
The Superstar Rebirth: THE REVENGE

Viona successfully realized her aspiration to avert the impending scandal within her family, capture an elderly pedophile, and even forge a connection with Reigha Arsalan. However, this is far from the end of her story. An ominous shadow looms over the Amethyst family, cast by none other than their very own friend. What course of action will Viona take? Will she persist in her acting career, feigning ignorance? Or will she opt for silence and scheme her vengeance from behind the curtains? Undoubtedly, the latter.

Syiera_Aquila · Urban
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10 Chs

Talkshow Part 7

Witnessing the sincerity and confidence in her brothers' words, Viona couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and gratitude spreading within her. "Thank you, Gilang and Galih," she began, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have you both as not only my loving brothers but also as my dedicated bodyguards. You're not just my protectors; you're my pillars of strength. I believe that the message we're trying to convey in this video will hold a significant meaning to all of us and our viewers. Let's embark on this journey together!" Her words carried a heartfelt resonance, reflecting the deep bond between the three siblings.

Viona's genuine words had an instant and heartwarming effect on Gilang and Galih. They both chuckled softly and playfully ruffled Viona's hair, their affection for their sister shining through their actions. Amid the affectionate sibling moment, the on-site hairdresser couldn't hide her displeasure, and she swiftly corrected Viona's hair, casting a sharp and disapproving glance at the two brothers. "What are you two doing? Disturbing a model's carefully styled hair is a serious offense," she chastised, her tone stern.

Gilang and Galih were quick to realize their mistake and immediately apologized, their expressions reflecting sincere remorse. "We're sincerely sorry; our only intention was to bring a smile to our sister's face," Gilang explained. Galih quickly followed, "We never meant to disrupt your work. Please accept our apologies."

The stern look on the hairdresser's face gradually softened in response to the brothers' genuine apologies. She conceded, "Very well, I'll let it slide this time. But please ensure this doesn't happen again, alright?" She reprimanded them, her eyes eventually landing on Viona.

Viona nodded promptly, showing her appreciation for the hairdresser's understanding. "Of course, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Rest assured, we won't interfere with your work any further," she replied with a sweet and gracious smile. Her response, filled with charm, left the hairdresser no choice but to relent, and she couldn't remain upset in the face of Viona's endearing presence.

"Good luck with the rest of the video," she encouraged before she departed, leaving the three siblings bewildered for a moment, followed by a shared chuckle that dissolved the momentary tension.

Without further ado, they resumed shooting the video. The scene depicted Viona stepping out of her private car, flanked protectively by her two brothers. She was headed towards the studio, but her progress came to an unexpected halt when Helena herself exited her car. Helena, who had been preoccupied with checking her watch, was evidently running late. As a result, she seemed to be in a hurry, not paying much attention to her surroundings, and more concerned about keeping track of time.

Helena's rushed pace nearly led to a collision with Viona. Still, her brothers, Gilang and Galih, immediately sprang into action, standing in front of Viona as a protective barrier to prevent the inadvertent impact. Helena blinked and looked up, her face registering a mixture of surprise and contrition. "I'm so sorry. Are you all okay?" She inquired with genuine concern, her expressive eyes reflecting her remorse.

"We're all good, Miss. You should be careful; you're fortunate you ran into a human being," Gilang responded in a matter-of-fact tone. Meanwhile, Galih looked down at his sister, showing his concern by asking, "Are you hurt?"

Viona raised an eyebrow, responding with a playful quip, "How could I possibly be hurt when you two are my human shields?" Her mischievous smile was enough to provoke laughter from her protective siblings, and they couldn't resist playfully tousling her hair.

The shared laughter was followed by a more earnest and heartfelt moment as they adjusted her hair back to perfection, earning a disapproving glance from the ever-watchful hairdresser. Viona laughed softly before giving her brothers a gentle nudge to head towards the NTVI building, where the next part of the shoot awaited.

Once inside the building, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of urgency and anticipation. Viona took a seat, poised for the next cue to start her part of the video. When Gorge gave her the signal, she anxiously checked her watch, her expression reflecting a mixture of worry and hope. It was as though she was eagerly awaiting someone's arrival, yet time seemed to be slipping away.

On the other hand, Helena, having finished her part, entered the frame with a composed and serene demeanor. As she walked towards Viona, she wore a kind and understanding smile, reflecting her genuine concern. She chose to take a seat beside Viona, initiating a genuine conversation. "Is everything alright, Viona? You seem a bit anxious," she asked, her voice laced with empathy.

Viona met Helena's gaze, allowing a sigh to escape her lips. "I'm just waiting for someone, but they haven't shown up yet. I hope everything is alright," she admitted, a tinge of apprehension coloring her words.

With a nod of understanding, Helena replied, "Waiting can be quite nerve-wracking, especially when there's uncertainty about someone's whereabouts. Is there anything I can do to assist you while we wait?"

Viona smiled, her gratitude evident. "Thank you, Helena. I appreciate your concern. I believe I just need to exercise some patience and hope they'll arrive soon."

Their conversation was interrupted by the timely arrival of Gilang and Galih, who briskly entered the frame. Both wore stoic expressions, briefly exchanged smiles with Helena, and then gestured for Viona to depart. Viona shared a parting smile, "My ride is here. Farewell, Miss Helena. Fight on!" Her encouraging words, infused with a radiant smile, resonated with a sense of enthusiasm.

Helena smiled, watching Viona and her two bodyguards exit the scene. She couldn't help but shake her head in amusement, adding, "If only I had handsome bodyguards like them." Her playful comment conveyed a touch of longing as she settled comfortably into her chair, reflecting on the moments that had transpired.

The final cue of "CUT" echoed through the set, signaling the completion of the video recording. Gorge was satisfied that they had captured what they needed. Any further enhancements or refinements could be implemented during the editing process, ensuring that the final product would captivate and engage the viewers.