
The Super Team: Tales of Julia Gurl

Upon Tiran resurrection, the set of heroes has been born to stop Tiran, and their leader is Julia Gurl a 20 year old, most powerful from the Gurl's bloodline and the strongest being in the world of Humans after Tiran, who now wants to end her because she is a threat, will Tiran succeed? Or Julia will destroy him? Julia later finds out an ultimate secret about her existence and the secret of her Crush, she doesn't know whether to love him or not, but she chooses to continue life with her lover, and team now expands from 3 to 5, and Julia is happy about it, she now has a chance of defeating Tiran, but will that be the end of him? Or it is just from one bad state to a worst one, read this book to find out the tales of Julia Gurl AKA Ladylight

Tega_Asadarho · Fantasy
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It's all a dream

Then Julia told Sunshine (May) and Speedster (William) to follow her that she has

spotted where Nicholas is. Then they followed her to a graveyard, then Julia told them that he is

inside and that is where the body of Tiran lies. So they went inside, and Nicholas was performing

the ritual, they tried to enter the spot but they could not it was sealed with magic, Julia was able

to cross it because she was immune to magic. When she entered into the magic seal, she saw

Nicholas chanting in ancient (magic) tongue. And the grave of Tiran was lighting and then it

exploded and behold lord Tiran was alive, then he laughed and said; "Is this the heroes Alex sent

to stop me, three pathetic losers"

"We are not losers" said Sunshine (May)

"Oh really? What is the name of your crew? Huh? Come on answer oh let me help you

we don't have a name" said Tiran mocking them.

"We have a name" answered Speedster (William).

"Then what is it? Tell me I would like to know" said Tiran laughing at them.

"Well yes our team leader will tell you, there she is" said Speedster (William) pointing


"Well! Well!! Well!!! Team leader who are you? You look and smell familiar oh yes, I

know where that smell comes from the Gurl bloodline yes!! Now what is the name of your

team?" said Tiran.

"Look I don't know what concerns you about our team and secondly I'm not team leader.

Whether our team has a name or not it's not your concern, Speedster since when am I team

leader?" asked Julia furiously.

"What a temper I don't blame you it's in your blood though, and I just realized I haven't

sat on my throne for 50 centuries and what's your name again?" said Tiran mocking them all.

"I'm Ladylight, and this team is called The Super Team, mess with one of us you mess

with all of us" said Ladylight (Julia)

"I must admit that's a cool name too bad I don't have enough time to stay and play with

you but I have got to go I no longer possess the power destruction but now I possess both the

power of destruction and Darkness all thanks to you Ladylight without you I would've still be in

my corpse, well T-bots attack" said Tiran. And then the T-bots arose from the soil, and they

attacked the super team and Tiran just laughed and disappeared. As the wizard was about to run

away Ladylight (Julia) rushed after him and stopped him after a long battle, they finally beat the

T-bots and captured the wizard.

Then they took him to their headquarters for interrogation, the security took him in, and

then they injected something on him that made him not to be able to use his wizard's magic.

"Commander now can I go back home because my mum is so going to kill me" said


"Oh yes that is true, William would take you home" said Commander Alex as he walked

out of the control room.

"Power unleash" said William as he transformed.

"Power unleash?'" asked Julia

"Yeah! Just for short" said Speedster (William).Then Speedster (William) started running in circles superfast, then after a minute a portal

opened and Speedster (William) dropped Julia in the front of the portal.

Then Julia said; "You've got to be kidding me, power of portal?"

"It's not just an ordinary portal, it's a time portal, I have opened a portal to the exact time

you were adopted yesterday, and it only opens a few times and it takes a lot of energy" said


"Well thanks" said Julia.

Then she entered the portal and everything went pitch black, and then she found herself

in her room lying on her bed, then she was surprised and she heard her friend's voice from her

phone saying; "Come on girl, you called us to look at your face?" said June.

