
The Superstar Rebirth: THE REVENGE

Viona successfully realized her aspiration to avert the impending scandal within her family, capture an elderly pedophile, and even forge a connection with Reigha Arsalan. However, this is far from the end of her story. An ominous shadow looms over the Amethyst family, cast by none other than their very own friend. What course of action will Viona take? Will she persist in her acting career, feigning ignorance? Or will she opt for silence and scheme her vengeance from behind the curtains? Undoubtedly, the latter.

Syiera_Aquila · Urban
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10 Chs

Talkshow Part 3

Viona couldn't contain her excitement as she recounted her meeting with Gorge at the café to Angkasa. Her face was beaming with joy. Angkasa, on the other hand, listened attentively, alternating between understanding Viona's enthusiastic nature and a slight disbelief that Gorge might have any ulterior motives, especially when it came to involving Viona with an adult actress.

"Should he ever try anything inappropriate, make sure to call me immediately," Angkasa warned, having already reached out to his hacker friend to gather comprehensive information about Gorge Robert.

Viona readily agreed to her brother's request. She knew that some details about Gorge, no matter how in-depth a hacker's investigation could be, would remain hidden. That was because Gorge himself planned to make a public revelation about his past, approximately seven years in the future. This revelation would catapult him to international fame but simultaneously alienate him in his homeland. If such information were to surface prematurely, Viona was certain it could ruin him.

After all, the Talk and Gorge Show was the cornerstone of his current popularity, and he hadn't yet ventured into the international spotlight. The dynamics would change dramatically in about five years when he began inviting and being invited by foreign celebrities, gradually prompting him to open up.

However, should Gorge exhibit any peculiar intentions or behavior, Viona had a plan in mind. She intended to leverage her knowledge of his concealed preferences for relationships with older men to deter him from making any inappropriate moves. Up until this point, Gorge had been cautious not to cross certain boundaries, keeping his inclinations a secret. Viona was confident in her ability to fabricate evidence if the situation demanded it.

A sudden comment from Angkasa interrupted her thoughts. "Your smile is rather unusual," he remarked.

Viona, caught off guard, swiftly adjusted her expression to one of neutrality. "Aren't you supposed to be working today? I believe you have a meeting scheduled with clients from Country S," she replied, swiftly changing the subject.

Angkasa furrowed his brow and consulted his schedule. As expected, he was due for a meeting at his office in just an hour. He promptly closed his laptop and tidied his attire.

As Angkasa confirmed his support for Viona's upcoming endeavors, he donned a confident smile. "Oh, yes," he reassured Viona, "I'll accompany you to the studio for the talk show later, and the twins will join you during the photoshoot. You won't have to worry about a thing."

Viona's face lit up with gratitude, and she nodded appreciatively. As Angkasa departed, she stood at the door, waving goodbye with a heartfelt smile.


After school, Viona's daily life took on a routine that balanced her academic commitments with her burgeoning career in the entertainment industry. She navigated a whirlwind of activity, from her responsibilities as a student to her obligations as a rising star.

Once she returned home, she would spend some time catching up on her homework and studies. With a workload that would challenge even the most dedicated student, she knew she couldn't afford to fall behind. Her exceptional intellect and dedication to her studies were key factors in her being able to maintain such a busy schedule.

Following her academic duties, Viona would often retreat to a quiet space in her home where she could concentrate on her online presence. She managed her social media accounts, sharing glimpses of her daily life and engaging with her growing number of followers. Her online presence was not only a reflection of her personal interests and hobbies but also a strategic move to strengthen her public image.

As evening approached, she would set aside time for her true passion: acting and the performing arts. Her participation in various drama clubs and local theater productions had honed her skills, making her a captivating performer both on and off the stage. Viona's undeniable talent was one of the reasons she was attracting so much attention from the entertainment industry.

Several evenings a week, she attended acting classes, where she continued to refine her craft. Her dedication to her art was evident, and her instructors often praised her commitment and natural talent. In these classes, she was surrounded by peers who shared her passion, which created a supportive and creative environment.

As her career began to take off, Viona also spent time preparing for interviews and public appearances. She worked with professionals in the industry who coached her on everything from her demeanor during interviews to her fashion choices. These sessions helped her project a confident and poised image to the public.

Despite her burgeoning fame, Viona remained grounded and surrounded herself with close friends who supported her journey. Her best friends, whom she had known since her school days, were a constant source of strength and normalcy amidst the chaos of the entertainment world.

As she tackled her hectic schedule, Viona couldn't help but wonder about the challenges and opportunities that awaited her. Her path was far from typical, and she knew the future held surprises, both pleasant and challenging. But her determination, intelligence, and the unwavering support of her family, her brothers and friends kept her focused on her goals and dreams.

However, that's a story for the future.


The Talk and Gorge Show is an engaging 2-hour spectacle. The first hour of the show typically revolves around one star-studded guest, while the second hour welcomes another luminary. The format of the show is intriguing, combining casual conversation with entertaining activities that keep the audience hooked.

In the initial 10 minutes, the spotlight shines on the guest as they make their grand entrance, and a brief discussion about what catapulted them to viral stardom begins. During this segment, the host fires off questions, and the guest attempts to tackle around 5 out of the 20 pre-determined queries.

Following this, the show takes a spicier turn as the next 20 minutes are dedicated to a fiery challenge. The guest gets to savor chicken wings coated in some of the spiciest sauces sourced from across the globe. The heat from the wings acts as a catalyst for tackling the next 10 questions.

Now, things get hilariously creative for the subsequent 10 minutes. The guest is plunged into the zany world of improvisational comedy. Armed with a list of random words they selected earlier, they participate in a comedy skit. These skits are renowned for their uproarious humor and uncanny ability to tickle the audience's funny bone.

As the grand finale approaches, the last 20 minutes introduce a musical twist. During this segment, the guest responds to the remaining 5 questions with the added challenge of a "guess the song" game. This entertaining game also serves as a test of the guest's vocal prowess. Only a select few singers invited to the show have managed to conquer this final hurdle. Some actors and actresses with hidden musical talents have pleasantly surprised the audience. However, for many others, these moments serve as a revealing test of their vocal ability and sense of pitch.

Viona stands at the cusp of potential stardom through her appearance on the Talk and Gorge Show. Yet, she harbors a sense of curiosity and perhaps even a tinge of unease regarding what might unfold behind the scenes during the upcoming photoshoot.