
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Chapter two hundred and ninety eight: the shy Mavis

"Don't be nervous, don't worry about anything, this is the palace, you fell asleep just now."

Irene's voice gradually awakened Mavis, and her consciousness became clear.

"Ah, it seems like this. I remember that an adult said just now that he wanted to teach me magic, and then I went over my head."

Mavis loves his brows and speaks in confusion.

It's just that when his eyes met Irene again, after a slight stunned look, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, he suddenly sat up from the bed, and stammered to Irene.

"Female, female, Her Lady Queen."

Mavis stared at Irene in front of her with jaw-dropping eyes. She never imagined that the first person she saw when she woke up was the supreme queen of her country, "007."

"Don't be so polite, since Loya taught you magic, then we can count as a family.

Irene waved her hand indifferently and said to Mavis with a smile.

"Yes, but

Mavis is still a little out of his mind, a little bit hard to understand what all this is about.

"No need, but tell me, what else happened to you and Loya besides magic,

Irene said enthusiastically, she wanted to know more about Loya's preferences, this is the best way to prescribe the right medicine, isn't it?

"other things?"

"Is that lord Loya?"

Mavis' pure eyes were full of doubts.

Just facing Irene's expectant eyes, she said honestly.

Loya, "Sir, let someone bring me to the palace, and then tell me that you want to teach me magic, but there is one condition that I will create a guild called Fairy Tail in the future."

"After I agreed, he put his finger on my forehead, and a lot of knowledge about magic appeared in my mind."

"And then what?!"

Irene listened excitedly, urging Mavis to continue speaking, she had a hunch that the main event was coming soon.

"Then I fainted."

Seeing this, Mavis spoke weakly.

I always felt that the words in my mouth seemed to be far from what Irene wanted to hear.


"You fainted?"

Irene's expression was stunned, it was completely different from what she thought.

"Well, then I fainted, and when I woke up again, I saw Her Lady Queen.

Mavis had a cautious look on his face, as if he was afraid of being punished for not saying what Irene meant.

"how could this be..

Irene is caught in the middle of the hustle and bustle, and she thinks that there is an indescribable thing between Loya and Mavis.

In the end, Mavis simply fainted.

This is not what she imagined at all.

"Um, Madam Queen…did I do something wrong?"

Mavis said with some trepidation, if he did something wrong, it would be too scary to be punished.

"Wait, let me see you…

Irene seemed to be sounding something at this time, the fire of hope rekindled in her eyes, and then she lifted the quilt over Mavis and looked at the sheets.

A tidy, nothing.

She was a little unwilling to reach out and press on Mavis's legs, as well as the lower abdomen.

"How about it, do you have weak legs, or a feeling of bloating and aching pain in your stomach?"

Mavis didn't dare to resist Irene's actions, he could only blushed like a duckling and lowered his head.

Hearing her words, he subconsciously shook his head and whispered.

"No, nothing at all..

Now that it's all right, the fire of hope in Irene's eyes has completely dissipated.

Up to now, things are not what she imagined at all, and there is absolutely no development in the direction she imagined.

Loya called Mavis, not because of her looks, but because she really had something to do.

When I think about my plan, it will fail before it starts.

Irene's heart was unwilling for a while, and she sat on the bed with some frustration.

Seeing Irene's expression, Mavis hesitated for a while, then slowly leaned forward and said while drinking..

"My Lady, is there anything I might be able to help with?"

Listening to Mavis's words, Irene rubbed her brows in distress and was about to say something. Looking at Mavis' delicate appearance, her heart was still a little moved.


"Speaking of which, you do have one thing that can help me. If you can do it, you will be a hero to the entire Dragunov Kingdom!"

Irene said with oath, and the flickering Mavis was completely fooled.

"A hero?"

Mavis muttered to himself, a gleam in his eyes!

"Yeah, it just takes you next, this, and then that..

Irene moved closer to Mavis and whispered in her ear.

Hearing Irene's words, Mavis's original Bai Zhe's face instantly flushed red, like a red apple, extremely embarrassed.

"Is this all right?"

"Hey, think about it for yourself, I won't force you on this matter.

Irene patted Mavis on the shoulder, signaling her not to be so nervous.

After hesitating for a while, Mavis finally nodded and agreed with a blushing face.

"Lord Queen, I promise you, after all, Lord Loya is also a person of great kindness to me,

To teach magic 3.4, let her from a commoner to have the current life, is a great kindness for anyone.

As a person who changed his life, Mavis naturally has a good impression of Loya in his heart.

Now hearing Irene's words, this does not seem to be unacceptable.

Moreover, Loya is so handsome and handsome, as a girl in her puberty period, she is really like a prince in a dream.

So what Irene said was not difficult for her to accept.

"Then everything is up to you, you must succeed!"

Irene said happily, her eyes filled with joy.

If Mavis succeeds, then the previous plan may really succeed.

At that time, Loya will be able to stay in this time and space for a while longer.