
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 297

Chapter 297: Irene's plan

To teach Mavis magic, this matter, Loya also thinks very clearly.

In the original book, Mavis was also affected by the curse of the god Anxel Raml because of Zeref.

Therefore, he also became an immortal person like Zeref, and at the same time, curses occasionally erupted on his body.

But it is precisely because of this that in the original chapter, Mavis can be seen again on Sirius Island. Otherwise, as the first-generation president, she would have died for a long time.

Now, it is naturally impossible for Loya to make Mavis suffer the same thing. Instead of immortality because of the curse, it is better to let her become a dragon like Irene, and then cross four hundred years to meet him again.

However, Lin Tian is not going to keep the magic such as the law of fairies, and he is also going to pass it on to Mavis.

You must know that Mavis is extremely intelligent and extremely talented, otherwise it would be impossible to create the three super magics such as the law of the goblin.

So in terms of learning, Loya is not worried at all.

Just like when teaching Irene, Loya reached out and gently tapped Mavis' head, pouring all the magic information in his mind into Mavis' mind.

Dragon Slayer Magic, Fairy Law,

All kinds of information kept pouring into Mavis' mind, causing the delicate little Loli to exhale softly for a while.

Seeing this, Loya reached out and stroked her head gently.

"It's okay, just stick with it, it will be over soon."

Hearing Loya's words, Mavis, who was somewhat ignorant, nodded and gritted his teeth, bearing the feeling of a little pain in his head.

Fortunately, as Loya said, this feeling didn't last long and ended.

After the end of the story, Mavis clearly felt that there were many things in his mind.

A lot of knowledge about magic is all in his mind, just like a library, you can read it by yourself.

"The Law of the Dragon Slayer Magic Goblin,

Mavis was immersed in the ocean of magical knowledge in his mind, and muttered to himself subconsciously.

"Okay, don't go to see anything now, just take a good rest, you just received so much knowledge, I believe you are already very tired."

Loya didn't say it was okay, Mavis suddenly felt that everything in front of him became a little blurry.

"What's going on here.."

Before Mavis could finish speaking, his legs softened and he stumbled towards Loya's body.

By the time Loya hugged the little Loli, Mavis had fainted.

"It's really weak.

Looking at Mavis in his arms, Loya said with a slight smile on his face.


But at this moment, Irene suddenly walked in from outside.

The moment he came in, he was stunned when he looked at Mavis in Loya's arms. A blush and an embarrassed look appeared on his face subconsciously, and he pouted softly.

"Am I supposed to come in?"

For the scene in front of him, Loya also looked helpless, and it can only be said that it was too coincidental.

"Things are not what you think they are…

Anyway, the image Loya wants to maintain a bit.

But Irene was obviously thinking crookedly, and waved her hand hastily.

"I don't need to explain anything, I understand, you go on,

Then he turned his head and ran towards the outside like a fly.

When Loya saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched, I understand everything, he doesn't understand himself, how can Irene understand.

Just looking at Mavis in his arms, Loya couldn't just leave her like that, so he picked her up and walked towards the back room.

Irene, who escaped from Loya, blushed like a red apple along the way.

Although between Loya and Loya, many things have already been done.

But after all, she is still just a young girl, and if she wants to talk about herself and Loya, the good thing about seeing Loya now really makes her feel bad.

But other than that, she didn't feel anything else.

Not to mention the idea of accusing Loya of infidelity.

For her, this is what it should be.

Before she took over the throne, the person she admired most was her father.

... ask for flowers ...

In her eyes now, Loya has far surpassed her father in terms of strength and other aspects.

This is the natural king, how can a king have only one woman, just like her father has a harem to accompany her.

So Irene doesn't care about Loya's behavior at all, but thinks this is normal.

"However, can I think of a way to keep Loya here longer?

Thinking of the scene I saw today, Irene's face blushed a little, but an idea came into being at the same time.

That is to choose the right young woman for Loya to go up and down the Dragunov Kingdom.

In this way, maybe Loya will be able to spend more time in his own time and space.


In order to make Loya stay here longer, Irene really doesn't care anymore.

After all, if we were to separate this time, it would be a full four hundred years.

Even if she can become a dragon at that time, it will take more than ten years and a few decades to sleep, but for Irene, who is only a teenager now, it is really too long.

It would be best if Loya could stay longer.

Besides, with her current physical fitness, she can't bear Loya, and every time Loya is not able to enjoy herself very much..

Thinking of this, Irene immediately reached out and covered her blushing and hot cheeks with embarrassment on her face.

It's just the look in his eyes that is extraordinarily firm.

"No matter what, it's decided to let Loya stay here for as long as possible!"

Irene gasped to herself with enthusiasm, how could she know that what was actually happening was completely different from what she thought?

the next day.

After being indoctrinated with magical knowledge the previous day, Mavis had been falling into a drowsiness, until now he was able to wake up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a majestic girl with a bit of glamour appearing in front of him.

"Where is this, you are

Irene watched Mavis wake up with a smile on her face. Husband,