
the supernatural

Aziza was a normal girl but her Mother died and she was pushed to military school and trained to do nothing but kill and destroy but later given away to be the crown prince as his bride, that sounds amazing right but what if you realize that those people killed your parents and they were demons and all they wanted was her power but in the course of realizing that all the want is her power she also realized that the supernatural realm was in danger of slavery but she was not strong enough so she embarked on a journey to become stronger to help magical creatures, discover the mystery of the supernatural world, and save the world from a dangerous threat but in that journey she has to go through pain, near death experience, heart break and other things find out more in THE SUPERNATURAL.

Smileevee · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 18: Entering Muldan Academy (EMA).

They were all packed and waiting for the carriage to arrive when the prince came Meet Aziza and attempted to kiss her hand when Aziza draged it away and said. "What are you trying to do."

"I am wishing my crown princess good bye." The princr said with a different tone different from the one he used the other day.

"Nice try." Aziza said.

"What do you mean." The prince said.

"As you can see I am leaving here and most likely will not return." Aziza said.

"But I. the crown prince women love me." The prince said with pride.

"Maybe you might be the ideal man for others but not me." Aziza said and pointed at Andrea. "You see this guy, he tried to ask me out so many times that I denied him." When Andrea heard what Aziza said he said. "I for once asked you out." Aziza just shook her head and The prince was looking at Andrea with anger jealousy that his beloved has eyes for another man. Aziza shakes her head in disappointment. "And hear you were flirting with me." Andrea just smirked and continued doing what he was doing. "You know one day I will wipe that smirk off your face." Aziza said looking annoyed and to make things worst Andrea smirked again just to provoke her.

"I can't deal with you guys." Aziza said and walked towards Dean to talk to her ."do you think miss Muldan messenger will come."

"I don't know." Dean said.

"I pray she comes I can't wait to see Muldan." And like the universe heard them the Leena the red hair came out of a very beautiful carriage designed with gold and silver decorated with beautiful ornaments.

"Wow is this how they treat all their students in Muldan they must be really Rich." Dean said.

"Like, who buys a 10 shinning gold coin carriage just to bring their students to there school." Aziza said. Leena came out of the carriage with a brown gown and a lighter shade of brown for the jacket. "are you'll ready for the trip."

"Sure, I will really like to see how Muldan looks like." Dean said.

"yeah." a Simple reply from Andrea.

"Alright." They all said and entered the carriage. It took three days of journey before they came close to Muldan, As they realized they will soon reach Muldan they began talking about how Muldan will look like.

"I Heard it is so advanced in technology that you can communicate from a far place without even using magic." Aziza said.

"I heard that Muldan is in a giant tree oak tree that contains lots of magic in it that the students can grow to be really good and magic and become very strong." Dean said.

"I heard that Muldan is just a normal place but have good teaching Technics." Andrea said.

"guy you just killed the fun, I think the theory game is better without you guessing." Aziza said.

"It was better when only the both of us were guessing." Dean said.

"There will be no need for guessing because we are already there." Leena said. All of them came down from the carriage to see a forest surrounded with nothing but flowers and tree.

"Really all I am seeing is trees and...more trees." Dean said.

"Agreed this can not be Muldan." Aziza said.

"What about if my theory was right and Muldan is a giant tree." Dean said But Aziza quickly objected. "If Muldan was a tree were is the giant tree."

"Maybe it is a small tree you can never be sure magic can do anything especially space magic" Dean and Aziza argument was interrupted by Andreas voice. "Oh I see Muldan is not just a school it is a place like a city." Leena looked at him surprised and said."How did you figure it out."

"I am a succubus Elusion is my specialty." Andrea Said.

"And your right Muldan is not a place it is a City, long time ago when us supernatural Arrived on Earth we brought our technology to earth but they were not ready to see the technology so we kept it secret from them and let generations pass and they forgot about it till now some realms still have technology with them but kept it secret from the human realm thinking that the will use our tech for evil." Leena said. Suddenly Aziza started screaming and every one turned to look at her. "I was right Muldan is technologically advanced." Aziza put her chest up as of waiting for someone to praise her but they all just passed her heading straight towards the forest.

"Hey wait up." Aziza said running towards them.

"How exactly are we going to enter." Dean said. And Leena answerd her by stopping at a side of the forest and touching the air and formation ruins started forming around the forest side and a portal like door appeared and Leena told everyone to enter with their stuff so they carried the luggage from the carriage and passed through the portal. As they passed through it felt like their body was about to separate and they all fell down after twenty second.

"What happened." Aziza said.

"Yeah." Andrea said looking like as pale as a ghost. Dean started vomiting. "Guys I think I have motion sickness."

"Forget about motion sickness look." Aziza said and Dean looked up to see the scenery, All around them were metal boxes that have wheels on them and very beautiful places and different technology.

"What is this place." Dean said looking at how beautiful the place was.

"Welcome Muldan." Leena said and they all began walking looking around them and going to different places untill they arrived a Boutique and Leena said. "We need to get you all new clothes to blend in." Aiza looked down at her clothes and said. "What is wrong with it this clothes are all top quality."

"Mmm, your clothes are to out of style." Leena said.

"I have been to Crystal palace before it is just like this place, I remember a news that the royals want to make every part of the supernatural realm like Muldan and the rest of the cities." Andrea said.

"That will be nice." Dean said still looking around. All of them went inside and started trying out clothes that fits them Aziza tried a black trousers with a silver shirt which complimented her ash Black hair and silver eyes while Dean wore a black shirt and ash jeans which fits her black hair, dark skin and orangy brown eyes(Honey hue) and packed long hair while Andrea went with a blue Hoody with blue jeans which goes well with his red eyes, black hair and mixed skin.

"For people who did not grow up here you got good fashion sense I give you that." Leena said and she also got her self a red dress with white design on it. "It's time for us to go to Muldan academy." They all gathered their things ready to go to Muldan academy Aziza bumped into a blond hair girl which reminded her of Maddy and spilled a blackish subtance inside a bottle that the girl was holding.