
He's definitely joking

Aurora's Pov

After getting back home from the ball Dad said I should go change and come downstairs that he has something to tell me. I wonder what it is. After getting to my room I went into the bathroom to freshen up then got to my closet to wear something suitable to sleep in, Afterwards I went downstairs to meet my Dad. On getting there, he said I should have my seat. I was wondering why he called me because he didn't speak for some minutes he was just observing my face and that only fuels my curiosity, because it was like he was trying to study my reaction and since all he could see was curiosity he then said.

"I want you to start packing your things and get prepared because you'll be leaving for the supernatural academy the day after tomorrow"

"Wait, WHAT!!! did I hear him correctly or am I having hearing problems. No he can't be serious because I don't get why the hell he wants me to go to an academy when he knows I'm doing perfectly fine in my school here and when he knows my friends are here, no he's definitely joking" I thought to myself

"Did you hear what I just said?" He asked me.

"Wait that means he is serious" I said to myself. At this rate I was so mad and I was trying so hard not to burst with rage or snap at him cause I was so angry at the moment.

"You know I'm talking to you right"?. He asked

After trying so hard to control my anger I asked "Dad why do you want me to go to that academy and why so sudden, I'm fine here and what even brought the idea of me going to a supernatural academy"

"I know you're fine here but you're going to the academy and that's final and king Ladon was the one who told me about the academy he said his daughter Hydra would be attending the academy to learn more about her powers and become more powerful and then I decided that you should attend as well cause it'll be good for you". He said "And maybe you would finally be able to learn how to control your powers"

"What a great way to remind me that I couldn't control my powers" I thought to myself . "So Dad that's what this is all about you are sending me there to learn how to control my powers so I wouldn't disgrace you" I said with gritted teeth

"Well since you decided to put that way then yes" he said. "I'm the King of the fire dragon kingdom who would believe I have a daughter who can't shift and who can't even control her powers".

"And who's fault is that?". I finally snapped not being able to take it any longer. "Maybe I would have been able to control my powers if you hadn't taken me after rejecting my mother" I shouted while tears welled up in my eyes. "Maybe if you had left me with my mother I could have been able to control my powers, so don't blame for lacking control over them because I didn't have anybody to teach me how to control them" I said while trying hard to prevent my tears from dropping

"Everything I did was for your own good, I did it to ensure you had a good life" he said in a calm voice.

I couldn't help but laugh while murmuring good life. "He thought he gave me a good life how ridiculous". I said to myself

"It's late go to bed and don't forget to prepare for the academy" he said while standing up "and one more thing I don't want you to ever speak about your mother again". And with that he left. I stood there staring at his retreating figure in disbelief after some while I went back upstairs then went straight to bed cause I didn't want to think about what just happened.

The next morning after waking up, I took my bath then got dressed and went straight to my book shelf then picked up the book from the previous day and started reading I am not going down for breakfast today because I'm not sure if I'll be able to stand seeing that man downstairs called my father. I might end up accidentally burning the castle to the ground. I smirked "that's not a bad idea" I said to myself but too bad I can't control my powers who knows I might end up getting burnt along with the castle.