
the supernatural

Aziza was a normal girl but her Mother died and she was pushed to military school and trained to do nothing but kill and destroy but later given away to be the crown prince as his bride, that sounds amazing right but what if you realize that those people killed your parents and they were demons and all they wanted was her power but in the course of realizing that all the want is her power she also realized that the supernatural realm was in danger of slavery but she was not strong enough so she embarked on a journey to become stronger to help magical creatures, discover the mystery of the supernatural world, and save the world from a dangerous threat but in that journey she has to go through pain, near death experience, heart break and other things find out more in THE SUPERNATURAL.

Smileevee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 17: Stupid fight

As all of them were eating at the table a snoobish Rich noble came into the inn and was ringing the bell like a mad man when Marie finally came to attend the noble she was looked down like an ant.

"Don't you know who I am." The man said.

"Sorry I took time, how may I help." Marie said with a smile.

"Is this how you treat the crown Prince of Crest." The boy said. Marie curtsy and said. "Sorry your highness it will never happen again." At this point Marie's smile was twitching when she looked at the crown Prince angry eyes.

"Is that how a peasant is supposed to great their leader you are supposed to kneel." The man said. After Aziza heard what the man said and said. "Guy are you a god or what that you will asked someone to kneel before you." The man turned his eyes in anger but when he saw Aziza his demeanor changed. "Why would a woman like you be hanging around this peasants if you come with me I can make you one of my many mistresses."

"Wait did you say mistresses like more than one...Hell no." Aziza said.

"Even if it means driving away all my mistresses away I will do it." The prince said.

"Mmm, will you make me your Crown princess." Aziza said In a flirtatious way.

"Mmm, I would have loved to but you are not royalty so I can't make you a crown princess but if I try I can." The prince said with hopeful eyes.

"No, and if you have nothing better to do please leave my sight or request for a room, because I will not allow you to talk down on my mother Soo get going." Aziza said the man became angry but did not complain because the way Aziza looked at him it was clear that she has killed a lot of people so he just payed for his room and left. Marie came close to Aziza and said. "Thank you for standing up for me."

"No probs but why didn't you show that bastard." Aziza said.

"Because it will ruin my reputation as an inn keeper." Marie said.

"I understand." And the Aziza turned her head in anger to Andrea at walked over to him and said. "Why didn't you stop him you let your mother get bullied by a guy that is young enough to be her child." Andrea raised his hand and said. " Hey my mother's reputation is my reputation and my reputation is my mother's reputation so I could not really do anything about it." Aziza just scoffed and walked away to go and meet Dean.

"So how do you think Muldan will look like." Aziza said.

"We just have to wait and see." Although Dean said that it was clear that she didn't have the patience to wait because of it is up to her she would have just ran into Muldan but she just have to wait. They all just slept awaiting tomorrow when miss Muldan's messenger will come.