
The Super Team: Tales of Julia Gurl

Upon Tiran resurrection, the set of heroes has been born to stop Tiran, and their leader is Julia Gurl a 20 year old, most powerful from the Gurl's bloodline and the strongest being in the world of Humans after Tiran, who now wants to end her because she is a threat, will Tiran succeed? Or Julia will destroy him? Julia later finds out an ultimate secret about her existence and the secret of her Crush, she doesn't know whether to love him or not, but she chooses to continue life with her lover, and team now expands from 3 to 5, and Julia is happy about it, she now has a chance of defeating Tiran, but will that be the end of him? Or it is just from one bad state to a worst one, read this book to find out the tales of Julia Gurl AKA Ladylight

Tega_Asadarho · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Evil Unleaashed 1

<p>In a very distant future, Earth became an ultimate target for the destroyer of planets and galaxies, Tiran, Power which could destroy anyone and anything (power of destruction), but prophecy had it that Heroes will rise among mankind to stop and destroy Tiran forever.<br/>Meanwhile, it was about 6:30 am. in treasure City and Mrs. Alice Luca didn't want to get late for work, so she went upstairs to wake Julia who wouldn't respond to the alarm clock.<br/>"Oh! Mom I can still see the moon, come on givem me just for an hour more" said sleepy Julia<br/>"Don't worry you can sleep all you want, but I just wanted you to know that...." said Mrs. Luca calmly but then she shouted, "NO ALLOWANCE FOR THIS WEEK, AND TODAY IS YOUR FIRST DAY AT COLLEGE, YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS IT RIGHT?"<br/>"Oh mum, no allowance for a week? you got to be kidding me I'm up, I'm up" said Julia as she got up quickly and went to prepare for her first day at the University.<br/>All the way to a mother's law firm, she dropped off Julia at the Jet station as her workplace was the opposite direction. Meanwhile, Julia entered a jet to college, as soon as she entered the college, she saw her two best friends from High School, June and Juliet. She was so happy to see them then she wants to meet her friends and they exchange their greetings.<br/>"Hey Julia how is today, first time you came early to school what happened?" said Juliet<br/>"Yeah what happened?" said June<br/>"Well it's this new law firm my mum works for, she asked to leave early for work and all because I didn't get up on time I have been deprived allowance for a week can you imagine that?" said Julia sadly.<br/>"Don't worry, we are friends you can share our allowance with us that's why we are the J's June, Juliet and Julia, best friends forever "said Juliet<br/>"Yeah that's true we are glad to share ours after all we are best friends "said June<br/>"There's no need for that girls, I have texted my dad and he gave me ten thousand dollars for this week, after all he works overseas at England and girls that's not fair, you always put me last in the J's thing, June, Juliet and Julia" said Julia pretending to be upset.<br/>"Alright, since you don't like it I will change it, it's now June, Julia and Juliet" said June jokingly.<br/>"Hey that's not fair" said Juliet also Joking.<br/>"Come on guys, we are in our dream college; 'University of Treasure' girls come on this is year 2090 it is no time to play I am close to being a lawyer" said Julia<br/>"I also want to be a lawyer and I am just a few steps away from achieving my goal" said June jumping with excitement almost falling.<br/>"My dream is to become a doctor, help sick people and teach people how to prevent illness" said Juliet smiling.<br/>"Girl's, don't get over excited we are still in our year one we have a long way to go" said Julia, then she took a look at her watch and then said in shock; "Oh! It's almost 8 am and lectures will begin soon we got to go"<br/>Meanwhile at Alex law firm, where Mrs. Luca (Julia's Mother), a new case came in, it was a bribery case and the head put Mrs. Luca in charge of the case and the pay was high, so Mrs Luca took the case and immediately boarded a plane to Japan. Time flew fast and it was already 5pm, then Julia had closed from school and when she was coming home, when she saw something on the floor, it was a wrist watch that fell out of a man's bag, then she called the man and as soon as she picked the watch to give him back, something pricked her finger, it was almost like a needle, and tiny of her blood dropped on the watch, but she didn't notice, and she gave him back his watch, he thanked her and left smiling strangely which made Julia surprised.<br/>Later that day, she prepared dinner and then she waited for her mum to get back from work, then she got bored and started operating her phone to keep herself busy, then she called June and Juliet on a group video call....<br/>"I'm telling you, I gave him and he smiled strangely like as if he dropped it on purpose" said Julia after she told them about the old man's watch.<br/>"He smiled strangely? Maybe he knew you would give him the watch it looks like he is testing you for something" said June<br/>"Yeah maybe that is true, he wants you to do something for him or he wanted you to pick it up for his benefit" said Juliet.<br/>Then Julia heard a car that sounded just like her mother's, then she hung up and came downstairs to check and she saw no one then she said; "Mum! Mum! This is not a joke" then she heard a noise behind her and when she turned her back, a handkerchief covered her nose and she blacked out. <br/>***<br/>When she woke up, she was in a very big place full of weapons and then she understood that she was not in an ordinary building, she was in a base and she had so many questions on her mind like; 'What base is this? Whose base am I? How did I get here?' but there was no response it was only her in the cold silenced room, she checked her phone but her battery was dead, she tried to escape but there was a force field around her and she inhaled a deep breath and then sat waiting for who brought here here to take her back.<br/>***********<br/><br/>Author's Note<br/><br/>Hello guys ♥️♥️♥️ I hope you enjoyed the chapter 1 of this book, I would be looking forward to your review of this chapter, and also you can discuss more about the book<br/>This is my email: tegadarho@gmail.com<br/>Please do message me. And please vote for me. <br/><br/>Thanks ♥️♥️♥️♥️ to all my reader 💋💋💋</p>