
The Superstar Rebirth: THE REVENGE

Viona successfully realized her aspiration to avert the impending scandal within her family, capture an elderly pedophile, and even forge a connection with Reigha Arsalan. However, this is far from the end of her story. An ominous shadow looms over the Amethyst family, cast by none other than their very own friend. What course of action will Viona take? Will she persist in her acting career, feigning ignorance? Or will she opt for silence and scheme her vengeance from behind the curtains? Undoubtedly, the latter.

Syiera_Aquila · Urban
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10 Chs

Talkshow Part 2

Viona stepped into the car with a cheerful melody playing in her voice, raising a curious eyebrow from Angkasa, who happened to be picking her up that day.

"You're not usually this cheerful coming back from school without a reason. So, what's going on?" Angkasa asked, getting straight to the point.

Viona beamed and announced, "I received an invitation to the Talk and Gorge Show!"

Angkasa promptly arched an inquisitive brow, his face tinged with suspicion. "Why would they invite you? I'm sure our parents or the twins aren't up to anything behind your back," he remarked, typing away on his laptop.

Viona let out a sigh, her voice carrying a hint of weariness. "Well, in case you've forgotten, Big Bro, I went viral because of my acting. Besides, Elaine isn't just an ordinary official's name. Do you really think the public wouldn't want to dig deep into his life? And since I played a role in getting that old man behind bars, they naturally want to know what I have to say," she explained.

"Ah, that does make sense," Angkasa conceded with a nod of understanding, but his skeptical tone remained as he continued, "Are you sure there isn't another reason for their invitation? From what I know, the Talk and Gorge Show isn't your typical talk show."

Viona comprehended her brother's concern, as she had her own reservations when receiving the invitation. "Don't worry, Bro. I've thoroughly reviewed the contract, and there's nothing unusual in it. Plus, I'm confident that I can handle any mission Gorge has in store for me with ease," she replied, offering a reassuring smile. Whether you believe it or not, Viona had a bit of insight into what would happen in the future and what news would go viral. Although her presence had set the butterflies in motion, it wouldn't lead to significant changes.

Angkasa nodded in understanding. "When is your shooting schedule?" he inquired, consulting his calendar to check his availability.

Viona let out another sigh. "You don't have to be so overprotective, Big Brother," she pouted.

He responded, "I blinked for a moment, and you've already had trouble with Elaine. I looked away briefly, and you're already involved with Arsalan. Who knows what might happen if I let you go alone?" He spoke as if Viona had asked a very silly question.

Viona pouted once more. "I had my reasons, you know? I didn't just go out and instantly find trouble. And it's not like I created those situations; I just became an unexpected variable that made everything more perfect," she explained, nonchalant.

Angkasa merely cleared his throat, unimpressed. "So, when's your shoot?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Viona replied, "Three days from now at NTVI Studio, if I recall correctly, at 3 in the afternoon. The photo shoot, on the other hand, is scheduled for the day before at The NewS. From what I've heard, I won't be alone; there's another artist invited as a guest star after me. However, we'll have the photo shoot on the same day."

"Guest star for Gorge?" Angkasa sought confirmation.

Viona nodded, allowing her brother to concentrate on his laptop, which she knew contained information she had received from her hacker friend.

"Helena Aria?" Angkasa asked, giving Viona a perplexed look.

Viona shrugged. "I have no idea what's going on in Gorge's mind, so I can't fathom why he invited that AV actress," she replied, seemingly unconcerned.

"Will you be in the same frame with her during the photo shoot? Will you pose with her?" Angkasa asked in a panic.

Viona grinned. "Don't worry, that's not going to happen. I won't be photographed with her. However, Gorge wants some behind-the-scenes shots, which will show a bit of interaction between me and Helena," she explained proudly.

"How can you avoid being in the same frame as her?" \Angkasa inquired with a furrowed brow.

Viona leaned forward slightly. "Of course, it's all in my communication skills, Brother," she replied ambiguously, showing no intention of elaborating further.

Angkasa gave Viona a perplexed look with a furrowed brow.


A few hours earlier, Viona approached Gorge Robert outside a charming café near her school. Gorge, her curiosity piqued, beckoned her over, and they made their way inside the cozy establishment.

"What's your order?" Gorge inquired, handing her a menu.

Viona flashed a bright smile and said, "I'll have a chocolate milkshake, thanks."

Gorge nodded, then placed his order – a cappuccino and a plate of french fries alongside a burger sans tomatoes and cucumbers.

As their server departed, Gorge turned his gaze to Viona with an expression that was equal parts intriguing and perplexing. 

