
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: The power of the gods, the rebirth of a broken limb


The future Lucy, looking at Loya in front of him, muttered to himself.

"If Loya doesn't want to, even a dragon can't come out of the Eclipse Gate.

Erza added on the side, as Elza, who had watched Loya push Animus to the ground with a hammer and finally recovered, is qualified to say this.

And at that time, Loya's strength had not been further improved as it is now, and he was able to achieve this level.

Like now, although Erza and others haven't completely seen Loya's shot after his strength has been improved.

But judging from the terrifying pressure he felt in the underground library that day, the dragon was really no longer a threat to the current Loya.

"Well, so there's nothing to worry about.

Loya also said with a smile to the future Lucy.

He knows his own strength the most, as long as he is willing, it is really not a problem to solve the dragon.

You must know that the age of gods existed even earlier than the age of dragons. Compared with the gods, the dragons were just reptiles. Only after the gods gradually disappeared, the dragons slowly began to rise and rule the world.

Before this, all the real masters in the world were all gods, and all other creatures were just ants.

Now that Loya is a god, even if ten thousand dragons attack, he can stand in front of the door of the solar eclipse by himself, and he will be the gatekeeper and ten thousand people will not open it.

So what Lucy is worried about in the future, there is no need to worry about anything at all.

"God, does it really exist?"

Although the future Lucy had a hard time believing what everyone said, but looking at these familiar faces, the future Lucy couldn't say anything to refute.

Seeing the future Lucy seemed a little unbelievable, Loya's mouth slightly raised a smile.

Gently pulling the future Lucy's hand, Loya stretched out his palm to caress her broken arm.

"If that's the case, let's let you experience it yourself, right?"

With that said, the divine power within the body began to surge.

Because of ingesting a curse on Zeref, Loya is also able to control life and death to a certain extent.

For him, the matter of being reborn from a severed limb should not be too simple.

A majestic vitality began to emerge with the activation of the power of God, and a faint green light flashed on Lucy's shoulders.

With the appearance of this greenery, the future Lucy only felt a strong numbness on his shoulders for a while, and this numbness began to turn into a violent itching after a while.

The future Lucy could even clearly feel the flesh and blood on his shoulders growing continuously, as if there were many granulation buds surging.

Loya gently lifted the hood on Future Lucy's body, in full view.

In the future, Lucy's shoulder can be clearly seen, the former section is now starting to grow under the influence of the green light.

A trace of granulation began to grow at the position of the cross section.

The skeleton also began to extend continuously with the trend seen by the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, Lucy, who had broken his arm in the future, has grown an intact arm again.

Looking at the reborn Bai Chen's arm, the future Lucy was completely stunned.

Even Erza and the others showed a look of surprise in their eyes.

But to say the most surprising is Wendy, who possesses healing magic.

You must know that although healing magic can heal, it is only able to heal wounds, and cannot achieve the ability to regenerate a broken limb.

At most, it can stop the bleeding and stabilize the injury. If you want to treat it completely, you need to cooperate with drugs for treatment.

But even in this way, Wendy's role in the battle is beginning to be said to be extremely powerful.

But now, in terms of the "miracles" that Loya exhibited, it's simply nothing.

God Anxel Raml is also a god who holds the authority of life and death, and even has the ability to resurrect and grant eternal life, even if the current Loya has not reached that level.

But there is no problem at all about rebirth from a severed limb.

But for Loya, what is nothing, is almost impossible in this world.

Just like Geer Das, with his strength, it is impossible to recover after a broken hand and a broken leg, and he can only use prosthetic limbs to get the general picture.

Even if Wendy's strength has reached the level of the Twelve Shields, it is impossible to be reborn from a broken limb.

The only thing that can do this is a magic that can go back in time like Ulutiya.

And the time for the amputation can't be too long, otherwise she can't do anything.

Like Loya, it can really be said that it has reached the level of miracles.


The future Lucy stared blankly at his arm and moved subconsciously.

There was no difference from when he was still healthy before, as if the time when he was amputated was like a dream, and it didn't exist at all.

"Wow! Brother Loya is amazing, he was able to do this,

Wendy, who possesses healing magic, was naturally the most shocked, and couldn't help but say in surprise.

"How do you feel? Shouldn't it be any different from before?"

Loya looked at Lucy with a smile and asked.

"Well, it's exactly the same, it's almost like a dream,

Lucy from the future (Nuo Zhaozhao) spoke like a dream, and the whole person didn't seem to have come out of the shock just now.

"However, the newly regenerated limbs still need to get used to it again. If there is any discomfort, let me know, and then I will help you adjust it."

Facing Loya's words, the future Lucy nodded slightly, and the whole person's head was in chaos.

She originally wanted to prevent the opening of the eclipse gate and prevent the tragedy from happening again.

but now,

Inexplicably met Loya, and Erza and the others. After seeing Loya's power, an idea suddenly popped up in the future Lucy's heart.

That is, perhaps this person in front of him can really stop all this, or that these so-called things really do not have any pressure on him.

The dragon, but also so,