? Undoubtedly, the latter.

Syiera_Aquila · Urban
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10 Chs

Talkshow Part 8

Following the wrap of the shooting, Viona took a moment to express her heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved in the production. With genuine gratitude, she thanked the cast and crew for their unwavering dedication and hard work in bringing the project to fruition.

She made a point to acknowledge the critical contributions of the production team, the actors and actresses who had breathed life into the script, the meticulous direction, the creative scriptwriters, the technically proficient crew, and all the unsung heroes working diligently behind the scenes. Her words resonated with sincerity, and she knew that without the collaborative effort of these talented individuals, the project wouldn't have been as successful as it was.

After the expressions of gratitude, Viona headed home, flanked by her loyal brothers, Gilang and Galih. They strolled together along the path toward their family home, reflecting on the day's shooting experiences and sharing amusing anecdotes. Viona found profound joy in sharing these moments with her two brothers. Their unwavering support and encouragement throughout her entertainment career had been a constant source of strength.

Yet, amidst the camaraderie, Viona couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment. Her brothers, affectionately overprotective, had taken it upon themselves to play the role of her personal bodyguards during the shoot. Viona couldn't resist calling them out on their antics.

"Come on, guys, cut it out," Viona implored playfully as they reached home.

"Of course, Miss—" Gilang began, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Anything for you," Galih added, completing the sentence.

Viona's playful pout was met with a brief but telling exchange of glances between her brothers, which promptly dissolved into peals of laughter.

"Hei, Viona, you know we're just teasing," Gilang assured, gently patting his sister on the shoulder. "We understand how precious you are to us, and we're immensely proud of your success in the entertainment industry."

Galih chimed in, "We know you're strong and entirely capable of taking care of yourself. But, as your older brothers, there are times when we just want to protect you and make sure you're safe."

Viona beamed at her brothers, the depth of their care warming her heart. "I get it. But sometimes you need to give me a chance to be independent and show that I can navigate this world on my own."

Gilang and Galih exchanged another knowing glance, this time marked by a deep sense of empathy. "You're absolutely right, Viona. We believe in you," Galih affirmed with unwavering sincerity.

The trio joined hands, forming a small but profound circle, symbolizing the unity and love that bound them as a family.

"Let's make a pact to always support one another and respect each other's choices," Gilang proposed, encapsulating their shared commitment to one another.

Viona's smile widened as she joined her brothers in sealing the pact. The sense of togetherness and mutual trust they felt in that moment was palpable.

"Let's continue this journey together, exploring the world with courage and strength," Viona concluded with a surge of enthusiasm.

For a brief but cherished interlude, the three siblings exchanged heartfelt glances, and then their laughter filled the room as they tumbled onto the sofa. This warm familial scene was the first thing Angkasa, Mom, and Dad encountered as they returned home.

Angkasa, ever the jovial spirit, playfully collapsed onto Galih, her face aglow. "What on earth has you all laughing so heartily?" she inquired.

Mom and Dad, observing the harmonious dynamics among their children, exchanged tender smiles. They were filled with gratitude for having a family that not only supported one another but also knew the value of respecting each other's individuality.

For Mom and Dad, this harmonious moment served as a poignant reminder of the good fortune and happiness they experienced as a family. With a sense of warmth and contentment, they joined their children, reveling in the joy of shared stories and laughter.

They spent the evening in the embrace of togetherness, acknowledging their strength as a family and understanding that they would always be there for one another through every twist and turn in life's journey.


Viona exited the car with an air of nonchalance, seemingly impervious to the curious glances directed her way by fellow students. Perhaps it was her years of enduring the relentless presence of paparazzi and fervent fans that rendered the stares from her peers utterly inconsequential.

"Hi Viiii," a familiar voice rang out, causing Viona to turn and lock eyes with Kiara, who was sprinting energetically toward her.

"Hi, Kia," Viona responded, her lips curling into a warm smile.

"Is your class going to perform at our senior farewell event?" Kiara inquired as she strolled alongside her.

Viona raised a casual shoulder, "I haven't received any information about that yet. But I'd venture a guess... yeah, my classmates are probably going to be enthusiastic about performing, and they'll pull out all the stops to persuade the organizers. How about your class?"

"Oh, we're definitely performing. I'm even the opening act as a conductor. Can you believe it? Me, as a music conductor?" Kiara proclaimed dramatically.

Viona quirked an eyebrow, "Oh boy. I hope no musical instruments suffer due to your impatience," she teased.

"Hey!!" Kiara exclaimed, not one to take the jest lightly, before the two shared a light-hearted chuckle.

"So, how are you?" Kiara abruptly asked as they found a spot in a nearby park.

Viona blinked, "Err... what do you mean?" her confusion evident.

"I saw your video, the one with that per***ile. I don't know what made you act like an 11-year-old in the park, but then I realized it was to expose the old man. I don't know where you got that info, but I know that you won't be okay after such a traumatic incident. I observed the girls from your class. Even though they appear normal, they're a bit... too vigilant about their surroundings," Kiara explained in a hushed tone.

Viona responded with a faint but appreciative smile, "Thank you for your concern, Kia. But trust me, they can handle it. Right now, what's occupying my thoughts is whether the organizers will permit our class to perform. They are so determined to make Class X.1 known to everyone, and it occasionally leaves me... baffled," Viona confessed, shaking her head in bewilderment.

Kiara pursed her lips, "You should just focus on what you'd like to present. I'm sure they can win over the organizers," she advised.

Viona knit her brows, "I was thinking of showcasing something classic, like the Legend of Malin Kundang," she offered with a nonchalant shrug.

Kiara blinked repeatedly, regarding Viona with incredulity. "Wait, you seriously intend to perform the Legend of Malin Kundang on stage for our farewell?!" she exclaimed, her astonishment unmasked.

Viona, undaunted, merely shrugged, "It's just one of the suggestions from my classmates," she replied.

"Woah, for real, huh?" Kiara uttered, shaking her head in disbelief. "But actually, it leads me to something else. Do you usually watch the Talk and Gorge Show?" Viona inquired with a smile.

"Of course! You know, I hope to be invited to that show someday. Imagine being famous? Oh, if only I could graduate and appear on various shows right away. I'm sure I'd become famous in no time," Kiara expressed with hopeful anticipation. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, um... I've been invited to the show, and... the magazine will be out in a few days," Viona disclosed, her hand brushing her cheek.

"Seriously? Wow, congratulations! Will you be going alone, or are you invited with someone else or what?" Kiara quizzed, curiosity piqued.

"With Angkasa, and I'll be going solo. But for the segment following mine, they've invited Helena Aria."

"Pfftt Uhuk! Uhuk!" Kiara suddenly choked and spewed her drink onto the floor. She stared at Viona in sheer horror. "Seriously?!"