
The Super Team: Tales of Julia Gurl

Upon Tiran resurrection, the set of heroes has been born to stop Tiran, and their leader is Julia Gurl a 20 year old, most powerful from the Gurl's bloodline and the strongest being in the world of Humans after Tiran, who now wants to end her because she is a threat, will Tiran succeed? Or Julia will destroy him? Julia later finds out an ultimate secret about her existence and the secret of her Crush, she doesn't know whether to love him or not, but she chooses to continue life with her lover, and team now expands from 3 to 5, and Julia is happy about it, she now has a chance of defeating Tiran, but will that be the end of him? Or it is just from one bad state to a worst one, read this book to find out the tales of Julia Gurl AKA Ladylight

Tega_Asadarho · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Evil Unleashed 2

<p>Then a bright light shone at her face, and a man wearing a black suit entered and then he said; "My name is Darien, I am the senior commander of a secret government approve agency S.T.F: Special Team Force, we are involved at saving the world and making it a better place"<br/>"Well I don't want to spoil everything, but my mum is on her way home for dinner and I<br/>don't want her to get upset" said Julia trying to be reasonable.<br/>"Don't worry, she wouldn't know you were gone I made sure of it" said Darien.<br/>"What? You killed my mother, you are so going to pay for that" said Julia as her stood up from her chair; Mad.<br/>"Will you allow me to speak? I didn't kill your mother this is the year 2090 there are<br/>technologies, how do you think there is a Jet station, we the S.T.F are one's responsible for it, before, there were bus stations, train stations, but now you see flying buses, cars that fly and fly cycles, can't you see good work when you see it? We also have phones that can contact outer space and other galaxies, and we have more advanced electricity and so much more, so by now I figure out that you should know that I hacked into the traffic and I made it impossible to cross that traffic until the next one hour" said Darien.<br/>"You sure do talk a lot don't you? But after all this new inventions, there are still cars<br/>that drive on the ground, and there are still buses and trains, and you can still see motorcycles that don't fly. Now tell me why you abducted me from my home and brought me to this STF or whatsoever you call it. I am beginning to get tired of sitting here I need a shower or I will smell badly" said Julia almost crying.<br/>"Okay yes, thanks for reminding me, you know that watch you picked up to give an old<br/>man on your way from school earlier today?" asked Darien.<br/>"Um yes and may I ask why you asked me this question" said Julia.<br/>"You have unleashed the greatest evil of this time; Tiran the destroyer of planets, when<br/>he was trapped about 50 centuries ago and since then he has been trapped in a necklace which all his powers were kept, but legend has it that when the watch of darkness is placed on the necklace<br/>of destruction only then will Tiran be released, but the watch of darkness only unlocks when someone pure that was born from Gurl magic touches it, and that was you, you unlocked the watch of darkness, unknown to you, it absorbed your blood and it is awakened, that means you came from the magical bloodline 'Gurl'" said Darien very serious.<br/>Then Julia burst into laughter and then she said; "You must be joking right? Magic? No<br/>it's not real, although my last name (also surname) is Gurl but it's not magical" then she paused as she saw no smile on Darien's face so it was obviously clear that it was no joke then she stopped her laugh and continued; "So it means you're not joking? Oh come on, so what should I do about it?"<br/>"Good, now you are talking, Jack open the force field and bring her to the command<br/>room" Darien said as he left the room. Then a man wearing an iron suit and holding a blaster pressed a button and the force field disengaged, and the man led her out of the room and to the command room, and then she saw two other people, looking at the way they were, she guessed they were the same age as her or even if they are older than her it wouldn't be that much of a gap. Then the two people she saw, one was a girl the other a boy. Then the commander brought out a small box and the boy asked as he<br/>pointed at Julia; "Are you sure about this commander? This girl I mean there are many other's but why her?"<br/>"Hello? I'm still here!" Said Julia with sarcasm, as she didn't like how the boy was belittling her, right in her presence.<br/>"That's the truth girl you've got to accept it" said the other girl standing next to the boy.<br/>"Yes I am very sure about this William, she is the only true one that can handle this kind<br/>of power it different from the others" said Darien.