Viona, who had been engrossed in her smartphone, immediately ceased her diversion. She gently placed her phone on the table and raised an eyebrow at Gorge. "What's on your mind?" she asked, appearing nonchalant.

Gorge's lips curled into a satisfied grin. "You're much more intriguing than I had anticipated," he remarked.

Viona furrowed her brows and said, "I hope you realize your words are somewhat ambiguous, Sir."

Gorge blinked and replied, "Oh, right, you're half my age, so it's only natural that you call me 'Sir.' But hearing that word from you feels rather peculiar."

Viona blinked in response, shaking her head slightly. "I don't understand your intent. But I'm more interested in why you're summoning me. What is it that you want to discuss, which couldn't be handled with the school principal?"

Gorge chuckled softly. "You're far more perceptive than I expected," he commented, shaking his head in amusement.

This caused the creases on Viona's forehead to deepen. "Did you expect a naive teenager who knows little about the entertainment world?" she asked in a matter-of-fact tone. "Well, you've come to the wrong person. 'Entertainment' and 'naive' don't belong in the same sentence when it comes to me. So, what is it that you wish to talk about before I run out of patience and decide to leave?"

Gorge raised an eyebrow. "Do you know who I am? I could make sure you never step into the entertainment world, Viona," he warned coldly.

Viona held her ground. "Of course. But that could only happen if I weren't an Amethyst," she stated calmly.

Gorge then exhaled and reverted to his usual demeanor. "It's difficult to engage in jest with you," he conceded with a shake of his head.

Viona flashed a slight, wry smile. "There's a time and place for humor. But now isn't the time, Sir. So, tell me, what's on your mind?"

Gorge cleared his throat and leaned in closer. "The talk show is scheduled for three days from now, at 3 PM. However, one day before that, you'll have a photo session," he began, producing a notebook from his pocket.

"Okay?" Viona replied.

"In the photo session, you won't be alone. I've invited another guest for my talk show, who will appear after you," Gorge continued, nodding in appreciation at the waiter who brought their orders.

Viona arched an eyebrow. "Why do I have a strange feeling?" she questioned, her brow furrowing as she leaned forward. She sipped her drink, still managing to enjoy her favorite beverage despite her current company not being her favorite.

"Your intuition might be onto something. The person I've invited is Helena Aria," Gorge disclosed with a satisfied smile.


Viona was lucky she wasn't drinking at that moment, or perhaps she was unlucky because she had no reason to spit her drink at the man in front of her.

"Are you serious, Sir?" Viona asked, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief.

Gorge nodded, maintaining his sweet smile.

"Helena Aria, 30 years old, an AV actress who recently went viral because her latest movie ranked first in the film industry," Viona exclaimed in amazement. "And you've invited a woman known to have been married and divorced ten times?"

"Exactly. You'll have a joint photo session for publicity-"

"No," Viona interrupted with a furrowed brow, cutting him off before he could explain further.

Gorge blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Do you want me to say it in Spanish? I said 'noh,'" Viona stated flatly. "I don't want to become famous for having my picture taken with an AV actress. Netizens will think I'm her successor or something," she explained.

"But you'd become even more famous. You want to be an artist, don't you?"

"I want to be an artist based on my skills, not through scandals. Besides, I don't need to be famous for having a 'relationship' with an AV actress!" Viona retorted with frustration.

Gorge raised an eyebrow. "Young lady, I can ensure you never appear on television, you know," he threatened coldly.

Viona snorted. "It seems you've forgotten that I'm an Amethyst, Sir Gorge. I could easily tarnish your image in front of netizens if you force me," she challenged defiantly.

For a moment, they locked eyes before Gorge burst into laughter. "You are indeed quite an intriguing individual!" he declared, enjoying his meal.

Viona remained still, maintaining her uninterested expression. She was waiting for Gorge to verbally confirm that he wouldn't proceed with anything she disagreed with.

"Alright, alright. I won't make you have a photo session with Helena. But I will need a behind-the-scenes video. It will show some interaction between you and the crew and with Helena. You wouldn't mind if it's just that, would you?" Gorge finally asked.

Viona considered for a moment before nodding. "That's fair enough for me," she agreed, then finished her drink. "Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"

Gorge nodded.

Viona put on a relieved expression and promptly got up from her seat. "Now, if you don't mind, I'll head home and prepare for the photo shoot," she said, signaling her intent to leave.

"Oh, don't worry about clothing and makeup later. I've already arranged outfits and makeup for you at the photo shoot location and for the talk show," Gorge reassured her.

Viona nodded. "As long as it doesn't make my appearance worse than it is, I won't mind," she said, then left the café.