"Maybe she sleep dial our number" said Juliet joking.

Then Julia knew she was sent back to the time she just called her friend, then some

questions aroused in her head she thought that if she was sent back in time does that mean

Tiran's evil was never unleashed or she was the only one that went back in time but everything is

still normal, then a voice interrupted her; "Hello? You called us here" said June.

"Oh sorry, I got to go bye!" said Julia as she hung up, then she said to herself; "I am sure

William sent me back to this time so I won't tell my friends about Nicholas"

Then she checked her hands and the transcom wasn't there then she thought she was

dreaming. Then she received a message on her phone it was from her mother, when she read it, it

said; 'she won't make it tonight, that her flight has been delayed because she got an urgent case

right now and she in Japan, so she couldn't use her car and her flight got delayed'

Then Julia served herself dinner and when she was done she used the dishwasher to wash

the dirty dishes, then she went straight for bed.

The next day on her way to school, she was so happy and free from the stupid base she

found herself in STF, then when the jet landed her at school, she saw June and Juliet, but Juliet

was so sad and when she asked why, Juliet told her that she had to move to China because her

father has been transferred there. This news left Julia devastated because she could not imagine

one her best friend leaving, then Julia said; "We shouldn't be sad we all are still here right? So

let's make our being together the best moment before Juliet leave, so that we will always be in

each other's heart forever" Then June and Juliet nodded in unison. Then they went into the

college, it was about 12:00pm during recess, they heard a very loud noise outside the college,

then everyone ran out to see what was going on, then they saw a monster attacking the city, then

June brought out her Smartphone and started recording everything just then Julia's hand shone

and the transcom she used to transform appeared on her left hand. Then she whispered to herself;

"So it was not a dream I was a superhero"

"What do you say?" said June who was standing next to her.

"No nothing I would just like to use the bathroom" said Julia as she into the college, and

headed for the toilet. When she entered, she then said; "Time to really know if it was a dream"

then she pressed the transcom on her hand and she said; Wings out, power unleash" then

transformed into Ladylight, then she said; "Cool" then her transcom started blinking, then she

pressed a button, then a voicemail played saying; "We need backup Ladylight I repeat we need

backup Ladylight" Then she brought out her wings and flew out of the bathroom and headed for

the battle field. When she arrived, Speedster (William) and Sunshine (May) were already there

fighting the monster, then she asked; "What's the status Speedster?"

"We are trying but he wouldn't destroy" said Speedster (William).

"Without a leader what do you expect?" asked Sunshine (May)."Okay it's okay, but I'm here now, let's use our superpowers" said Ladylight suggesting.

"We've tried but it's all in vain, he keeps using that his scepter to shield our attacks" said

Speedster (William) pointing the monster's scepter.

"So that monster is technically unbeatable? He must have a weak spot, you said? He uses

the scepter to shield your attacks right? Well that is his weak spot, if we get closer enough, we

can destroy and make him powerless" said Ladylight.

Then she appeared her bow, and took out her an arrow, then she started attacking him,

while speedster (William) and Sunshine (May) used that chance to try steal the scepter, but then

the monster stroked them lightening, with the scepter then they flew up and landed hardly to the

floor which weakened them.

Then the monster said; "You can't beat me, I am Giran the last of my kind and with this

crystal in my scepter, you're all nothing but dust hahahahaha"

"A monster that can talk? This is hilarious" said Ladylight.

"I will explain later" said Speedster (William) as he stood up.

"Let's combine our powers, I summon the power of the wind and moon" said Ladylight.

"I summon my powers, power of Speed and strength" said Speedster (William) (William)

"I'm not sure but I will try, I summon my powers, power of the sun and sea" said

Sunshine (May).

"Powers unite" said Ladylight as fired at his scepter, then it destroyed and a stone flew

out, then Ladylight caught the stone that flew out.

"Let's see how powerful you are without your scepter" said Speedster (William) as they

attacked Giran and then he disappeared.