<br/>"But sir….." Said William before the commander interrupted him saying; "I have spoken William and it is final, look Julia, this power has passed through your ancestors downward and you are the only one that can possess the power in this box, (then he gave her the box) in this contains a transcom, it is like a wrist watch you can use it to communicate with the command<br/>room and each other even on the battle field and it would unleash the power that flows in your bloodline, and your keyword to unlock it is Wings out, power unleash, and after that you just have to find a connection with your bloodline and you can transform without needing your transcom"<br/>"So you mean this box (then she opened it) contains a transcom and this transcom is<br/>linked to the command room computer and it can unleash the power that flows in my bloodline? Cool, so then can I wear it?" asked Julia.<br/>Then she got no response, and she wore it, Immediately a red light started beaming<br/>loudly, then the group of people operating the computer told Commander Darien that they are sensing disturbance at the forest.<br/>"In the forest? That means he has gone to resurrect Tiran, you've got to stop him on time, go Sunshine (May), Speedster and uh (then he looks at Julian and she stares back at him) just go stop the resurrection of Tiran now!!"<br/>"But wait, how do I transform I don't know how to transform" said Julia.<br/>"Don't be in a haste just calm down and watch me" said William<br/>Then he pressed a button on the transcom he was wearing and said; "Cheetah, paws out, Elephant, collide" then he transformed into a hero with a black suit and red stripes.The other girl also pressed the transcom she wore and she said; "Dragon, flames on, Whale unite, power unleash" then she transformed into a hero with a colour gold and black outfit then she said to Julia; "Sunshine, power of sun and sea, by the way my name May"<br/>"Enough playing around and go to the forest!" said Commander Alex trying not to get angry.<br/>Then they went to the forest, Sunshine (May) flew, Speedster (William) ran and Julia rode on a flycycle. When they arrived there they saw the same old man who deliberately dropped his watch.<br/>Then he said; "I am Nicholas and I will resurrect my lord Tiran, I am a dark wizard and you are just kids."<br/>"I never remembered asking you your name, so just shut up and come with us we will be<br/>force to destroy you" said Speedster (William).<br/>"I will resurrect my lord Tiran and I will hereby rise his army of T-bots, 'aghaa tashia<br/>darki lordo Tirano armiu T-bots arise from your depths of suffering arise and help me resurrect the lord Tiran'" said Nicholas<br/>Immediately a huge army of robots called T-bot appeared and then Nicholas commanded them to attack, and then they attacked and fought mercilessly against the superheroes.<br/>Meanwhile, Julia ran to a nearby place in the forest, then she press the button on the transcom and said; "Wings out, power unleash" But nothing happened, as she was trying and trying, she kept walking farther, then she found herself in the battle field, a T-bot blasted her with his blaster and she fell hardly to the floor.<br/>"We've got to do something, we are over powered" said Sunshine (May); then she turned to face Julia and then she said again; "We are overpowered, can't you see that you don't need to be battling with the transcom, you just need your keyword which is 'Wings out, power unleash' Just feel free and press the transcom and say your keyword to transform, your power is the power<br/>of wind and the moon, you were supposed to be the strongest, and team leader but instead you are lamest"<br/>"Sunshine, you are out of line" said Speedster (William).<br/>"No Speedster it's the truth while you fight, I am here battling with this watch or<br/>transcom or whatever you call it, I am not this Gurl you seek and even if I was this is so not what I signed up for." said Julia.<br/>"No Julia, just try once, feel free, you are the one there is no mistake" said Speedster<br/>(William).<br/>Then she pressed the button and said; "Wings out, power unleash" then she transformed into a hero with feathers and a mask, and her outfit was the colour of the moon mixed with black<br/>and it shone brightly under the moonlight that night, she looked gorgeous and she had arrows on her back, then she stretched her hands, and a bow appeared on her left hand and then she started firing at the T-bots.<br/>"It really is you, you are a Gurl" said Speedster (William).<br/>Then Speedster (William) and Sunshine (May) joined hands too and in no time they were done fighting the T-bots. Then Nicholas was nowhere to be seen,<br/>"Now he is nowhere to be seen" said Speedster (William).<br/>"Yeah, now he is gone" said Sunshine (May).<br/>"He is not actually gone" said Julia, then she flew higher and said; "I got the power of<br/>wind, so I could use and control the power of anything that can fly right? (Then Speedster and Sunshine nodded) good, Power of birds' grant me the power of an owl, super night visions" said Julia, then she told Sunshine (May) and Speedster (William) to follow her that she has spotted where Nicholas is.</p>